Status: HIATUS!



"Are you sure you want me to tell you all about Liz?"

He gives her a questioning look. "Of course! You know her better than anyone."

"Okay then...What do you want to know?"

"Middle name?"

"You don't know it?"


"It's Myrtle."



"That's interesting. What are some of her favorite things?"

'Oh this is too easy.' Amanda thought and smiled to herself.

"She loves to eat her own toenails, lick the sidewalk, and barney."

"Those sound strange. Are you sure?"

"Who knows her better than I do, really?"

"No one."

"Anything else?"

"Favorite food?"


"Eww. That's disgusting. Wait, what is that?"

"It is disgusting, trust me. Or google it."

"I'll do that later. Hmm I can't think of anymore questions. But thanks for answering."

"You're welcome. I hope you learned vital information."

"I did. I think I'm going to go call her and see what she's up to."

"Okay then."

He walks out of the room and Amanda bursts out laughing.
Alex comes in and gives her a strange look.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing."


"So are you feeling better?"

"Sorta. You wanna hang out for awhile?"

"But of course. I love hanging out with you."

"Yay, I like hanging out with you too."

"So what were you and Matt talking about?"

"Oh nothing." she laughs.


"Okay well if I tell you, you gotta promise not to tell anyone."

"I promise."

"I kinda told some fibs about Liz so Matt would think she's disgusting and not want to date her anymore."

"No way! What did you tell him?"

"Well that she eats her own toetails, licks sidewalks, and barney."

Oh wow. What did he say?"

"He was skeptical at first but he totally fell for it."

"Whoa. That's hilarious."

"Yeah. He went and called her now."

"Random call?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Well see."

"You really want them to break up that bad?"

"Yeah, I can't take it."

"Oh. Well I think I'm going to find Jack."

"Okay see ya,Alex."


Amanda is confused by his sudden leaving but doesn't ask why. She just lets him leave.
She gets on the computer and finds a message from Liz on myspace.

Subject: OMFG!!


OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MATT BROKE UP WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And he said that I was gross and I needed to grow up.



Amanda half smiled to herself but felt kind've bad for making Liz sad. She sighed and popped her fingers to get ready to type.

She heard some mumbling and the door opened up.
Matt came in and sat beside her.
Amanda closed the labtop.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Nothing. I broke up with Liz."


"Well you just got me thinking. I could do better."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Do you need a hug?"

"That would be nice."

She stands up and hugs him. He squeezes her into his body. She can't breath but she doesn't dare let go. She enjoys the moment.
A second later he lets go.

"So now we are back on our adventure to find me a girlfriend."

"Oh joy."

"Haha. Don't worry, it won't be that bad."

"We'll see."

He smiles at her.

"Movie time?"

"But of course!"

He goes to the TV and puts in a movie. She exits out the message window and shuts off her labtop and sits by Matt on the couch.

He scoots close and she leans her head on his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't update in a loooooooooooong time.

Comment, please.
