Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

This Could Be Love

Sitting in Pat’s garage, I looked around silently at my band mates before my focus fell on Garrett as he messed around with Kennedy’s guitar. Today’s band practice has been less than productive giving most of us are nursing hangovers and by most of us I mean everyone excluding myself. I was busy last night driving all over the Tempe/Phoenix area with my fiancé’s friends, showing them where we’re planning on getting married then taking them to dinner, we were all over the place but I happily obliged knowing that they were Dakota’s friends and if I’m moving to San Diego, they need to be my friends too.

Suddenly, Garrett looked up at me with a look that told me he had something to say before I had time to second guess myself about his look, he inhaled slowly and spoke, “Annie has been spending a lot of time over at Dakota’s house,” He said simply.

I nodded my head, Annie hasn’t gone home and I’m pretty sure she hasn’t even called Garrett, “Yeah, they’ve really hit it off.” I insisted and they have, Annie and Dakota act like long lost sisters and not to mention that Annie has taken quite a liking to Nathaniel. When she’s with him, she lights up like I have never seen her light up before. Do I dare say it was love at first sight?

“… But I thought that Dakota had friends in town, visiting?”

“Yeah, they’ve all been hanging out. I think everyone went out to the movies,” I insisted, “Then they’re all going to the bowling alley, Dakota has to work tonight so everyone is hanging out with her there … I’m going to be meeting up with them after practice.”

Garrett frowned as he lowered his head, “She’s been acting weird lately.”

“Dakota?” I questioned.

“No, Annie.”

I shrugged my shoulders a little bit, knowing the reason she’s acting weird but I made a promise to Dakota that I wouldn’t tell anyone, I can’t break that promise. Annie will tell Garrett when she feels like she can, until then I need to keep my mouth shut.

“I don’t know what to do,” Garrett whispered.

Kennedy looked over at our bassist then turned his gaze to me, silently asking me what to do about Garrett’s depressed mood. I shrugged my shoulders once more then I licked my lips, “Maybe you should call her up,” I offered.

“I’ve tried, she doesn’t answer her phone … one time some dude answered it and said she was asleep. I don’t know who he is.”

“Nathaniel,” I blurted before I could stop it.

“Nathaniel? Who the hell is Nathaniel?”

“Dakota’s older brother,”

Garrett’s face went blank as he studied me, “Oh,” He said but he was still trying to read me.

I stood to my feet, “Well, I’m gonna go, we’ve been here four hours and have done nothing.” I pulled my car keys out of my pocket, “I have to head home, check in with my parents’ then head to the bowling alley, if you guys want to come hang out, you can.” I insisted, “Sunday’s are pretty slow, not a lot of people will be there.”

“I’ll go,” Pat finally spoke up from behind his drum kit where he had been working on last minute homework, “I just finished my report,” He insisted as he pointed to his papers.

“I’m down,” Jared nodded his head, “I have to go change first though,” He muttered as he looked down at his clothes, he was still wearing his work shirt from when he worked the morning shift at the restaurant he works at.

“I have to ask Jaycee,” Kennedy blushed a little, “Tonight is an ‘us’ night,”

“Well, alright … I guess I’ll see you guys later then … Garrett, are you coming too?”

“Yeah,” He answered quickly.

“Cool,” I mumbled then I started out of the garage, “Later,” I called out to everyone, not waiting for their goodbyes as I walked towards my car.

Once in my car, I wasted no time starting it and heading over to my parents house. At my parents’ house, I walked through the front door without a knock only to see Katie sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn on her lap, “Do you ever go home?” I asked her.

She looked at me, “What’s it to you, stranger?” She laughed, “You’re never around anymore,”

“I’m a busy guy,” I laughed softly, “Where is everyone?”

“Jake went to go get Little Caesar’s and I think your Mom is out in the laundry room.”

“Oh,” I mumbled as I maneuvered through the house to the laundry room. At my destination, I saw my Mom folding the towels as she took them out of the dryer, “Where’s Dad?”

She jumped slightly then looked at me with wide eyes, “Daddy’s at work,” She informed me, “He had to go in; someone screwed something up,”

“Oh,” I leaned against the door way.

“How have you been, honey?”

“Busy,” I answered, “Dakota has me running around everywhere, but I can’t complain.”

“How was your show?”

“Good,” I nodded my head, “It was pretty good.” I paused then changed the subject, “How’s Jake been?”

My Mom let out a loud sigh as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, “He’s in a youth outreach program through Katie’s Dad’s church, he’s agreed to random drug tests, and him and Daddy have been talking a lot, but he still seems a bit … distant.”

“Mom, he’s withdrawing from drugs, yes he’s distant.”

“Happy,” She insisted, “But distant.”

“It’s gonna take time,”

She shut the empty dryer’s door then turned around to me all the way, “So, you and Dakota settled on the Country Club up in Scottsdale?”

“Yeah, we did.”

She smiled happily, “Dakota’s Mom e-mailed me the sketch of the Wedding dress the guy designed earlier today and its breath taking.”

“I know, she sent it to Dakota too, Dakota won’t let me look at it, saying its bad luck.” I shook my head, “That girl is all kinds of weird.”

“The Groom isn’t supposed to see the dress before the Wedding, Johno. Don’t you know that?”

“Yeah, but this is just a drawing…”

“Of the dress,” She laughed as she butted in then walked out of the laundry room, “Can you grab that basket of towels for me?”

“Sure,” I grumbled as I grabbed the folded towels and followed her.

“How’s Dakota?”

“Good … happy, her friends are in town for a few days. She leaves Wednesday though.”

“Are you going with her?”

“I can’t go with her, I have practice.”

“You guys hardly ever truly practice, Pat’s Mom told me that you guys usually just hang out and eat her food.”

I laughed as I set the towels down on the kitchen counter and shrugged, “I still have to stay here, it’s too expensive for me to keep flying back a forth.”

“Well, why don’t you stay here for two or three weeks, then go over to San Diego for two or three weeks, then so on and so forth.”

“I may have to,”

“Plus, you’re the singer, you can practice singing by yourself, and Garrett and Pat need to focus on their school work more so than the band at this point. Just until December at least.”

“I suppose you’re right,” I whispered then I sat down at counter, “Mom, if someone I knew was pregnant but they weren’t telling the person who got them pregnant, would it be right for me to tell the person that got them pregnant?” I asked then frowned to myself after I said it, noticing I just sounded like a gossiping girl.

“Who’s pregnant?”

“I’m not saying anyone is,” I insisted.

“It’s not Dakota, you’re not jumping for joy or scared shitless.” She laughed.

“No, Dakota isn’t pregnant and won’t be for a while,” I assured my Mother.

“Well then, who else? Not Delaney?”

“No, Delaney is not pregnant, trust me.”

“Tell me,”

“Annie,” I admitted.

Her eyes went wide, “Garrett’s cute girlfriend?”

“Yeah, her.”

“Hmmm…” Was the only thing that my Mom said in response, as she grabbed the basket of folded towels.

I frowned a bit but just shook my head, “Well, I’m gonna head out …” I said aloud.

“Alright honey, are you coming home tonight?”

“Probably not,” I answered simply as I started towards the door, “I just wanted to come by and check in.”

“Ok, well I guess I’ll see you when I see you … be good, honey.”

I smiled to myself as I reached the door, “Love you, Ma.”

“Love you, too.” She called back.

Taking one last glance around the house, I opened the door and exited, making my way towards my car so I could go meet up with Dakota at the bowling alley, for a long and possibly fun night of bowling and making fun of the other bowlers with the only girl of my dreams and her nosey, know it all best friends.

As the small puppy barked loudly before running around and chasing his tail, I couldn’t control my fit of laughter, finding priceless entertainment in my new companion; a two month old Jack Russell Terrier that I named Bentley.

Stopping his motions suddenly, Bentley’s ears perked up more than they had been as he looked off in the direction of the Bowling Alley entrance. I followed his intense stare only to see my Fiancé had walked in and he was sluggishly making his way towards us as he messed with his cell phone.

I looked back at Bentley only to see that his tiny body was wiggling uncontrollably as he continued to stare at John, like he knew that John was his Daddy. Whining cutely, Bentley finally decided to bark to gain John’s attention. Glancing back at John, I saw that he had stopped his walking when he heard the puppy and he was now just looking at me and the puppy with a blank stare. With a smile on my face, I scooped the puppy up in my arms and hurried over to my fiancé to greet him.

“What is that?” John questioned as he pointed a skinny index finger towards Bentley.

“Bentley,” I answered cutely, “Our puppy.”

“Our puppy?” John mocked then he laughed as he shook his head, “No, your puppy.”

“Don’t be a dick, O’Callaghan.” I ordered as I lifted Bentley up to John’s face so he could give his new Daddy some kisses, “He loves you,”

Not being able to resist, John let out a gentle laugh before he reached up and patted Bentley on the head, “Well, I suppose he is sorta cute.”

“He is,” I agreed.

“How much did you pay for him?”

“Nothing,” I answered, “My Dad’s friend came by the house after you left for band practice, and he heard about our engagement and asked me if I wanted a puppy as an engagement gift; I agreed.”

“Is there something wrong with this puppy?”

“No, but ever since my Dad moved out here, I’ve always been asking his friend for a free puppy but he never would give me one because they’re purebreds … he finally gave me a puppy as a gift. I went over there and there was so many to choose from, but Bentley stole my heart with that cute little bark, and the fact that he’s all white with just one little brown ear; it’s too cute.”

John shook his head before leaning in and kissing my lips lightly, “Where is everyone?”

“Um, they wanted to go to dinner before they came here … so it’s just me holding down fort till my Dad shows up, and everyone decides they want to see me.” I insisted before holding the puppy towards John once again, “Hold him, love him … let him know that you’re his Daddy.”

John took the puppy from me with a gentle smile, “So now I’m Daddy?” He questioned.

I nodded simply, “His Daddy, yes … until we have a baby, Bentley will be our baby.” I pointed my finger at John, “But just because I’m getting all lovey dovey doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass, because I can and I will.”

“Feisty, I like it.” John grinned cutely before he put his attention on Bentley, “I think Garrett knows,” He mumbled softly.

I tilted my head to the side, “Knows?”

“Oh come on, Dakota Mae … you can’t stand there and tell me you don’t see it.”

Raising an eyebrow, I shrugged my shoulders then walked away from the guy I’m going to marry, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied softly.

John snorted at my words as he followed me slowly, “Are you really gonna make me say it?”

“Say what?” I went on.

“Nathaniel and Annie,” He said aloud, “They’ve hit it off, and you may not be able to see it in Annie’s eyes but I can … I’ve known her for years now and this is the first time that I have ever seen her like this. Nathaniel just does something for her that Garrett can’t. Garrett is safe and familiar but Nathaniel … well, to put it simply Nathaniel does to her what you did for me.”

I looked over at John only to see that he was already looking at me.

“She fell head over heels for a blue eyed Jensen, just like I did … and the funny thing is, we never expected to fall.” He smiled lovingly.

“She’s pregnant with Garrett’s kid, O’Callaghan, she can’t have Nathaniel.”

“You have no right to tell her who she can and can’t have,” John laughed, “Because that would be just as bad as everyone telling you that you’ll never compare to Peyton, even though they know damn well that you do.”

I walked behind the snack counter and shrugged my shoulders, “I guess but … she’s seventeen and pregnant, what business does Nathaniel have getting with her?”

“I don’t know,” John grumbled as he put Bentley on the counter and watched him intently as he walked around, sniffing as he did so, “He’s in love, Dakota Mae … and if he treats her right and knows that this is a two for one deal, more power to him.”

“Yeah, I suppose … maybe Annie will be the one to make Nathaniel grow up.”

“Could be … and it definitely looks like it.” John looked up at me and smiled, “That’s my shirt,” He said simply.

“Yeah, so?”

He shook his head, “Looks good on you,” He insisted before he looked back at Bentley, “Does this mean we’re going to the pet store after you get off?”

“Yeah, he needs a collar, and toys, and a leash, and food … well I grabbed a small bag of puppy food from the grocery store before I came here but it won’t last him very long and he doesn’t really like it, it’s not the brand he’s been eating.”

“He’s worse than a kid,” John insisted.

“Babe?” I questioned.

“What love?” He answered, not looking up at me.

“Come home with me,” I whispered, biting my lip nervously, “You said you’d move in, and lately band practices have been a bit non-existent because Pat and Garrett are trying to finish up their school work. You’ve just been hanging out,”

He looked up at me, “My two weeks was up two weeks ago, huh?”

I nodded, agreeing with him, “And if you come home with me on Wednesday, I won’t fly, I’ll just pack everything up in my car and drive out there with you while you drive your car.”

“I’ll be flying back here a lot,” He pointed out, “At least once every two weeks or so.”

“We can handle it, and it’s not like tickets between San Diego and Phoenix are extremely expensive. It could work.”

“Ok,” John agreed, “I’ll move this week.”

“Do you know how happy that makes me?” I asked.

“Happy enough to go have a quickie with me?” He asked with a hopeful tone and his sly smirk.

“I would but…”

“But you’re not in the mood,” He grumbled.

“No, everyone just walked in.” I corrected before motioning my head towards the group of people walking our way consisting of; Nathaniel and Annie, then behind them was Lilly and Dane while Michelle was a few paces behind them talking on her phone to someone.

“Isn’t he just adorable!?” Lilly squealed as she hurried over to the counter and scooped Bentley up, “If my super would let me have animals, I would so go buy one.” She insisted as she hugged the puppy tightly and kissed him.

John laughed softly at Lilly but said nothing as his eyes shifted to Annie, “You got one too?” He frowned.

Annie blushed, “Nathaniel bought his brother for me,” She grinned, “His name is Ace.”

“Garrett will love him,” John pointed out.

Annie looked at my fiancé but said nothing as she turned away from him to talk to Nathaniel. John shot a quick glance over his shoulder at me, silently telling me ‘I told you so’. I rolled my eyes in response before looking at Dane, “How’s Dani? Did you get a hold of her?” I asked of his Wife that had called him early this morning complaining about not feeling well.

“Yeah, she fine.” He mumbled as he ran a hand over his buzzed hair, “She went to the doctor and he told her that it’s just the stomach flu … she’s at her parents house getting babied now.” He ended with a gentle laugh before he sat at the counter, “I must say Dakota, I like John a lot more than all of your past boyfriends.”

“Good,” I laughed, “I like him a lot more too.”

“He treats you well,”

“He treats me more than well, he’s the ultimate gentleman … most days.”

“I’m glad you finally found someone, Dakota.” Dane whispered softly.

“Me too,” I agreed before looking up only to see that John was trying to get Bentley back from Lilly, but Lilly wasn’t having any of it as she kept shooting John evil glances and calling him every curse word she could think of.

Moving my eyes from that situation, I looked over at my brother. Sitting across from Annie at one of the table, Nathaniel had a look in his eyes that I haven’t ever seen before, a look that told me he was in fact falling for Annie. Leaning against the snack counter, I continued to stare at my brother and Annie, wishing them the best of luck but at the same time I feel bad for Garrett. He has no idea Annie is pregnant, what will he do when he does find out? Attempt to beat up Nathaniel, refuse to break up with Annie, or will he break up with her and just cut off all ties to her?

I don’t know and I’m almost scared to find out but I have a feeling that the end result is coming soon rather than later. I just hope Nathaniel is ready for it.
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'Cause no one loves you more than I do, they don't see you like I do, baby. They'll try to, oh if only they knew, they'll never come close to you.