Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Infidelity and Location Changes

“I’m not sure how comfortable I am being here,” Kyle mumbled softly as he nudged me with his shoulder.

I glanced over at him then back at the worn out, tattered magazine I’m currently trying to get into, “Well,” I replied but said nothing more, there was no need to.

“I don’t understand why Nathaniel didn’t come.”


Kyle huffed then shook his head, “That’s just a bullshit excuse, Annie has Lilly and Michelle … Dane too.”

“Michelle is flying in tomorrow,” I pointed out, “For being such a loving boyfriend, you should know that.”

“Don’t start with me, Dakota Mae.” He ordered, using my full name, something Kyle only does when he truly is getting annoyed. Shifting his weight, Kyle crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the wall across from us in the waiting room, “We shouldn’t even be here, she isn’t family.”

“She’s our little sister, unless you think that Dad isn’t our Father.”

“Tori’s a bitch,”

“I agree, but we’re not here for her, we’re here for Daddy.”

“Daddy just needs to man up and call Ma,” Kyle growled as he slouched in his seat like a child not getting his way, “You and I both know that Daddy still loves her and that she still loves Daddy.”

“It’s not our choice, Kyle.”

“You know what, Tori is just going to rub this baby in our face …”

I looked at my brother but said nothing.

“She’s totally loving the fact that the baby is a girl and you know the only reason she’s loving it …” He trailed off and looked at me.

I nodded.

“It’s complete bullshit, she thinks she’s hurting us but in the end she’s just hurting Daddy. You know he blames himself for what happened, he has never truly gotten over it.”

I nodded again, “I know, I was there.”

Kyle eyed me then his face softened, “Tori’s acting like this baby will just replace Delilah, like she’ll just fill the void that Delilah’s death caused. This baby won’t bring back your twin, my little sister … Daddy’s other little girl, but that bitch is acting like this baby is the answer to all the worlds’ problems.”

“It’s her first kid,” I defended.

“Bullshit, a slut like her definitely has a secret child somewhere.” Kyle assured.

I went to say something but I stopped when our Father walked into the waiting room, “Well,” He said softly, “She’s here … wanna come meet your little sister?”

“Not really, but I’ll humor you anyway,” Kyle mumbled as he stood to his feet. I followed his actions as our Father led us through the halls of the Maternity ward. Once we were at our destination and the little girl infant was before us, I stared down out her blankly.

Next to me, Kyle huffed then shook his head, “Nathaniel owes me fifty bucks,”

I frowned, “Why?”

“She’s not our sister, look at her.” Kyle pointed out, “Nothing about her screams ‘Jensen’.” He glanced over at me, “Look at us three, Dakota Mae, no we don’t look exactly alike but when you look at us then look at Daddy we scream ‘Jensen’.” He nodded his head then looked up at our Dad, “She isn’t yours.”

Our Dad stared at his first born for a long minute before nodded his head, “I know,” He assured.

Kyle shook his head again but said nothing.

“How do you know?” I countered, feeling bad for the baby now that I see her.

“DNA,” Was the only thing my Father said to answer my question.

“Oh,” I mumbled then looked at him, “Daddy are you ok?”

He looked at me then smiled softly, “I’m relieved,” He assured then he shrugged his shoulders, “If I have anymore kids, they’re gonna be with Mom,” He insisted, “Tori just got served with divorce papers.”

Kyle laughed softly, “That’s a pretty asshole thing to do, Dad.”

“Yeah, well … cheating on me was a pretty asshole thing to do, too.”

“Agreed,” I nodded, “Can I go home now?” I asked, “I have so much shit I need to do for the Wedding.”

Silently, our Dad motioned for us to leave the room then once we were out in the hall, he tugged his car keys out of his pocket before looking at me, “Johno called,”

I frowned, “Would you stop calling him that?”

“Why?” Kyle laughed.

“Because, it makes him sound like … like he’s some sort of know-it-all cocky asshole from the football team.” I admitted, “Or a frat boy.”

My Brother and Father laughed at my reasoning but said nothing about it.

“Anyway, Johno called,” My Dad said once more, still using John’s nickname, “He told me what was going on with the manager of the country club,” He licked his lips as we reached the elevators, “I pulled some strings with some very close friends and I got a better place.”

I frowned deeply, “No,” I said stubbornly, “I want the country club, it is perfect!” I whined.

“It’s at the country club here in Phoenix,” He informed me, “It’s better for everyone and it’s bigger for the people you’ve invited, it’s not in Tempe, Johno told me that was a big thing for you, not wanting it to be in Tempe.”

“Might as well be, it all looks the same … and it’s definitely not California.” Kyle muttered.

“Shut up!” I hit his chest, “Do you not think that I want my Wedding in California … I would love for it to be there, but John’s family is here, and he has more family than we do, so it’s cheaper for all us ‘Jensen’s to fly out here versus having his family fly to California. Plus, John is giving up a lot to live in California with me, it’s the least I could do.”

“Oh, my little sister is so giving.” Kyle teased.

“You’re pushing me, Kyle Lee Jensen.” I growled.

“Dude, you seriously just sounded like Ma just now. That was definitely a bit creepy.” Kyle insisted, “Huh Dad?”

Our Father stayed silent as the elevator doors opened and we entered. It was probably a good thing he didn’t say anything anyway. As the doors closed and the elevator started moving, I looked over at my Dad and frowned a bit, “Can I go look at the place?” I mumbled.

“Of course, but I thought you wanted to get home?” He pointed out.

“Well, I suppose I can wait until tomorrow to fly back home.” I admitted.

“Good,” He paused, “Because after we go see the country club, the two of you are working the bowling alley while I pack up my things.”

“Dad!?” Kyle and I both whined in the same tone, neither one of us wanting to work the bowling alley.

“Someone needs to be there in my place; Kyle that would be you. And Dakota, you’ll need to be…”

“At the snack bar,” I grumbled, dreading that place but at the same time, it definitely holds meaning giving I did meet John there.

“You’re so good at the snack bar,” He lied, trying to sweet talk me out of my bad mood.

“Whatever,” I huffed, “You’re paying me overtime giving I don’t officially work there anymore.”

“Deal,” My Dad agreed.

“Me too,” Kyle demanded.


“Fine,” Kyle mocked.

“Fine,” My Dad said once again then shot his oldest a look that told him not to say another word. Kyle pouted as he folded his arms over his chest.

As the doors opened once more, this time revealing the lobby of the hospital, the three of us walked out in silence and I couldn’t help but feel horrible about this entire situation. Even though my Father didn’t really want another child, a part of him was still really excited to be a Father again, and Tori sort of crushed his spirit. He may be putting on a great front, but deep down, he’s hurt. My Dad is a great guy and an amazing, loving, giving person; he didn’t deserve this to happen to him and Tori definitely didn’t deserve him.
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You know you're nothing that I wanted ... So cupid never really made it ...