Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?


“Are you nervous?” I asked my fiancé as I took his hands in mine and I smiled up at him.

John nodded a bit as he lifted our hands a bit and examined my new cast that my Doctor gave me earlier today. He took my hard cast off and gave me a removable one, trusting that I would wear it for the proper amount of hours a day. Lightly, John kissed my ring finger wear my engagement ring is supposed to be, “Can I buy you a ring now?” He questioned, “Since you have that other cast off?”

I just smile and nodded.

“Good,” He grinned shyly then he lowered our hands as something else caught his attention, making him look over my shoulder before he smiled happily and let my hands go completely, “I’ll be right back,” John whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on the corner of my lips then he walked away from me without giving me a chance to question his actions.

Turning on my heel, I followed John’s movements and watched as he walked about twenty feet away from me then engulfed a pretty girl in a tight hug. I would’ve normally gotten mad at this but I recognized the pretty girl to be his cousin Delaney. Delaney smiled over at me and waved a bit, I mirrored her actions then she looked back at John and pointed to another girl standing next to her. John then turned to the other girl, extended his hand while he exchanged some polite words.

“That’s Lacey,” A girl said from next to me.

I looked over only to see Kennedy’s girlfriend, Jaycee, standing there. She’s the only one out of the guys’ girlfriends that has taken a liking to me and I think it’s because she was in my position a mere six months ago when her and Kennedy started dating. Jaycee is from California as well, but she’s from Sacramento, “Who’s Lacey?” I mumbled, knowing the name rang a bell.

“You were there,” She looked at me, “That was the night Johno met you at the bowling alley, or so I’m told.” Jaycee informed me, “It’s a girl that Delaney tried to hook him up with for the last year of his life.”

“John told me that she hooked him up with a bunch of girls,”

“She did, but Lacey was the one she really wanted him with but John kept turning her down and eventually she got a boyfriend then they broke up or something like that then they went on that date and you stole Johno.” She laughed then nudged me, “Without even trying.”

I blushed deeply but said nothing as I studied Lacey, “Is she still single?”

“Uh, I think so … I don’t see much of anyone around here. When I am out here, I’m up in Scottsdale at my Grandparents house most of the time. I’ve been here two weeks and it’s the first time that I’ve been out,” She shook her head, “I’ve been at Kennedy’s or my Grandparents.”

I wrinkled my nose then I looked at Jaycee, “Did you hear about Jake?” I whispered.

“Yeah, Kennedy told me.” She insisted, “Is everything ok at the O’Callaghan household?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t been back since the day he admitted the drugs were his,” I bit my lip, “I’ve been at my Dad’s house, John has too. I don’t know what Jake’s problem was, peer pressure I guess.”

“Jake’s always been … wild compared to Johno apparently.”

“Well, rumor has it John can get pretty out of control,” I laughed.

“I know and that’s what’s scary,” She shook her head then looked over her shoulder at the other girls, “They’ve been talking about you,” She mumbled.

“So? Let them talk,” I grumbled with disgust, “They don’t know me,”

“When the guys go out on tour in the New Year, they’re gonna vote against you touring with them, you know that right?”

“They’re not in the band, they have no say.” I frowned.

“No, but they have control over their boyfriends … especially Annie. She and Garrett have been together since sixth grade, they’re practically married and if she doesn’t like you, the others won’t like you.”

“That’s bullshit,” I shrugged, “If I want to tour with John, I’ll fucking tour with him … I don’t need to be in some shitty van, I’ll drive my own car.”

Jaycee laughed then looked at me once again, “When’s the Wedding?”

“March Eighth,” I answered with a smile, “I’m pretty damn excited to tell you the truth,”

“I bet,”

“I have to go home soon though, I have a bunch of shit to do over in San Diego before I can even think about having a Wedding here in Arizona.”

“Where are you gonna have it?”

“Scottsdale at the country club, it works out because that was John’s Mom’s second choice for the Wedding, my Dad knows the owner and there’s nothing too breakable there just in case my brothers decide to get a little rowdy they can’t do too much damage.”

“Sounds great,” Jaycee insisted then she sighed as one of the girls called out her name, “I’ll talk to you later,” She assured me then walked away.

I watched as she walked away, not really trusting her but not wanting to burn my bridges because I know that it’s a big deal to John for me to get along with his band members and their girlfriends, I need to behave myself around them, for John’s sake.

“Love,” John mumbled as he walked up to me and turned my face so I was looking at him.

“What?” I asked.

“There’s a party out at Town Lake tonight after the show, I think I’m gonna go … do you want to go?” He questioned me with loving eyes, “I know that it’s not really your thing because it’s … well, it’s at a lake but I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.” He assured.

“No, you go,” I smiled, “I want to head back to my Dad’s and get some sleep.” I nodded.

“You don’t wanna go have a few drinks?”

“Not really, I have a big day tomorrow. Not only did I tell my Dad I’d work at the bowling alley, but I have a few friends flying in from San Diego and LA,”

“Right … Lilly, Michelle and Dane, right?”

I nodded excitedly, eager to have John meet my best friends, “Yes, and I’m gonna go show them the country club before I have to work, and take them out to lunch,” I informed him, “Lilly and Michelle are gonna duke it out because they both want to be my Maids of Honor,” I laughed, “It’ll be interesting, I told them that I didn’t want to pick so they had to settle it between themselves.”

John laughed and sighed, “You’re silly,” He mumbled then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, “Well then I’ll give you these and I’ll just ride with Delaney to the lake,”

I took his keys from his hand and stared up into his eyes, “Don’t get wasted then decide to go swimming and drown,”

He shook his head, “I won’t, promise. I won’t even go in the water, I just want to drink and hang out around the fire.”

“Call me if you need a ride.”

John smiled down at me, “Are you worrying Dakota Mae?” He teased.

I just looked up at him blankly because he already knew the answer to that question. John’s smile faded before he leaned down just enough to kiss me, “Do you want me to go to my house or your Dad’s house after the party?”

“My Dad’s,” I demanded, “I want to know you’re fine.”

He chuckled then he backed away a bit, “You look beautiful tonight, have I told you that?” He questioned as he eyed my black sundress, “Those dresses really do fit you well,”

“I love my dresses,” I pointed out, “Thank you.”

“Are you gonna sing along to my songs?”

“Nope,” I shook my head, “I’m gonna heckle you,”

“Don’t,” John mumbled.

“I know, you’re nervous enough, you don’t need me being a smartass.”

Slowly, John wrapped his arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back; finding comfort in this loud place, “I love you,” I mumbled to him, “Cross my heart and hope to die … believe me?” I questioned.

“I believe you,” John whispered back, “I love you too, you know it?”

“I know,” I looked up at him, “Do good up there, and remember to face the crowd don’t turn your back … just have a good time, O’Callaghan.”

“Stand where I can see you,” He ordered.

“I will,”

“Sing along,” He added.

I smirked, “I will,” I admitted, knowing that I will sing along.

“Scream really loud and make it seem like we’re better than we are.”

“I’ll be the loudest,” I insisted, “I’m your biggest fan,”

“Mean it?”

“Promise,” I assured him then I stood on my tip toes and lightly touched my lips to his, “I have to go to the restroom,”

“Ok,” He sighed softly and let me go, “Hurry back.”

“You sure are clingy tonight,”

“I’m nervous.” He said simply.

I nodded then I hurried away to the restroom. Once in the restroom I did what I had to then sighed softly at my reflection in the mirror after I had washed my hands. Fixing my hair a bit then reapplying my lip gloss, I heard a soft sob from within the handicapped stall. Raising my eyebrow, I glanced at the stall door in the mirror before I heard a louder cry making me turn around and stare at the door.

“Are you ok in there?” I asked, not knowing who the hell it was but I didn’t want someone bleeding to death or something in the stall while I’m right here.

“Go away,” A girl growled.

I frowned, “Annie?”

There was a hesitation before the stall door opened and I saw Garrett’s girlfriend standing there in tears, her make up running. She stared at me with bloodshot eyes then rolled her eyes as she went back and sat down on the toilet with the lid down, “Great,” She huffed as she wiped away her tears, “Go ahead and enjoy this, I know you want to.” She mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” I asked but I kept my distance.

“Nothing that concerns you.”

I bit my lip knowing I can’t just leave her here by herself, I may act like a heartless bitch but I do, in fact, have feelings, “Wanna talk about it?” I questioned.

She looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders as she wiped away her tears, “You wouldn’t understand, no one understands.”

“Is it Garrett?”

“It’s always Garrett,” She rolled her eyes then sniffled, “But it’s not what you’re thinking, we’re not really fighting,”


“Actually, he has no idea I’m in here.”

“Right,” I said slowly, “So if he didn’t know he did anything…”

“I’m pregnant,” She sobbed to me, just blurting it out before crying uncontrollably once more.

With shock pulsing through my body, I felt awkward not knowing how to comfort her because we aren’t exactly the best of friends, “Oh,” I whispered.

“I’m a Junior in high school, I shouldn’t be worrying about being pregnant,” She cried.

“You’re a Junior?” I asked, shocked once more, “Garrett is a senior, right?”

“Yeah, eighth grade wasn’t the best year for me, a lot of shit happened at home and I ended up having to do the year over again,” She admitted, “Which was ok, I had started school earlier than I was supposed so now I’m right back to where I belong,” She made a face then sighed.

“How far are you?”

“Three months,” She mumbled, “I can’t tell Garrett, I can’t tell any one.”

“Not even your parents?”

“What parents?” She spat, “You mean the people that I live with, the ones that call themselves my parents but don’t give a shit if I come home at night or if I’m even at school?” She shook her head, “If I tell them, that’ll just give my Dad an excuse to verbally abuse me before smacking me around.”

I dropped my jaw not having known any of this, I don’t even know if John knows, “Annie, you should tell Garrett,”

“No,” She shook her head violently, “He doesn’t need this.”

“He may not need it but I’m sure he’d like to know that his girlfriend is pregnant.”

“Fiancé,” She corrected.

“Whatever, I’m sure he would like to know.”

Annie lowered her head and sobbed more, clearly scared by this entire situation.

Cautiously the bathroom door cracked open, “Dakota?” John questioned, “Dakota Mae, what are you doing in there?”

I looked at the door to see that John now had it open all the way and was staring at me with a confused manner. Then he frowned deeply when he heard Annie crying, peeking inside he glanced over at Annie then dropped his jaw, “Dakota Mae, did you hit her!?” He exclaimed.

I couldn’t help but smile at his assumption even though he was wrong, “No,” I assured him.

“Why is she crying then?”

“She was crying before I even knew it was her that was crying,” I informed him then pushed him out of the bathroom, “Now go away and don’t tell anyone, I’ll handle this.”

John eyed me skeptically then pointed a long, skinny finger at me, “Don’t kill her, Dakota Mae.”

I rolled my eyes knowing he was joking, “Shoo!” I demanded before I shut the door and locked it. I looked over at Annie, “Sorry about him, he’s a stupid boy sometimes.”

She laughed a little and looked up at me, “He’s always been a stupid boy,” She insisted with another laugh, “Johno is definitely a goof, good guy, he’d give you the shirt off his back and his last twenty bucks if you needed it but he’s silly.”

I smiled then I frowned, “I know we didn’t get off to the best start,” I whispered.

Annie looked up at me, “You’re ok,” She whispered, “A lot of it had to do with me and my situation,” She admitted.

I nodded a little, “I think you need to tell Garrett, he can help you.”

“His parents don’t really like me so I can’t move in with him, once I start showing I can’t go back to my house …” She shook her head violently, “This isn’t how everything was supposed to turn out,”

Falling quiet for a moment, I smiled a little then I grabbed a paper towel and walked over to her, “Let’s go get some food,” I insisted as I handed the paper towel to her, “Get out of here and just hang out,” I smiled.

She looked up at me, “Why are you doing this, you hate me.”

“Because I don’t hate you, and … no one should have to go through pregnancy alone. When you feel better I’ll bring you back here or wherever Garrett is and you can tell him.”

She took the paper towel from me and wiped her tears, “Thanks,” She mumbled as she stood to her feet.

“Don’t worry about it,” I whispered as I waited for her to gather herself before leaving the bathroom with her.

Making my way to John, I pulled him aside once I got to him and looked in his eyes deeply, “I have to go,”

“Why?” He asked then looked over my shoulder at a still visibly upset Annie, “What’s going on, Dakota? Should Garrett know what’s going on?”

“He’ll know soon enough,” I assured John then I pulled his attention away from Annie back to me by caressing his face lightly, “I need to go,” I said simply.

John let out a stressful sigh but he nodded his head nonetheless, “Ok.”

“I’ll make this up to you, O’Callaghan. I promise.”

A mischievous grin appeared on his face as he gazed down into my eyes, “I can name a few things that’ll make up for this,”

“Well, keep them to yourself until we’re in a private place.”

“Dakota Mae,” He said teasingly, “What kind of boy do you think I am? I would never talk about our sex life in public.” He teased playfully then he leaned down and kissed my lips, “Be good, no fighting and I don’t wanna get a call from the police station saying their booking my lovely but feisty fiancé because she has anger problems and decided to beat someone up.”

I felt myself blush then I shook my head, “I’ll be good,” I assured him, “You be good too, O’Callaghan. Seriously I have to go now.”

“Alright,” He stole one more kiss, “Bye,”

“Bye,” I replied then I hurried away and out of the club/concert venue that the guys are playing tonight with Annie by my side.

Once we were safely in John’s car and well on our way away from everyone, Annie started to calm down but she was still depressed. I feel helpless because I don’t know how to comfort her, I haven’t ever been pregnant, I haven’t even been around a pregnant person besides Tori these last few days other than that I’m completely clueless. I just hope that after tonight we can put all of our issues behind us and finally be friends or at least no longer enemies.
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I'm sorry I have to say it but you look like you're sad, your smile is gone, I noticed it bad. The cure is if you let in just a little more love, I promise you this a little's enough