Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Window Shopping

Walking along the sidewalk with my Mother as we both window shopped, I found myself stopping in front of a bridal shop, staring at the beautiful wedding dress in the window. Stopping as well, my Mom looked over at me oddly, still not knowing that John and I are engaged. Looking at the dress she smiled gently then came over to me, “It’s beautiful,” She whispered.

I glanced at her silently then nodded as I looked back at the dress.

She sighed softly, “Dakota, do you want to marry that boy?” She questioned.

Blushing deeply, I didn’t answer her at all, I just stayed silent but that was more than enough of an answer for her because she simply laughed softly then wrapped her arm around my shoulders, “When’s the Wedding date?” She knowingly asked.

“Sometime in March,” I answered without hesitation, “Probably more towards the first of the month rather than the last of the month,” I added.

I could feel my Mother’s hazel eyes studying me before she pushed some of my blonde hair behind my ear, “That doesn’t give you much time to plan for much,” She pointed out.

“No, but it gives us more than enough time to plan a small wedding just to get the job done,” I looked over at her and stared in her eyes, “I don’t know, Mom.”

“Don’t know what?” She questioned, frowning softly.

I shrugged my shoulders as I looked back at the dress, “John, he came into my life when I least expected him to, you know?” I mumbled, “Then it happened so quickly, we haven’t been together very long, Mom.”

“You can’t stop love, honey.” She assured me, “If it’s going to happen, it’ll happen quickly. You fall madly in love and it won’t be a gentle fall…”

“It’s hard as fuck,” I cut her off.

She laughed at me and nodded, agreeing, “Yeah,” She sighed, “As long as you two love and respect each other, it’ll work itself out. If you were meant to be, then nothing will keep you two apart.”

“His friends think I’m just a rebound, you know.”

“Fuck his friends,” She ordered as she let me go, “Dakota, if they can’t see the bond that the two of you have then they shouldn’t be his friends at all. I can tell you for a fact you are not a rebound, if you were a rebound he would’ve gotten into your pants and left and he wouldn’t be putting up with you and your shit, Miss. Iliketopunchgranitecountertops.”

I laughed softly then I looked over at her, “Yeah,”

She reached over with both hands and ran them through my hair, “That boy loves you, don’t let anyone tell you any different. I can see it, Dad can see it, your brothers can see it, and I’m sure his family can see it as well. Don’t listen to what anybody else has to say about your relationship, they’re not in it, they don’t know what’s going on.”

I nodded my head, “Ok,”

She smiled happily then walked to the door of the bridal shop, “Shall we look for a dress?”

“Hold on, I need to call John really fast then I’ll be in.”

“Alright,” She said simply before walking inside the store.

I waited until the door was securely shut before I even got my phone out of my purse. I then dialed John’s cell phone number and placed my phone to my ear, listening to it ring, waiting for John to pick up.

“Well, it’s about time,” John said simply, not greeting me at all, “Two damn weeks for leaving you in San Diego,” He huffed in like scolded child, “Not cool, Dakota Mae, not cool at all.”

“I love you,” I said softly.

There was a small pause before he spoke, “I love you too,” He replied sincerely but there was shock in his voice, “Well, that’s a nice surprise,” He added.

“And I miss you,” I added.

“I miss you, more.” He teased, “Who are you and what have you done with my Dakota Mae?”

I smiled as I looked back up at the dress, “I’m looking at a Wedding dress,” I mumbled.

“Ah, I see.” He paused, “That explains everything,”

“It’s beautiful O’Callaghan.”

“Well, don’t make up your mind just yet; shouldn’t you shop around a bit?” He questioned.

“Probably,” I answered, “But this dress is gorgeous, you should see it.”

“We haven’t even planned anything out yet,”

“We’ll plan it all around my dress,” I joked with a soft laugh.

“Some people do,” He insisted.

“When are you coming back?” I asked as I turned my back to the window and watched the cars drive by, “It’s been two weeks, and I’m ready to be back in San Diego with you.”

“Soon,” He assured me, “Very soon, I still have to work some details out with the band.”

I wrinkled my nose but said nothing.

“Don’t you have to come back to Tempe for a follow up appointment for your hand?” John questioned.

“No, I’m going to see a doctor here in LA,”

“So, you’re in LA?”

“Yeah, I’m staying with my Mom until you come back, don’t laugh but I don’t want to be alone at my apartment.” I admitted.

“Soon,” He repeated then he grumbled something to himself that I couldn’t understand, “I gotta go, love.” He informed me, “I’m getting ready to head into work for the last time,”

“Well … alright,” I made a face, “See you soon?” I asked.

“Very soon, promise.”

“Ok,” I frowned, “I love you,”

“Mean it?” John asked and I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” I paused with a smile of my own gracing my lips, “Believe me?”

“I believe you,” He confirmed, “Be good Dakota Mae,”

“Bye, O’Callaghan.”

“Bye,” He mocked then we both hung up.

I put my phone back into my purse then went into the store to find my Mother talking to a lady who looked like she worked here in the store, she may even own it. Hearing the door shut, both women looked over at me and both smiled widely, “Dakota, come get your measurements taken,” My Mom demanded.

“Mom,” I sighed, “I just want to look,” I pointed out.

“That’s fine, but let’s get your measurements taken anyway,” She insisted.

Eyeing my Mother, I let out a sigh of defeat then walked over to them. The un-named lady quickly took my measurements then walked over to the desk while my Mother followed her quickly. I just rolled my eyes knowing that my Mom is going to insist that I get a custom Wedding dress, but I don’t mind wearing something off the rack, it doesn’t bother me like it would most soon-to-be brides.

“Dakota, come over here for a moment.”

I looked over at my Mom, “No, Mom.”

“Get over here,” She ordered sternly.

Making a face at her, I walked over and stood next to her at the counter. The lady looked at me and smiled, “Your Mom told me you like that dress in the window,” She said simply.

I shrugged then nodded, confirming the fact, “Yeah, it’s breath taking. Did you design it?”

“No, my husband did, he designs everything in this store,” She smiled.

I returned her smile then I looked at my Mom. My Mom simply laughed at me, “Tell her what you want and he’ll design you a Wedding dress, don’t worry about the price, I’m paying for it.”

Frowning deeply, I said nothing.

“Don’t you dare protest Dakota Mae,” She ordered, “You’re my only daughter that’ll get married,” She pointed out, “Let me do this.”

Biting my lip nervously I looked back at the lady then quietly began to tell her that I wanted something white, strapless, simple yet breath taking and elegant. I didn’t want a bunch of nonsense going on. Once she had gathered all the details that she needed from me, she told my mother and I that her husband should have a drawing for me in a couple of days and that she’d call when it was ready so I could approve it.

Back out under the southern California sun, my Mom glanced at me before she looked over at the traffic driving by, “Does Dad know?”

“No, you’re the first to know well besides Kyle, I didn’t even have to tell him a damn thing and he figured it out.”

She laughed, “Where’s your ring,”

“I don’t have one yet, I don’t want one until I’m better,” I mumbled as I lifted up my hand.

“Have you even looked at rings?”

“Nope,” I shook my head, “That dress was the first thing wedding related that I’ve done besides agreeing to marry John,” I laughed, “Oh and setting the wedding month,”

“Does John know what he just got himself into?”

“I’m pretty sure he understands,” I shrugged jokingly then I fell quiet as I thought about John and his touch, smell and the way his voice sounds in person. Turning to my Mom, I made my blue eyes wide, “Can you take me to the airport?”


“I’m going to Tempe,” I frowned.

“Alright,” She looked at my clothes then up at my eyes, “Do you need to go home and get some clothes? Or are you going to wear shorts, converse and a v-neck shirt that I’m guessing to be John’s the whole time you’re there.”

“I got stuff at Dad’s.” I assured her, “I need to go, now.”

“Alright,” She said once more then dug around in her purse for her car keys, “Let’s go,” She insisted as she turned around as we started to walk back in the direction we just came from to get back to her car.

I need to see John.


“He’s up in his room,” John’s Father said to me softly then he smiled a bit, “I’m not sure if he’s awake though,”

“That’s alright,” I said kindly, “Thank you,” I added then I slowly climbed the stairs of my fiancé’s parents house. When I came to John’s closed bedroom door, I lifted my hand getting to knock but decided against it last minute and just opened the door.

Looking inside of the dimly lit room, I smiled softly when I saw John over at his desk, messing around with his computer while music quietly played. Entering the room all the way, I shut the door once more thanking the heavens above that it doesn’t make any noise when being opened and shut.

Glancing back over at John, I smiled more when I noticed that he was in just a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. His hair looked wet meaning he probably just got out of the shower and was minutes away from heading to bed.

“You know, if you weren’t my fiancé, you sneaking into my room would be extremely creepy.” John said without even looking back at me, “I knew you were here when you called a rock on the sidewalk a cunt for tripping you.” John laughed softly then glanced over his shoulder, “My window is open, I heard your car pull up too.”

I blushed, “I guess I’m horrible a surprises,”

“No no, you’re great at them, just horrible at sneaking around.” He let out a sigh then looked back at his computer, “Why are you here Dakota Mae?”

“I missed you,” I informed him as I put my purse down on the end of his bed then walked over to him, “I can go if you don’t want me here,”

“I never said anything about not wanting you here,” He grumbled as he turned his attention to me once more, standing to his feet and wrapping his arms around my body tightly.

“I designed a Wedding dress,” I whispered.

John backed away, “You designed it?”

“Well no, I just told the lady what I wanted, her husband is the one designing it and making it. They took my measurements and everything,” I stared up into his eyes, “It’s official now O’Callaghan, can you handle me?”

John playfully smirked then nodded his head simply, “Of course,” He turned to his computer and turned it off before he ran both hands through my hair, “Don’t get all pissy with me but I saw Jessica at best buy today when I was working,”

I glared meanly at the sound of her name.

“She wanted me to pass along a message to you, she wants you to call her.”

“She doesn’t want that,” I insisted.

“She does,”

“No, she doesn’t.” I shook my head, “I’m mean, I’m a bitch and I’ll tear her apart.”

John laughed then he shook his head before walking by me and to his bed, “Did you come to snuggle with me?” He asked softly as he pulled back the covers on his bed and laid down, “Because if you came here just to be an unloving bitch, you can leave until the morning when I’ll be in the mood to fight back,”

I frowned at him then I walked over to the bed as well, pushing my shorts down to the floor before getting in bed with my fiancé, “No, I came to be lovey,” I mumbled, “But if you tell anybody about this I’ll hurt you.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” He laughed before wrapping his arms around me, “I think you should talk to her,”

“I don’t want to,” I said stubbornly as I relaxed.

“How long are you staying?” John whispered as he managed to tug my shirt off.

“I don’t know,”

“Oh,” He whispered then he quickly got my bra off of me before he settled into the bed once more. Touching his lips to mine, John kissed me passionately for a few minutes before he pulled away and eyed me heavily, “You’re sleepy,” He pointed out the obvious.

I nodded with heavy eyes, “Yeah,”

John tugged the covers up around us more then cuddled into me closely while I clung to his body like it would be the death of me if I ever let him go, “Sweet dreams, Dakota Mae,” John whispered just as my eyes finally closed against my will, “I love you,”

“Mean it?” I muttered.

“Cross my heart and hope to die. Believe me?”

I smiled a little as I felt sleep taking my body hostage, “I believe you,” I managed to whisper back.

“Good night,” John mumbled softly then after that my world became quiet as I fell deeper into sleep with John’s arms around me securely. There isn’t any other place I’d rather be falling asleep right now than right here with the boy that I’m going to marry.
♠ ♠ ♠
My cowboy boots they don't seem to fool not anyone, not even you. I've got an old suitcase, that's full of my old ways, but I tossed it away and I swallowed that key