I Am Not Falling For My Kidnapper... Am I?!

I Love You, Don't Leave ME

I wake up a few hours later, and look around. I'm in a bed I realize but manage to calm down before I get too scared. Where is Cal? I wonder looking around the dark room. There's no one here... That's weird. I begin to cry. "Cal," I whisper, "You promised not to leave me!" I sobbed.
Suddenly the door opened and Cal walked in to find me sobbing. "Ana? You're awake? What's wrong, love?" he said kneeling beside me. "Are you in pain? Did something happen?" he asked.
I shook my head, but said nothing, still sobbing and refusing to speak to him, or even look at him.
"What is it?!" he asked urgently. "What is bothering you?!" he reached out to touch my face, but I wouldn't let him. "Ah! That's it you're angry with me?" he asked.
I couldn't hold it in anymore "You left me!" I sobbed. "I woke up and I was all alone and scared! You promised you wouldn't leave me, and you did!!!" I sobbed giving up to being angry and throwing my arms around him. "I thought you had left me!" I sobbed hysterically as he pulled me into his arms.
"Shhh, now, Ana, I had to go to the bathroom. I'm sorry." Cal said holding me close. "I'm here now. If I'd known you were going to wake up I would've stayed but I really had to go to the bathroom." He said holding me tightly. "Please forgive me. And know I would never leave you!" he said softly kissing me. "Please don't ever think that."
"I'll try not Cal." I say softly kissing him back, "But you know it's hard for me to trust. I'm new to this whole having someone care about me... I've spent my whole life wanting to keep away from everyone and now I've finally found someone I want with me all the time and it scares me Cal. Caring about you makes me want to live... I've never really cared before." I said softly trying not to cry. "Please don't leave me Cal. I'm so scared." I said again softly.
Cal looked at me as if I'd suddenly revealed a great secret. "You're afraid he'll find you aren't you?" He asked. I began to cry again as I nodded. "Don't worry Ana, I won't let him find you and if he does I won't let him near you." He said soothingly. "You know I would die before I let him... Or anyone hurt you, don’t you?"
"That's... No... You can't... If... If you die... If you die I die." I sobbed. "You are my life, I wasn't really living before... I had no desire to go on. And if you leave me I will not go on. Don't you leave me! Don't you die on me!" I begged him.
"Don't worry love. I'm not going anywhere and nobody's going to hurt you.” he said softly holding me tight... and I fell asleep in his arms…
♠ ♠ ♠
Will Cal keep his promise to protect her?
Will her father find her?
Will Analise trust him not to leave her?