Status: HIATUS!



Amanda stood there for a few minutes, the vomit taste still lingering on her lips.

"I-I-I'm so sorry."

She runs into the house and goes to the bathroom and slams the door shut.

A few minutes later she hears little taps on it.


"Are you okay?"

It's Alex.

"I'm fine. Well now that I got all the food out of me."

"Yeah we all seen that, but I mean are you okay?"

Amanda opens the door and stands up and hugs Alex and starts crying into his shoulder.

"No, I can't take this. Can't we leave for tour now?"

"Uhm well technically we can't leave until tomorrow at the earliest."

"Great. I'll start packing my stuff."

She runs to her room and gets a huge bag from under her bed.

"You're serious?!"

"Yeah, I'm ready to get the hell out of here."

"I thought you said you could handle this?"

"Well I was way wrong. I mean, if it was some random girl that I didn't know then I know it would be easier for me to break them up and not feel bad about it but it's my best friend.That's different."

"True. "

she smiles at him. "I'm glad you understand, now help me pack."

"Uhm okay, what should I pack? Undies,perhaps?!"

"Whoa, don't think so. You get pants and shirts. I'll get the undergarments."

"Darn." he smiles and heads to her closet.

"And make sure you pick out good stuff too."

"I'm sure all your clothes are good."

"Well not some of them. Like this one puke green top, I must've been drunk when I bought it or something because it's so ugly."

"Haha. Or someone bought it for you."

"Your probably right."

They both look at each other and smile.

"Jack" they say in unison.

"He's the worst clothes shopper for girls."

"Yeah well for us guys, he's pretty good at shopping."

"Lucky, let's switch genders."

"Haha. No."

"Fine, butt!" she throws a shirt at him.

"I am not a butt!"

He hits her with a pillow.

Then it breaks out into a full fledge pillow fight.

Then Matt walks in.

"What's going on here?"

Amanda stops and hurriedly walks over to him. "Nothing! Alex is just helping me pack."


"Yeah, we've decided to leave tomorrow instead of in two day like originally said."


She looks at Alex for help.

He quickly says. "So we can get a head start and get settled in faster."

"Oh, okay. Talk about bad timing though."

"Why?" Amanda asks.

"Me and Liz just started going together and now I have to leave her sooner than I said. She's going to be so crushed."

she looks down at the floor and throws a bra she has in her hand on the bed.
"I'm sure she'll be fine."

Amanda storms out of the room and goes back into the bathroom.

"What's her deal, man?"

"Uhh she's not feeling too good."

"Oh tell her I said get well."

"Yeah sure."

He watches as Matt goes back outside.

Alex neatly folds the clothes into Amanda's bag and then goes to the bathroom door.

"Are you gettin sick again?"

"No, this time I'm just crying my eyes out."

"Aw don't do that."

"Yeah well I can't help it right now. The love of my life is dating my best friend who is as of now a bitch whore."

"Well can I try to cheer you up?"

Silence for a couple seconds then the sound of Amanda blowing her nose.
After that the door opens.

"You can try."

He smiles at her. "Great"

He takes her hand and leads her to the front door.

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me and keep your questions for later."


He takes her to his car and they get inside and he starts driving.
♠ ♠ ♠

sorry for taking so long to update.

COMMENTS would make my day.