Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?


“Where’s Dakota?” Jake mumbled as he walked into my room.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know, her things are still here … but she isnt, her car is gone too.”

“Call her,”

I reached over to my nightstand and picked my fiancé’s cell phone up, “Tried that,”

Jake lowered his head, “Listen, Johno … I’m really sorr—“

“Save it, Jacob,” I ordered, “What’s done is done and now our parents think I’m addicted to fucking cocaine. Mom can’t even look at me and Dad has been chewing my ass out non-stop since yesterday afternoon, to make matter’s worse, Dakota left, just walked out without a goodbye or anything; I’m fucking worried sick about her.”

Jake sat down next to me on my bed and frowned, “I honestly just started … and Katie went with me today to sign up for a program through the church for … this sorta thing.”

“This sorta thing?” I mocked with a glare, “Jacob, you have no idea how fucking serious this is, do you?” I sat up and shook my head, “What if the football team decides to randomly drug test you tomorrow? Then what? You get busted for drugs, locked up for the night down at the police station … Mom and Dad will think I got you hooked, then your life is fucked as well as mine.” I rubbed my face, “How could you have been so fucking stupid, you have everything … and a fucking amazing girlfriend; Katie would do anything for you.”

“I know,” Jake nodded then he stood to his feet, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to say …”

“Just leave me alone, I know it was my fault for taking the blame but I’m regretting it and I shouldn’t have bailed you out, you have never done anything like that for me, ever.”

Jake eyed me for a moment before he walked out of my room, leaving the door open. Once he was out of site, I flopped back onto my bed and rubbed my sore, itchy eyes as I thought about Dakota and where she might be. The girl is fucking insane and sometimes I think she could be bi-polar, I have no idea where she would’ve gone and if she’s expecting me to go after her.

“John,” My Dad said sternly as he walked in and looked at me, “I love you,” He whispered, “And what you did for Jake was stupid but I understand … sorta.”

I sat up and eyed him intently, “What?”

“Dakota called me,” He narrowed his eyes a little, “Play along for me, will you?”

“What are you even talking about? Where’s Dakota Mae?” I growled the last bit, wanting to know where my fiancé was.

“Mom and I have been thinking this through since last night and we feel this is what needs to be done,” He said, his voice booming with volume like it does when he’s scolding or lecturing me, “I called off your Wedding for you, and I’ve called the police station.”

I stood to my feet and eyed him intently, it was then I figured out what was going on. Dakota opened her big mouth to my parents and her being missing is apart of their ‘plan’. “What?” I mumbled, going along with it.

“Officer Jackson is downstairs right now, he’s going to put you under arrest and book you.”

“No,” I shook my head as I walked passed my Father and started towards the stairs, “I’m not going to fucking jail!” I wailed with anger, loud enough so Jake could hear me no matter where he was in the house, “They can’t prove shit!” I exclaimed as I finished the stairs and entered the living room only to see a guy in a police uniform, though he looked legit I knew he couldn’t be because there’s no way my parents would turn myself or Jake into the police not for something as petty as this situation at least.

“John O’Callaghan, you’re under arrest,” The guy said simply as he made a move towards me.

“Fuck you!” I growled. Then right after that I felt like a ton of bricks hit me in the back and suddenly I was on the ground, being yelled at, something about resisting arrest and whoever had me pinned to the ground was great at acting because true tears of pain flooded my eyes as he pulled my arms back and his knee was jabbed into my back.

“Stop!” Jake screamed loudly, “Just fucking stop, it wasn’t Johno’s, it was mine!” He wailed with fear in his voice.

After those words were spoken, the weight of the man was lifted then I was being helped to my feet, “Fuck,” I whined like a wounded child as my entire body throbbed with pain, “That wasn’t called for,” I added as I wiped away my tears and looked at the man that had pinned me down, needless to say he wasn’t a skinny guy.

My parents stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Jake with disappointment, “Why would you let your brother take the fall for something this big … for something you did?” My Dad questioned then he turned to me, “John, Dakota is out front,” He said simply.

I nodded as I rubbed my wrist and walked outside, shutting the front door behind myself. Standing there on the edge of the porch was a petite brunette that had the body of my Dakota Mae but not the hair. No, it wasn’t long and blonde it was short and choppy and very very brunette, a pretty brunette but still not as gorgeous as the blonde was.

“Dakota Mae,” I whispered softly.

Turning on her heel, Dakota turned to me and the intensity of her blue eyes has been dialed up a few notches. Her dark hair makes her eyes pop and I am once again breathless and speechless by her baby blues, “Do you hate it?” She asked with a worried look on her face, “I know what you’re thinking, I dyed my hair because of this situation and blah blah blah, but I already had the appointment made and the plans confirmed … I actually thought about canceling the appointment because of everything but then I said fuck it because if my dumb asshole of a fiancé wants to take the heat for being a drug user, it isn’t my fault and I shouldn’t have to rearrange my life because he wasn’t thinking clearly.” She said quickly and in one breath of air … ok, maybe two breaths of air but it was very quick.

Staring at her for a moment, letting myself grasp onto everything, I tilted my head to the side and reached over, running my hand through her hair, “It’s beautiful,” I whispered, not being able to tear my gaze from her gripping stare.

“You look … like you’re in a trance,” Dakota pointed out, “Did that guy hit your head too hard because if he did, I’ll fuck him up, it was all supposed to be for show in there.”

I shook my head, finally forcing myself to look away from her eyes, “No,” I laughed a little then I pulled her into my arms, hugging her tightly, “Could’ve called, asshole.” I grumbled.

“I couldn’t,” She insisted, “It would’ve thrown everything off,” She added then looked up at me, pouting her lips, “My hair, O’Callaghan, what do you think of my hair? Should I make another appointment next week to change it back to blonde?”

“No,” I said a little too quickly, then I laughed awkwardly playing it off, “I like your hair, you didn’t have to go so short with it, but the color suits you.”

“I’m a natural blonde,”

“I know, but you don’t act like a blonde,” I mumbled, “And those eyes,” I whispered under my breath as I lifted my hand and gently traced her skin just under her left eye with my index finger, “You can make me do anything with those eyes,” I admitted still whispering.

Dakota’s look turned innocent almost as she stared up at me then she grinned cutely, “Did you just cry?” She questioned, changing the subject.

I frowned at her, bummed that she ruined a moment then I nodded, “Yeah, it hurt.”

“Pussy bitch,” She teased.

“I’ll show you pussy bitch,” I laughed as I bent down and grabbed her at the waist, throwing her over my shoulder as I ran off of the porch, laughing insanely as I spun around in the middle of my front yard with Dakota screaming curse words at me all while laughing like a little school girl experiencing her first crush.

“Put me down!” Dakota finally demanded, still laughing.

Listening to her demand, I put her down but let her go before my dizzy fiancé gained her balance, causing her to fall on her ass, “O’Callaghan!” She yelped before she reached up, grabbed my hand and pulled me down with her before placing her hands on my chest and pushing me to the ground, pinning me down as she climbed on top of me.

Straddling my hips, Dakota kept her hands firmly on my chest as she looked down at me with a playful spark in her eyes that challenged me to try and get out of her hold, she was silently daring me but I gave me and just laid there much to her disappointment, “So, I take it you’re not mad at me anymore?” I mumbled.

“I was never mad at you, I was pissed at Jake for not manning up and taking responsibility … I was a bit upset at you but it wasn’t anything serious,” She assured me.

I nodded my head but said nothing.

“Were you worried?”

“Yes,” My answer was simple and blunt.

Dakota made a cute face before she huffed, “Sorry,”

“Don’t be,” I smiled then I bit my lip as her eyes caught my undivided attention once more and my smile faded.

“John, you’re doing it again.” Dakota pointed out.

Staying silent for a few seconds, I spoke softly, “I want to taste you like you wouldn’t believe,” I admitted, “I need you,” I added.

Dakota gave me a very soft smile before she leaned down and lightly touched her lips to mine before she backed away, “You’re a horny boy,” She insisted but I just shook my head, disagreeing with her. This feeling I was having right now wasn’t my normal horny self, it was different. It’s hard to explain but I just need her, I need to feel that emotional connection that we get only when we have physical contact.

Standing to her feet, Dakota took a step away from me before offering her good hand out to me, “C’mon, let’s runaway for the rest of the day so I can tell you all about my last forty eight hours,” She suggested, “It’s real interesting,”

I took her hand and stood up, “I should go in and tell everyone I’m leaving,” I insisted.

“No,” Dakota shook her head with a serious face, “They need time alone,” She tugged me towards her car, “I’ll drive,” She informed me.

“Oh god, please save me now.” I teased as I bumped my hip into hers.

Pushing me away playfully, Dakota rolled her breath taking eyes and walked to the drivers side of her car but said nothing in response. I climbed into the car and looked over at the girl I’m going to be marrying, the girl who is going to be the mother of my unborn children, the only girl that I have whole heartedly wanted to grow old with.

As Dakota put the car in gear and slowly drove away from my parents house, I reached over the console and placed my hand on her thigh gently, tracing her bare thigh as I watched my fingers dance across her skin and amazed at how short her shorts look when she’s sitting.

“Are you listening?” Dakota questioned.

“What?” I frowned as I looked up at her face, “No, I wasn’t listening.” I said honestly.

“I said that we have an appointment with the country club up in Scottsdale, that’s where we’re going now. I had to reschedule it yesterday to today, and I don’t want it at the hotel,” She glanced at me then back at the road, “Do you if we don’t get married at the hotel?”

“I didn’t want it there either,” I admitted, “I was just going along with my Mom,”

“Ok, good … It’s just I don’t want to get married in a hotel, no matter how beautiful it is.”

I nodded my head then I closed my eyes, “Are you sure you’re not mad?” I mumbled.

“I’m sure,” Dakota insisted then I felt her lace her fingers with my hand that was on her thigh, “But if you fucking keep asking me, I’m gonna get mad.”

I smiled but didn’t open my eyes as I felt all my stress from the last day and a half just melt away and it was replaced with a calm feeling, a feeling that told me everything was going to end up how it was supposed to and that everything is alright.
♠ ♠ ♠
So tie me up, take my pulse before I lose control.