Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Parking Lot Fights

Sitting in my car, I watched as my fiancé and her once best friend argued in the middle of the parking lot at the restaurant that Dakota decided to meet Jessica at. Since the beginning of the meal emotions were running high and it was obvious that this spat wouldn’t get resolved today, it may not get resolved at all. Knowing Dakota, she can hold quite the grudge so can Jessica. I’d hate to see their friendship end over something so petty but apparently, it isn’t petty to them.

“Dude, should you go break them up?” Jake asked from the back seat of my car.

I glanced over my shoulder to see him and Katie watching Dakota intently. I turned back around and looked at my fiancé, “No, they’re fine,” I insisted simply, knowing damn well I was lying because they were on the verge of a full on fist fight but if that’s what it takes for them to get over it, then so be it; let them duke it out.

“I’m worried for Jessica,” Katie spoke up, “Dakota may be small and fragile looking but I bet she could take her.”

“She can,” I confirmed, “She grew up with two older brothers, she can handle her own.” I paused for a second, “Trust me, she’s a lot stronger than she looks.”

“Has she taken a couple swings at you?” Jake teased.

I sighed, “Maybe,” I smirked but said nothing more as I turned my attention to Dakota and Jessica who were getting cautious glances from people passing by but no one bothered to interrupt them either.

“What is this fight about anyway?” Katie questioned.

“Um, back when Dakota and I started dating Jessica said some shit she shouldn’t have, Dakota got moody and punched a counter then shit just rolled down hill from there. Jessica doesn’t like the idea of Dakota and I, she’s convinced that Dakota is a rebound relationship from Peyton.”

“Jessica doesn’t know shit,” Jake growled, “She’s always been a fucking drama seeker, she’s a bitch … how the hell does she know how you and Dakota feel about each other? And if she really knew you, she’d know damn well Dakota is the furthest thing from a rebound … forgive me for saying this but you’re more in love with her than you were with Peyton.” Jake insisted, “You never put up with Peyton’s shit like you do Dakota,” He mumbled.

I glanced back at my brother, “I loved Peyton,”

“I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that Dakota seems to fit you better. You and Peyton were too perfect, you know?” He tilted his head a bit.

“He’s right, you two were too perfect, you hardly fought and that isn’t healthy for a relationship. You settled too much with Peyton you don’t settle with Dakota. She keeps you on your toes and keeps your attention.”

I sighed then I looked back at Dakota, “Dakota is far from perfect,” I mumbled.

“That’s what we mean,” Jake muttered, “Dakota is just as broken as you are, you two are helping each other, you two just happened, there was no stopping it.”

I nodded agreeing with him then I gasped softly when I saw Jessica take a swing at Dakota and her fist hit the side of Dakota’s face.

“Oh shit,” I muttered before I quickly got out of my car and rushed over to the girls and grabbed my fiancé just as she swung back at Jessica, taking the hit square in my jaw.

“Let me the fuck go!” Dakota screamed as she wiggled around in my arms as I growled with pain and pushed her back more, “O’Callaghan if you don’t let me go, I’ll fucking hurt you!”

“You already fucking did!” I screamed back at her then I bent down and picked the petite girl up, tossing her over my shoulder and holding the back of her white sundress down so no one could get a glance up her dress.

“Put me down!” She demanded as she hit my back with her balled up fist and her hard cast while kicked her feet around, “Damnit, O’Callaghan!” She growled.

Once I was quite a ways away, I set my fiancé down on her feet but kept a hold on her good wrist while I spat out the blood from my mouth, “Fuck you, Dakota Mae.” I growled.

“That’s what you get for stepping in front of my fist, asshole.” She snapped back with no regret in her voice.

I looked at the pretty girl and frowned, “What is wrong with you?”

“She threw the first punch!” Dakota defended, “And I don’t fucking take a hit and not fight back. I’m not some pussy bitch,” She hissed, her language even worse now that she’s mad.

I stared at her some more then I reached up and touched the red area on her face where Jessica had punched her, “You ok?” I mumbled with concern.

She just nodded then sighed loudly, “You?”

“I’ll live,” I assured then I looked over at Jessica to see Jake pushing her towards her car, encouraging her to leave, “So, I’m taking it that you two are still not friends?”

“Something like that,” Dakota confirmed then she looked back up at me, “You’re still bleeding,” She pointed out.

I leaned away and spat once more and it was just a red as the first time I spat, “You throw a fucking good punch,” I insisted then I spat once more, “I think there’s a chunk missing from my cheek,” I admitted as I ran my tongue over the inside of my cheek.

“She’s gone!” Jake called out, gaining my attention.

I looked over at him then I dropped Dakota’s wrist, “You fucking bitch,” I mumbled playfully not being able to be too mad, I did step in front of her fist, it’s my fault I got hit.

“Watch it, I’ll punch you again.” Dakota said back as she began walking towards my car that Jake was getting back into. I shook my head before following my fiancé.

Once in my car and on our way back to my house, the car was silent and the only thing to be heard was the radio. I think that Jake and Katie were almost too scared to talk and my jaw was screaming with pain so I chose not to speak unless I needed to. Dakota was still upset and I’ve noticed that she doesn’t speak too much when she’s pissed off.

At home, Jake and Katie were quick to get inside the house while Dakota and I stayed out front. Sitting on the porch, I watched as Dakota paced around the yard, thinking deeply. Everyone once in a while she’d reach up and touch her battle wound before dropping her hand back to her side.

Wrinkling my nose, I felt horrible for her knowing that she’s bummed out about the whole situation. Dakota has friends over in California but I think that Jessica was her only best friend that truly knew her and knew what she is about, so this can’t be easy on her at all.

Finally, Dakota made her way up towards me then sat down on my lap, facing me, “How’s that jaw?”

“It’s been better,” I insisted.

Dakota made a sad face then leaned in and gently made a trail of kisses along my jaw where she had hit me. I closed my eyes as I took this in while I gently slide my hands up her dress and onto her thighs, “I’m sorry that you two are fighting,” I whispered, “I feel really bad about it all.”

“Don’t,” Dakota assured me as she backed away from me a bit, “She is convinced that I’m just going to end up hurting you or vice versa, I think she just doesn’t like the idea of you being with anyone that isn’t … you know,”

“I know,” I nodded.

“And it’s a bunch of other shit too, maybe we weren’t as close as I thought we were, if she can’t be happy for me then why even try?” Dakota questioned with a cute tilt of her head before she leaned back in and kissed my jaw once more.

“Well, her loss right?” I forced a smile.

“Yeah,” Dakota agreed before she wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I moved my hands from her thigh so I could wrap my arms around her as well, holding her close, “This sucks,” She whispered to me in a weak voice.

“I know,”

Dakota sighed softly before she nuzzled her head into my neck a bit, “You still love me, huh?”

“Of course,” I played with her hair a little, “I’ll never stop loving you, promise.”

Dakota backed away from me and inhaled deeply before she smiled a little, “You got a nice little shiner,”

“So do you,” I reached up and caressed her cheek before shaking my head, “She gave you a black eye, I didn’t realize that she hit you that far up,”

“I’ll live,” Dakota smirked, “If anyone asks, I’ll just say my fiancé hits me,” She joked.

“Not cool,” I shook my head, “At all.”

She laughed cutely before wrinkling her nose, “I have no friends over here now, at all.”

“What about me?”

“You’re my fiancé,”

“And your friend,” I assured her, “And Jake and Katie … the guys if you’d ever take the time to get to know them.”

She shrugged, “I like my friends in California better,”

“Of course … everything is better in California.”

“It is,” She insisted, “Even the sex,”

“How would you know?” I questioned, “We haven’t had sex here yet.”

“Past experiences,”

I raised my eyebrows, “Well, I don’t want to hear about you fucking another guy,”

“Jealous?” She smirked.

“Yes,” I admitted, “What do you say to a quiet afternoon locked away in my room watching DVDs?”

“I say that sounds perfect,” Dakota smiled.

“But there’s a catch,” I mumbled.


“No clothes,”

“You’re a horny boy, you know it?”

“I know, what can I say though? You owe me any way, you hit me.”

“Guilt trip me,” Dakota rolled her eyes then stood up, “Well, let’s get this over with,” She joked as she started towards the front door.

“Hey, love …”

She looked at me, “What?”

“I love you,”

She smiled, “Cross your heart and hope to die?”

“Yes,” I nodded, “Cross my heart and hope to die; believe me?”

“I believe you,” She grinned cutely then opened the door to my house and walked in, “Are you coming?” She questioned.

I stood to my feet and followed her in, “Of course,” I assured her as I shut the door behind me and caught up to her at the stairs. Taking her hand in mine, I let her lead the way to my room.

I don’t know if Dakota and Jessica can ever be friends again but I do know that Dakota will be ok and we’ll have a happy relationship together, if Jessica can’t understand that, it’s her loss not ours.
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Oh hey there little one, I wanna hear it from your mouth are we having fun?