Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Take Me Away

“Fuck. My. Life.” I grumbled slowly as I threw a sugar packet at an elderly man as he walked by, hitting him in the back but he didn’t feel it any.

Beside me, I heard Steve laugh at my actions as he just stood there doing nothing. I looked over at him blankly and he stared back saying nothing. Frowning deeply, I shook my head before I picked up another sugar packet and threw it at his face. As it hit his nose he chuckled playfully, “Dakota,” He sighed softly.

I made a face as I felt regret in ever hiring him but I was mad at John at the time, I wasn’t thinking clearly.

With the sugar packet that I threw at him in his hands, Steve eyed my cast, “What happened?” He asked as he motioned his head towards my arm.

“Life,” I answered simply, “Fucking life happened.”

“Are you ok? You seem … mad.”

“I’m fuckin’ peachy, thanks for asking Dr. Phil.” I growled then I huffed tiredly not wanting to be here at all. I woke up in a shitty mood this morning, I don’t know if it’s because my arm is stuck in this cast for the next six weeks or if it’s because I’m still here in Tempe. I know I came back for my boyfriend and I want to be with him but I’m miserable here.

I can hear the whispers of his band mates girlfriends, they find me offensive and they don’t get my humor at all. They think I’m a down right bitch and I’m not saying I’m not a bitch but they hardly know me, I guess that’s what bothers me the most.

“You know, you can take off if you want,” Steve assured me, “It’s a pretty slow night, I don’t need much help. I mean, if you want to go home.” He added softly and it was clear by the way he looks at me and the tone of his voice that he has a school boy crush on me.

“Oh she’s fine. Just give her a Midol and a snickers bar. That should cheer her pretty ass up.” I heard John laugh playfully.

I turned my head only to see my boyfriend walking up to the counter with two Starbucks cups in his hands. I smiled happily, “Is one for me?”

“Nope,” He shook his head as he took a sip out of one then a sip out of the other cup, “They’re both mine, I couldn’t decide which iced coffee I wanted.” He said with a serious face.


“Cunt,” He replied happily as he put down a coffee for me, “For you, my love.”

“Thank you,” I grumbled as I took it in my good hand and sipped it, “I needed this.”

“Duh, that’s why I got it.” John mumbled before he sat down at the counter, “What’s up?”

“Nothing,” I said before taking another drink of the cold coffee, “Hating life and throwing sugar.”

“Oh, can I play? That sounds like fun.”

“Yeah, if you want.” I smiled.

He reached over and grabbed a sugar packet then tossed it at my face, “I was right, this is fun.”

“Do it again O’Callaghan, see what happens.”

John grabbed another packet then tossed it at me, “I’m not scared of you,” He taunted, “Well, I am sometimes but right now isn’t one of those times.”

“Stop,” I demanded.

With an intense stare, John studied me before he stood to his feet and walked around the counter. He pushed Steve’s shoulder a little, “Go clean something for a few minutes,” John demanded.

Steve just looked at John then rolled his eyes as he grabbed a wet wash clothes and walked away to clean the tables. Once he was out of hearing range, John wrapped his skinny arms around me, “What’s wrong?” He asked as his lips brushed against my temple.

“I don’t know,” I said as I rested my head against his shoulder, not wanting to tell him that I’m not happy in Tempe.

John gave me a tight squeeze then he let me go, leaning against the counter next to me, “I’m sure you can catch a late flight to LAX,” John mumbled, like he knew what was wrong with me, “You don’t have to stay here, Dakota. I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself.” He assured me.

I stirred the contents of the cup around with my straw but said nothing to my boyfriend, I didn’t look over at him either.

“You don’t need to feel miserable, it’s not worth it. I can make weekend trips over to LA to see you,” He paused, “I’ll be heading over there in January for a month and a half. Don’t stay in Tempe if you don’t want to stay here.”

I finally looked over at him and wrinkled my nose, “I want to stay but then again, I don’t.” I frowned, “Does that make any sense?”

“Yeah,” He nodded then he turned his eyes away from me, “I would be lying if I said that I didn’t want you to stay,” He whispered, “But I’m not going to make you do something you don’t want to do, Dakota.”

“You took me on a boat,” I smirked.

He shot his eyes towards me, “That was before I knew your fear of everything water. That definitely doesn’t count.”

“I was just teasing you,” I sighed, “Take me somewhere,”

“Somewhere like dinner or a movie?”

“No, just … somewhere.” I insisted, “To the desert, to a different state, to Mexico … somewhere.”

“Oh,” He muttered then he stood up straight, “Do I get laid if I do?”

“Depends where you take me,” I laughed, “Plus we haven’t been together very long, why are you trying to get me to put out?” I raised my eyebrows, “I’m not some easy skank.”

“No,” He shook his head, “You’re not,” He agreed before running both hands through my hair, “But the sexual tension is killing you just as much as it’s killing me,”

“If you want to get laid, you have a lot of sweet talking to do, O’Callaghan.” I said with a stern voice but the smile on my face told him that I would probably give in easily.

“Well, I already had practice tonight, there’s no practice tomorrow because Pat is going to be busy with a family function he needs to attend to. I’m not working until Wednesday,” He sighed, “That gives tonight and tomorrow night. We’ll have to go somewhere relatively close.”

“Only if we drive,”

He frowned, “Isn’t that the point? To drive somewhere?”

“I didn’t say we had to drive, I just want to go somewhere … we can drive if you want.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“The ocean,” I answered in a whisper as I played with the hem of his shirt with my good hand.

John looked down at my hand then he looked back into my eyes, “Ok, Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be back,” He insisted as he grabbed his coffee then leaned down, pressing his lips to mine softly, “Can you get off of work?”

I laughed, “Yeah, my Dad isn’t paying me for tonight; he thought I’d just do it out of the kindness of my heart.”

John laughed at me then shook his head, “I’ll be back,” He assured me as he backed away from me and walked around the counter, “Be ready,” He ordered as he grabbed a sugar packet and ripped it open with his teeth, “Ok?”

“Yeah, yeah … get the fuck outta here.”

He laughed then he walked over to a newly cleaned table and poured the sugar onto it, “Hey! Steve you missed a spot!”

“Damn you!” Steve whined as he watched John tossed the empty packet on the table and hurry away laughing. I shook my head with a smile on my face then it faded as I looked at the coffee John brought for me.

“Did you just see that?” Steve questioned as he walked behind the counter with me, “That asshole just poured sugar all over a clean table!”

“Hey!” I snapped, “No one calls my boyfriend an asshole except for me,” I demanded, “And his friends, you don’t fall under those categories so shut it.”

Steve eyed me, “What is your problem?”

“You,” I answered as I grabbed my drink, “I’m leaving for the rest of the night, if you need anything you know where my Dad’s office is.” I said simply then I walked away, heading towards my Dad’s office to tell him that I was leaving.

Just as I got to his door, it opened and my Dad came walking out. Looking at me with a soft frown, he tilted his head, “What are you doing?”

“I came to tell you that I’m leaving,” I said softly.

“Leaving as in going home or just leaving?”

“John and I are going to runaway and never come back,” I joked with a laugh, “But seriously, I’m leaving we are going out of town for a few days. I’ll be back though,”

He eyed me like any concerned father would, “Call me when you get to wherever you’re going so I know you’re alright.”

“I will,” I smiled.

He simply nodded then he continued on to wherever he was going to begin with. Inhaling deeply, I walked back over to the snack counter to see Steve sitting on a stool, pouting, “You’re fucking whiney.” I mumbled.

Steve glanced at me but said nothing as he looked away. I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to him, waiting for my boyfriend to return so we could go get lost together.

This will definitely be the best weekend ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate how much I love you boy, I can't stand how much I need you and I hate how much I love you boy, but I just can't let you go and I hate that I love you so.

Eh ... not much of an update.