Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Forever And For Always

Standing in front of a glass case holding beautiful Tiffany diamond engagement rings, I bit down on my lip as I scanned over them, trying to pick one out for my fiancé; whom I left on the floor of the guest bathroom at her Father’s house as she cursed everyone to hell along with the booze she drank last night at my moving away party.

Inhaling a deep breath, I held it for a second or two before stressfully exhaling. It’s not that Dakota is hard to shop for; I just want to get her the right ring. Dakota would wear anything I put on that left hand ring finger as long as it wasn’t fake, but she deserves something ten times more than just … ordinary. Then again, I don’t want to make her feel awkward with a huge extravagant engagement ring that people would be gawking at. I want a ring that she can wear on a daily basis and turn a few heads with it, not turn everyone’s head, and it still be breath taking.

“Can I help you?” I heard a Lady ask politely as she walked up.

I looked up at her then shrugged a bit, “I’m just looking for a ring for my fiancé,” I mumbled.

She smiled, “Ok, what are you looking for or what price rang were you looking at?”

“It’s more of what I’m looking for rather than the price,” I insisted, “I’ll worry about the price later,” I said softly, but it still sounded a bit cocky, though that wasn’t my attention whatsoever.

The lady laughed softly and nodded her head, “Ok, what’s your fiancé like? Crazy and outgoing or quiet and shy?”

“Depends on the day she’s having,” I laughed, “But most of the time she’s pretty outspoken, crazy … very outgoing.” I shook my head a little as I gazed back down at the engagement rings, “How about the Lucida ring,” I mumbled as I pointed at it, “Just the basic one,”

“Alright,” She smiled as she opened the case and pulled it out for me. Showing it to me, I took it from her and eyed it heavily before handing it back and reaching into my pocket for a ring that I stole from Dakota’s jewelry case. It’s her great grandmother’s engagement ring that she gave to Dakota on her death bed. Dakota wears it every now and then, but most of the time she wears it on a necklace around her neck, “In that size, please.”

The lady took Dakota’s ring measured it then nodded her head a bit before handing it back to me. I shoved it back into my pocket securely then watched as the sales rep. grabbed the correct size ring for the Lucida.

Before too long, I was leaving Tiffany’s Jewelry store with a brand new engagement ring for my fiancé. On the way back to Dakota’s Dad’s house, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some Advil for Dakota, knowing that there were only a few pills left when I left the house, and that was before Michelle and Lilly woke up.

Standing in the check out line, I scanned over the tabloid magazines unimpressed by their headlines when I felt someone tug on my free hand. Frowning to myself, I looked to my left to see a little boy that I’ve known since before he was even born, “Ted?” I laughed softly.

“Hi, Johno!” He wailed happily before hugging me tightly.

I returned his hug then looked around for Danny or even Kathy but I frowned when I saw that he was with Sean, “What are you doin’?” I asked the little boy as I ruffled his hair.

“Just getting pizza,” Ted insisted as he pointed towards Sean who was holding a few take-n-bake pizzas from the deli.

I forced a smile, “Sounds good, are they for lunch?”

“Yep,” He nodded uncontrollably, “For a pool party.”

“Fun,” I laughed then I looked back over at Sean and extended my hand, “Sean,” I said simply.

He took my hand firmly, “Johno,” He mocked with the same tone I was using, “How have you been?”

“Busy,” I answered as I pulled my hand back, “Really busy, just having band practice and packing my things.”

“Packing?” He questioned, “Moving or tour?”

“Moving,” I smiled at the thought of Dakota’s oceanfront apartment that I’ll be calling home in a matter of days, “To San Diego with my Fiancé, Dakota.”

Anger flashed through his eyes momentarily, “Fiancé?” He questioned, “A little soon for that, don’t you think?”

I rolled my eyes, “No,” I answered with a shrug then I looked back down at Ted, “How’s your baseball skills, buddy?”

“Better,” He answered, “Are you gonna come play catch with me soon?”

“Soon,” I agreed with a nod of my head then I pointed to Sean, “You guys better get those pizzas back to the party before everyone starts eating each other,” I teased with a laugh and I playfully pushed Ted back a bit.

Giggling happily, Ted hugged me once more, “Ok, I’ll see you later,” Ted insisted, still hugging me, “Loves you, Johno.”

I made a sad face as I ran my fingers though his hair, “I love you too, Buddy.” I whispered then watched as he let me go and ran off to Sean, waving good bye to me as he did so. I waved back at him then I sighed to myself once they were on their way. Turning back to the line, I noticed that I was now next and I placed the Advil on the counter as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket.

As the checker scanned the box, she looked up at me and smiled, “Seven fifty,”

I handed her a ten dollar bill and waited patiently for my change, not quite feeling as happy as I had been before I saw Ted. It’s not that I’m depressed about losing Peyton, I’m moved on from that but I feel horrible because I was such a big part of Ted’s life then suddenly I’m not there anymore, simply because his sister passed away.

“Two fifty is your change,” The girl said simply as she gave me my change along with my receipt before putting the Advil in a small paper bag, handing that to me as well.

I quietly thanked her then went on my way. The entire way back to Dakota’s Father’s house, I couldn’t get Ted off of my mind and how I feel like I owe it to him to at least spend a day with him before I move away.

Once at the house, I shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts and put on a happy front for Dakota. Walking into the house, I closed the door behind me quickly as soon as I saw Bentley racing towards me as fast as his little puppy legs would carry him, “Hey Bentley,” I greeted as I reached down and patted his head, “Where’s your Mama, still on the bathroom floor?” I laughed softly as I looked around the quiet living room, “Dakota Mae?” I called out.

“Upstairs,” I heard Nathaniel say from the couch, “Still in the bathroom,” He informed me.

“Still?” I asked with amazement as I sighed and shook my head, “This is gonna be a fun day,” I joked as I started towards the stairs then glanced over at Nathaniel, noticing he was alone and not with Annie, “Where’s Annie?”

He looked at me before looking back up at the ceiling, “Your friend talked her into going to lunch with him,” He said bitterly, “He said he wanted to talk about the baby, but … I think he has other intentions if you know what I mean.”

I nodded slowly, “Annie loves you, if she said she went to the lunch just for the baby, then that’s exactly why she went.” I insisted, knowing that Annie wouldn’t go back to Garrett now that she has Nathaniel and his family who adores her, including Dakota. Garrett’s family disliked Annie so she was never allowed over when everyone was home.

“Yeah,” Nathaniel grumbled.

I made a face then went upstairs as Bentley raced ahead of me, barking cutely once he got to the top as if to say that he beat me. I smiled at mine and Dakota’s puppy before shaking my head. At the top of the stairs, I went to the bathroom and knocked, “Love?”

“Go away,” Dakota growled.

I turned the knob but the door was locked, “Dakota Mae, let me in before I have to knock the door down then have to pay to have it replaced.”

“Oh yeah, like you’re that tough,” She teased from behind the door, “I said go away, O’Callaghan.”

“I’m not going away,” I pressed my forehead to the door, “My little party animal.” I smirked.

“Shut up!” She wailed.

I laughed, “Last night was definitely fun,”

“Except for when I fell down the fucking hill and all you did was laugh at me for a good five minutes before even thinking about coming down to save me.”

I laughed again then shook my head, “Well, one minute you were in a heated debate with Kennedy about the best ice cream flavor the next you’re rollin’ down the hill, I had to laugh … I couldn’t help myself.”

Suddenly the door opened and Dakota appeared looking like shit, “Oh, love…” I whispered as I reached up and cupped her face with my free hand, “Did you drink a little much?”

She simply pouted, “What do you want? If you’re gonna stand here making fun of me, I’m gonna kick your ass then locked myself back in here by myself.”

“No, I don’t wanna make fun of you … right now at least, I just wanna come in.” I said as I walked into the bathroom, “Bentley does too,” I laughed as our puppy ran into the bathroom ahead of me.

Dakota sighed as she shut and locked the door.

“What are you doing in here?”

“Sitting on the floor, hating life,”

I leaned over and kissed her forehead, “I got you something,” I said as I held up the paper bag, “Advil,”

“I’ve had like six of them already, if I take anymore I’ll die.” She said dramatically.

I wrinkled my nose then I placed the bag on the counter. I walked over to the tub and turned the water on. Adjusting it to the ideal temperature, I closed off the drain then grabbed Dakota’s bubble bath, pouring some into the water under the faucet. I turned back around to my fiancé and smiled gently before walking to her and staring in her eyes.

Without a single word said, she lifted her arms slowly and I grabbed the hem of her shirt, tugging it up over her head and off of her body before dropping it to the floor. Lowering her head, she reached out and grabbed a hold of my belt before undoing it. Once it was unbuckled, she unbuttoned and unzipped my pants before pushing them down a bit then she tugged my shirt off.

I laughed softly, “Eager to get me naked?” I asked.

“Maybe,” She mumbled, “Or it could be the fact that, that bath looks really comforting.”

“Whatever,” I teased as I hooked my fingers into her panties and pushed them down. Once she was completely naked, she got into the tub, not waiting for me to pushed my pants down the rest of the way.

“Oh my God, I’m never drinking again,” She whined as she closed her eyes, “Do you know how many times I’ve thrown up this morning?”

“Do I want to know?” I asked.

“No,” She insisted.

I laughed as I carefully got into the tub behind her, making it so she was between my legs. Leaning back against me, Dakota whined once again as she just completely relaxed. I hugged her close as I waited for the tub to fill up the rest of the way. Once it was full, Dakota reached forward and turned the water off before leaning back into me.

Softly, Bentley whined gaining my attention as he sat next to the tub, looking at us wanting to be close with us but not wanting to get in the water. I laughed, “Dakota Mae, look at your puppy.” I demanded.

“Our puppy,” She corrected as she looked over at Bentley and made a sad face, “It’s not my fault your Daddy decided to start a bath, leaving you out.” She told him before closing her eyes once again.

Reaching out of the tub, I grabbed my pants and reached into the pocket, grabbing Dakota’s new Engagement while making sure her other ring didn’t fall out. Once I had it in my hand, I settled back down and listened to Dakota breathe softly.

“I love you,” I whispered to her, “Cross my heart and hope to die,” I insisted, “Believe me?”

“I believe you,” She assured, “I love you too, you know it?”

“I know,” I smiled then I kissed her ear gently, “Can I keep you?” I whispered quietly as I held up her Engagement ring in front of her, “Forever and for always?”

Gasping softly, Dakota stared at the ring, “John,” She mumbled as she took my hand between both of her hands, examining the ring between my fingers, “It’s beautiful, is it mine?”

I rolled my eyes, “No, it belongs to the other chick I’m marrying.” I shook my head, “Yes, it’s yours.”

She held up her left hand, waiting for me to put it on her. I smiled as I slipped it onto her finger then kissed her bare shoulder, “What do you say Dakota Mae? Can I keep you, forever and for always?”

“Yes,” She answered without hesitation before she turned around so she was facing me, and kissed me deeply. I kissed back eagerly but pulled away when I felt that I was getting a bit carried away, “John,” She mumbled as she looked back at the ring, “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

I nodded, “You’re Welcome,” I whispered, “Now everything is sorta legit, you got a ring, people will know you’re engaged.”

Dakota grinned then nodded her head slowly, “Yes,” She agreed then she looked into my eyes with her intense blue stare, “If this bath wasn’t so fucking soothing, I’d definitely say let’s go have sex,”

“We can have sex in the tub,”

“And make a mess, water would get everywhere and I’m not in the mood to be cleaning anything right now.” She said simply as she leaned forward and kissed me softly, “It’s times like these that make putting up with your shit, worth it.”

“The feeling is mutual, love.” I smirked then kissed her once more before hugging her to me, cuddling her closely, “After we get out of the tub, can we have a day of cuddling?” I asked, “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”

She nodded against my shoulder, “Yeah,” She agreed with a laugh.

Falling silent, I traced her thighs under the water as I stared off at the wall, just thinking about my life and how I wouldn’t change a single thing in it. I regret nothing, and I can’t wait till the day Dakota takes my last name.
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'Cause I'm keeping you forever and for always, we will be together all of our days, wanna wake up every morning to your sweet face ... always