Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

First Day

“Yeah, well fuck you too mister!” The blue eyed girl wailed from her spot next to me.

I made my eyes wide as I tried to mind my own business, keeping my attention on wiping up the soda that Dakota accidentally spilled over the counter.

“Fucking asshole,” Dakota grumbled under her breath then she reached over, placing her hand on the towel, “I got it,” She assured me, “Thanks,”

“No problem,” I whispered back.

She laughed suddenly, “Some first day huh, O’Callaghan?” She said, using my last name that she has decided to call me instead of my first name.

“Oh, it’s been fun.” I smirked over at her then shook my head, “It should be against the law to say ‘fuck’ as much as you do.” I pointed out, “If you couldn’t say fuck, you wouldn’t say anything at all, would you?”

Dakota shrugged her shoulders, “There’s still cunt, shit and damn.” She pointed out.

“I’m pretty sure you just offended every person under this building’s roof in that one sentence.”

“Well fuck them,” She laughed.

I laughed as well as I grabbed a stool and sat down. I watched her as she cleaned up the sticky mess, today she actually wore a pair of jeans to work but she still has those damn Dino slippers on like she did yesterday. Tossing the soda soaked towel into a hamper, Dakota washed her hands then looked at me for a second before turning her back to my once more, “What’s your story O’Callaghan?” She mumbled, “Why was that girl trying to set you up with that other chick in the skirt yesterday? Problems in the dating area of your life?” She asked bluntly.

“You could say that,” I whispered softly.

She pushed me playfully, “Aw, a good looking guy like you can get into a girls’ panties if he really tried.”

“I don’t try.”

“Oh,” She mumbled then she pulled up a stool next to me, “Listen, back in California I have so many friends like you.” She assured me in a soft voice, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

I looked at her but said nothing.

She smiled, “A lot of people are gay.”

I laughed at her then quickly looked away not being able to handle it, “I’m not gay, there’s nothing wrong with being gay but I’m straight … it’s just that,” I bit my lip as I fell quiet, “My fiancé died,” I whispered.

Dakota became extremely silent, like those words caught her off guard and she didn’t know what to say now. I sighed and spoke softly knowing that she wasn’t going to, “It was a while ago, but everyone is getting worried about me so they keep trying to set me up on dates with girls that I don’t like or they don’t get me.” I shook my head a little.

“I’m sorry,” Dakota mumbled, “About your fiancé, that sucks … truly.”

I nodded, “it does,”

“How … how did she die?” She whispered, “If you don’t mind me asking?”

“No, it’s fine … um she was shot at a gas station a year and a half ago. It was a robbery and the guys shot everyone.” I frowned as I thought about it.

“I heard about that, on the news.”

“Yeah, well Peyton wasn’t even inside she was outside at a pump filling her car. It was something that didn’t need to happen but happened anyway.”

“You’re not over it,”

“I’m getting there,”

Dakota frowned before she looked at me, “I feel like I should share something horrible about me now,” She mumbled.

“No, don’t worry about it.”

“When I was six I ran my own dog over and killed her,” She mumbled.

“You ran her over when you were six?” I made a face.

She blushed, “I’ve always been a bit on the … rebel side. I knew how to start the car and put it into gear; I just couldn’t reach the gas and the brakes. So I got a stick and got into my Dad’s car … I started it and one thing led to another and I backed up over my dog. It was horrifying, I wouldn’t ride in a car for almost a year, I had to walk or ride my bike everywhere, it pissed my parents off but I felt so bad.”

“Oh god,” I muttered, “I’m sorry.”

She shrugged, “I’ve come to terms with it,” She assured me.

I smiled, “Well, thanks for sharing.”

She patted my back, “Don’t worry about it, what are friends for, eh?” She asked then she stood up and walked away towards the back leaving me at the ordering counter by myself. As she walked away, I thought about what she just called me, her friend, we haven’t even known each other for very long, since last night actually.

I sat up a little then glanced over my shoulder at the pretty girl who was standing at the sink playing in the soap bubbles while she waited for the sink to fill up all the way. Frowning to myself, I turned back around and looked down at my hands not understanding this feeling I’m having towards this entire situation.

“Hey douche!” I heard a familiar voice.

I looked up to see my little brother and Katie coming towards me, holding hands securely. Katie sighed as she looked at her boyfriend, “Jake, shut up.”

Jake frowned at her then looked back at me, “Nice shirt, brother.” He nodded.

“What do you want?” I hissed.

“Food and a some drinks,”

“And some candy,” Katie added, “Please,”

I looked at her then at my brother, “Got money?”

“No,” Jake snapped in a smart ass tone, “I was just going to steal it from you,” He added in the same voice.

I growled then got up from the stool, “What do you want?” I asked.

Katie leaned against the counter as she looked at the candy selection that we have, “Babe, what do you want?” She mumbled to my brother.

“You,” He answered then slapped her ass.

I rolled my eyes, now knowing why he hated seeing me and Peyton together like that, it wasn’t because he hated us being together but it was because he was jealous of what we had. Now it’s the other way around.

“I want some nachos,” Katie mumbled, “And sour patch kids … the watermelons not the kids.” She insisted as she pointed to the box.

I reached over and grabbed the box and put it on the counter before I turned around to get the nachos, “Jake what do you want?”

“Uh,” My brother mumbled sounding like a complete idiot, “A hot dog and a medium soda … Katie what do you want to drink?”

“Lemonade,” She answered.

“And a lemonade,” Jake said a little louder.

“I have ears, Jake … I heard her.” I got their food and their drinks then walked over to the counter, “9.50.” I mumbled.

Jake took a ten out of his wallet and handed it to me. He eyed me then frowned, “Why are you working at a place like this when you’re working at best buy?” He mumbled softly.

I shrugged but said nothing as I tried to remember how to work the register.

“Do you need help?” Dakota’s voice questioned.

“No,” I assured her as I glanced over at her with a smile, “No I’ve got it,”

She smiled back, “Are you sure I haven’t yelled fuck in a few minutes,”

I laughed at her, “I’m fine,” I insisted just as the drawer opened. I put the ten in then grabbed fifty cents and the receipt for Jake. Shutting the drawer I turned to him and handed it to me.

He smiled at me, “I know why,” He nodded then motioned his head over to the blonde, “She’s hot,” He mouthed.

Katie nodded agreeing with him, “She is, and she likes you.” She whispered.

“Would you two leave, please … I’m working.” I demanded.

They both smiled then grabbed their stuff, “See you at home,” Jake assured then they walked away without another word.

I sat back down and made a face as I watched my brother and his girlfriend sit down next to another couple over at the tables.

“Fuck me!” Dakota whined, “Damnit!”

I turned around to see her cradling her hand in a paper towel. Standing to my feet, I walked over to her, “What’s wrong?”

“I stabbed myself,” She huffed, “It’s bleeding and I’m dying.”

“Well, what a way to be dramatic,” I laughed as I took her hand and took the paper towel off. I glanced at the bleeding wound then I turned the water on in the sink.

“No,” She snapped.

“You have to clean it out,” I pointed out.

She eyed me skeptically then let me put her hand under the water. As I cleaned it, she continued to keep her blue eyes locked on me. I turned the water off then grabbed a clean paper towel, dabbing the water off of her palm, “First aid kit?” I asked.

“Under the counter,” She answered softly.

“Hold that there,” I ordered then I walked away to the first aid kit, grabbing a gauze pad and some gauze wrap because it needed something bigger than a band aid. I grabbed some cut cleaner as I was at it then I went back to her.

“This may sting,” I mumbled.

“Then don’t do it!” She growled, snatching her hand away from me.

“I have to!” I growled back as I grabbed her hand then I quickly poured the cleaner on the cut, making Dakota whine in a very pathetic manner as she did this weird dance with her feet. I laughed at her dance as I put the gauze pad on the cut, “Stop it,” I demanded.

“It hurts,” She whined as she tried to sit still but couldn’t, “Ow!”

“You’re the biggest baby,” I laughed as I continued to wrap it.

“Shut up!” She demanded.

I kept my mouth shut as I finished. Once it was done, she looked at her hand then looked at me, “Thank you,” She mumbled softly as she wiggled her fingers, “Could you finish up washing that stuff for me? I’ll take the register.”

“Yeah,” I nodded then smiled, “Dakota …”

She pointed to me, “Not another word,”

“No,” I laughed as I reached over and fixed her bangs that were all over the place, “There,”

Her face went blank then a small smile formed on her lips before she walked away without another word to be said. I smiled to myself as I finished her job of cleaning the popcorn machine parts.

The rest of the night went on with little talk between the two of us as we worked. After clocking out, I looked at Dakota and smiled softly at her, “I’ll see you next week,” I assured her.

“Friday,” She smiled.

I nodded, “Friday,” I confirmed then frowned, “Listen, my band is playing a show on Wednesday, do you want to come and hang out? Watch us play?”

“I work every day here at night.” She made a face then shrugged, “Unless your show starts and ends before four, I can’t go.”

“Oh,” I wrinkled my nose, “Next time,” I assured her.

“Next time,” She mocked then held up her wounded hand, “Thanks for fixing me.”

I laughed at the way she worded it, “You’re very welcome.”

“Don’t tell anyone that I was a pussy or you’re dead.”

“Deal,” I agreed then I waved a little, “See you next week,” I assured her then I left. Once I was outside in the cool night air, I looked around the empty parking lot before walking to my car. My drive home was quick and very uneventful, not much traffic either.

“Hey honey,” My Mom greeted as I walked through the garage door.

“Hey,” I mocked as I eyed her, “What are you doing?”

“Getting a bowl of ice cream for daddy and I.” She answered.

I raised my eyebrow, “In a Tupperware bowl?”

She turned to me, “They’re easier to clean and if we don’t eat all of it, it can go back into the freezer.”

“Oh,” I mumbled then shook my head as I put my keys down, “What was for dinner?”

“Daddy and I had Chinese, you were at work and Jake went on a date.” She paused, “How was your first day?”

“Interesting,” I whispered as I opened the fridge, looking for something to eat.

“He has a boner for the girlie he works with,” Jake laughed as he walked in.

“You fucking asshole,” I snapped as I tried to punch him but he jumped away from me and I was too tired to chase after him.

“Don’t talk like that you two,” Our Mom sighed then she looked at me for a moment, “Is she pretty?”

“Totally smokin’” Jake went on.

I rolled my eyes, completely ignoring them now.

“He’s definitely attracted but wont make the first move,”

Shutting the door to the fridge, I made a face, “I’m going to bed,”

“Wait, honey … Danny called.” She said softly.

I looked at my Mom, “And?”

She looked at me, “They’re coming into town, he was transferred back to that desk job that he had before they moved to Virginia Beach …” She smiled softly, “They want to go to lunch with you tomorrow, he said he’d call back when they got in, in the morning. I could hear Ted in the back, he was so excited, he kept asking to talk to you but Danny had to tell him you were at work.” She paused, “And your cousin is moving in,”

“No,” I shook my head, “Mom.”

“What?” She frowned, “She wants to go to ASU, I can’t just tell her no.”

“Where is she living now?”

“In a hotel room,”

“Good, keep her there.”

“Johno,” She sighed.

“I’m not going to bed,” I mumbled once more then I took the stairs two at a time, not really sure if I want to see Kathy and Danny tomorrow but I can’t just say no, that would be really rude.

Flopping down onto my bed, I laid on my side then looked at the picture of Peyton on my nightstand. I forced a gentle smile, “Love you,” I whispered quietly before turning my lamp off and rolling onto my other side with my clothes still on.

Maybe Jake is right, maybe I do have a thing for Dakota but I’m not ready to move onto a serious relationship right now, I’m not ready for any relationship.

I can’t wait until I’m out on tour so I won’t have to deal with any of this.
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Maybe we got it baby, we'll leave the city, I think we're ready for a new sky and a new life.