Status: HIATUS!



"Okay, I lied!" Alex exclaims.

"Lied about what?"

"I don't know what to do about this situation."

"Ugh. Why didn't you say that earlier. You got my hopes up for nothing."

"I'm sorry, at the moment I thought so. But after I thought about it for awhile I knew I didn't. Please don't hate me."

"I don't hate you, I hate this."

"I'm sorry,dear."

"Yeah me too. Why does my best friend have to be a slut?"

"Whoa. Why would you call her that?"

"Because Matt is attracted to sluts and hello he's attracted to her."

"That's cold though."

"It's true, and you can't deny it."


"Man, I don't know what to do."

He grabs her hand again. "I would say I can help, but I'm useless in this thing."

She looks at him and smiles. "You're not useless just no help."

"Same thing, girl."


She continues to eat her double chocolate fudge brownie sundae. Alex finishes his banana split and gets up to throw it away.

"You want some napkins there, you've got chocolate all over your face. I mean as funny as it looks, I can't let you go around like that."

"Heh. Thanks and sure."

He goes to get her some napkins and comes back with more ice cream.


"I wanted something else so I went for it."

"I see that."

He digs in.
"Ohandhereareyournapkins." he blurts out with a mouth full of food.

"Uhm thanks." she takes the napkins and wipes her face.

"Well I'm ready to go, you can eat that on the way."

"Alright!" he gives her the thumbs up

She walks to the car and gets in.

A few minutes there back at the house. She can see everyone is still on the back patio. Amanda wonders if Liz and Matt are still out there. Or if they went back inside to have more sex. She couldn't tell and this make her stomach uneasy.
Alex must've noticed her worriness.

"I'm sure there still out there. No worries."
He smiles at her.
She works up a very weak smile and gets out of the car.

"Well here goes nothing."

She walks up to the door and goes inside. No one is in the living room or kitchen.
Maybe there still out there after all?
She feels Alex come up beside her.

"See I told you."

"Yeah ,you did."

He goes out the patio door and she follows.
And sure enough Matt and Liz are out there. She is sitting on his lap and he is talking to Rian about something.
This makes her disgusted and she can feel the food coming back up.
And sure enough if does, all over Liz.
♠ ♠ ♠