Status: HIATUS!



They drive for about a good two hours before he pulls into what appears to be a gravel drive.

"Can I ask a question now?"

"Hmm okay."

"Where are we?"

"Well you remember that place, Rian and I used to go when he got angry or sad?"

"I remember you guys always leaving together and not coming back until like 4 am. But I didn't know where you guys went."

"Well it's nothing special really just a little lake. And it has this bench where we carved our names and used to lay on it and look at the stars and just talk. Talk about everything that was bothering us."

"That's interesting, I thought you guys just went and got drunk."

"Haha. Well sometimes we got a little tipsy but mostly just talked."


"You think it's lame,don't you?"

"Not at all. I'm ready to tell you everything that's bothering me but you have to do the same."

"Alright, deal."

They get out of the car and they walk a little ways to this old moss covered picnic table.
Amanda gets to it first and sees the names carved on it.

"You guys really had some memories here,huh?"

"Yeah, some real bonding moments."

"Haha. You're so cheesy."

She gets on the table and lays down.
"Man you can really see the stars out here. You don't get to see them, living so close to town."

"Yeah,it's pretty epic."

He lays beside her.

"So time to spill your heart love."

"Okay well you already know about Matt and that's pretty much the only thing that's bothering me."

"So let's go more into that."

"Gosh! You sound like a freaking therapist."

"Haha.Thanks. But seriously."

"I don't know, I just wonder why he hasn't tried anything with me? Am I that ugly or something? What's wrong with me?"

He sighs and rolls over and looks at her.
"Well let me tell you something. You are not ugly and there's def nothing wrong with you."

She looks at him and smiles. "Thanks,Alex. But can you tell me why, I mean you're a guy give me some info!"

"Hmm well the best way I can say it is that he playing the best friend thing. And no guy really wants to be all over there best friend."

"Ugh! So I can't be his best friend if I like him?"

"You can, it's just that some guys just think as there girl best friend as another guy and it might be weird for them to date them."

"Oh. Well you say some guys, what about you?"

Alex looks away quickly and he can feel he cheecks getting hot and feel them start to blush.


"Uh well it depends on how close that friend and I were."

"Hm. Well you've got to find out if Matt is like those some guys, that way I can try some moves on him. Or act less like a guys and more like a girl."

"I'll def find out for you."

"Yay! We found a breakthrough. You're so right,Alex this was a perfect spot to cheer me up!"

He feels his heart sink down into his stomach.

"Yeah, yay me."

"So I'm ready to go back now."

She gets up and runs to the car. He gets up a second later and starts the car.

"Oh my gosh! He just texted me."


"Matt! He asked if I was doing alright and if there is anything he can do."


"See? Maybe he is one of those guys that could like there friends."

He looks at her and gives a weak smile.
She beams at him back and continues to text Matt.

-------------THE NEXT DAY-------------

Amanda wakes up around eight in the morning. She is busting with excitement, she quickly gets ready and eats her breakfast.
And by the time she does all this she hears a honk outside.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiian! The bus is here!"

"I'm coming! Calm yourself."

He appears in the living room pulling his suitcase along.

"Sorry. I'm just super excited we are finally leaving!"

"I can tell. I am too this time."

"Yeah only because Kara is coming with you."

"True. Now come on."

She runs in front of him and throws her bag into the luggage part and runs into the bus.

"Matt! Where are you? I'm here!"

"Finally! It was boring without you here."

"I'm so sure."

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready, are you?"

"I'm going to miss,Liz.."

She sighs. "Can you not talk about her on this tour, please. I want to have fun."


"Great! Where's Alex?"

"He's in the back. He hasn't talked to me all day. He just keeps looking the floor when I speak to him."


"Yeah. What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything to him."

"Whatever, girlfriend."

"Matt you do that a little too well."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Haha. Idk."

She runs to the back where Alex is.

"Alex! What's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Then why are you acting like a downer."

"I'm just tired. I'll be fine, just go have fun with Matt."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, just go." he said coldly.

"Uhm okay."

She leaves him.
He lays his head in his hands and closes his eyes.
"This is going to be some tour."
He whispers to himself.
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