Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Forgive and Forget

“Do you think she’ll show up?” I asked my little brother with worried eyes before glancing over at my tux, hanging up neatly wrapped in plastic so it wouldn’t get dirty.

“I think she’ll show up.” He assured me.

“She’s not answering her phone, she’s not replying to my texts or emails, every time I call the apartment, it goes straight to the machine. She cut me out of her life, Jake …”

“If she hasn’t told you that the Wedding is called off, then it isn't called off, trust me … Dakota may be stubborn and a bitch but she wouldn’t not show up to the Wedding and leave you hanging; she isn't that mean.”

I shook my head but said nothing more.

Jake reached over and grabbed my tux, handing it to me with raised eyebrows, “The ceremony starts in twenty minutes, you should get dressed.”

“I don’t know … I don't know if I can.”

“Did you forget how to dress yourself?” He growled.

“No!” I snapped, “I don't know if I can go through with this, not knowing if she’s here or not!”

“Would you feel better if I went and looked for her?” Jake asked, “I’ll go ask Katie, Katie should know where she is, if she’s here … Katie is one of her bridesmaids.”

“I’d feel better.” I assured.

Rolling his eyes, Jake shook his head then pointed to my tux, “Get your ass dressed and ready to marry Dakota Mae, I’ll go find her.” He insisted then left the small closet like room that’s my dressing room.

Once I was alone, I hung my tux back up then flopped down onto a wooden chair. Running my hand over my face, I felt like I had no right to be here, how dare I show up, expecting Dakota to marry me when I haven’t talked to her for the last month and a half. I haven’t seen or talked to her, I haven’t seen or talked to any of her family members, it’s like the Jensen’s just shut me out of their lives and started to give me the cold shoulder. John who? is what they’re probably thinking.

Quietly there was a knock on the door then it opened. Walking in was Dakota’s Dad, dressed to the T and looking more than ready to walk his daughter down the aisle, “Matt …” I mumbled.

He shut the door behind himself then looked at my clothes, “Why aren't you dressed?” He questioned, “You have a little less than twenty minutes until the ceremony.”

“Is she here?” I asked, ignoring his comment.

He nodded his head once, “Yeah,” He answered.

I continued to stay seated, “I fucked up.” I pointed out.

“I don't know what happened, how it happened or why you two are acting like this, I don't really give a fuck … but if you don't get up and dressed to marry my Daughter me and you will be having some problems.” He said in his Fatherly tone, “You two love each other, it’s obvious … this petty bullshit game that the two of you are playing is dumb and uncalled for.”

I frowned as I looked at him.

“I already gave this same speech to Dakota this morning,” He informed me, “I set her ass straight and now I’m doing the same with you … and I understand that she had all of her numbers changed, the locks on the doors changed and turned off the phone at the apartment so it goes straight to the machine, but hell Johno, you know her better than anyone else and you’re telling me you couldn’t find a way to see her or to talk to her!?”

I stayed silent.

“You were just being a pussy,” He called me out, and if I ever had any doubt where Dakota got her attitude from, there isn't any doubt anymore, “Man up, kid …” He ordered with his blue eyes fixed on me, “Dakota will kick your ass out from time to time, it’s just the way she is, you have to have the balls to put up with her shit, simple as that.”

I went to say something but Matt put his hand up, “Get dressed,” He ordered sternly then started towards the door, “Stop pouting, it’s your God Damned Wedding day, enjoy it.” With that, he left the room leaving me alone once more.

Not wasting anytime, I reached over to the table and grabbed my phone, dialing Dakota’s number, knowing that she’ll have her phone; she always has it with her. As I listened to it ring, I closed my eyes hoping to the heavens above that she’d answer.

Suddenly, the ringing stopped and I heard background noise. Opening my eyes, I forced a small smile knowing that Dakota was now listening but being stubborn she wasn’t going to greet me.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, “Shit got out of control and it shouldn’t have. I acted like an asshole, a complete dick and I had no right to.”

“Jake said you’re not getting dressed,” Dakota mumbled softly, “Do you not want to marry me?”

“I never said that, Dakota Mae. I just wasn’t sure if you’d show up.”

“It’s our Wedding Day, of course I’d show up.” She sighed, “Get dressed, O’Callaghan,” She begged quietly, “We’ll make up later, after our vows.”

“Do you forgive me?” I asked.

“Yes,” She confirmed, “But if it ever takes you this long to find a way to apologize again, I’ll have to hurt you severely.”

I smirked, “Deal,” I agreed, “I love you, Dakota Mae … Cross my heart and hope to die. Believe me?”

“I believe you,” She said, her voice sounding a bit happier, “I love you too, you know it?”

“I know it,” I confirmed, “See you soon, love.”


“I promise,” I assured, “Bye.”


Ending the call, I put my phone down and looked up only to see that my Dad was in the room with me, “Dad,” I mumbled, not having heard him come in.

He smiled, “Everything better?”

“No,” I answered as I stood up, “But, things are good enough to get married now.” I laughed a little then tugged my shirt off so I could start getting dressed for my Wedding.

“You know, what Dakota did wasn’t her fault … your brother talked her into it.”

“Figures,” I rolled my eyes, “Seems like something he’d do.”

“He felt really bad.”

“I bet.”

“Seriously, he was scared that, that ended your relationship.”

I looked at my Dad but said nothing.

“It was a harmless prank, Johno … have a sense of humor.”

“I do have a sense of humor, but that prank happened at the worst time possible. I had so much shit on my mind, I still do.” I frowned.

“Well,” He shrugged a little, “I saw your new car, have you?”

“No,” I answered, “I don't even think it’s mine anymore, Dakota probably took a bat to it.”

“No,” He shook his head, “It’s at the house, in the garage … it’s nice, fully restored, runs like new, you’re going to love it.”

I nodded a bit then fell quiet as I continued to get dressed, feeling nervous and honestly, just wanting to get this done with, so I can sit down and talk with Dakota.


With a cute smile upon John’s face, he just shook his head as he twirled my hair around with his fingers, “Oh, Dakota Mae.” He mumbled.

“Do you hate it?” I asked of my new hair color.

“No,” He assured as he caressed my face, “It actually looks better than the brown did, black suits you … but I miss your blonde hair, will I ever see it again?”

“Maybe,” I teased then I looked down at his tie, fixing it even though there was nothing wrong with it, “I don't want to go to our reception, I want to hide out and just have tons of make up sex.”

His eyes lit up at my idea but he shook his head, “After all the money that was spent on our reception, it would be a crime not to attend.” He paused for a moment, “Can we not fight like that again?”

“No,” I answered.


“Because, somewhere down the line, we will fight like that again,” I shrugged, “But I promise that I won’t buy you another station wagon. Before we leave for our ‘honeymoon’ I want to show you, your car. Since you were a jackass about it before, you didn’t get to see it.”

“I’d love to see it,” John scanned my face, “This weekend won’t really be a good honeymoon, will it?”

“I can’t complain,” I pointed out, “We’re married, and we’re getting an all expenses paid weekend getaway to Hawaii. We’ll take a proper honeymoon when you have enough time, Mr.EmoRockstar.”

He rolled his eyes then leaned down, gently touching his lips to mine, “We need to go get the Wedding party photos taken,” He reminded me.

“Bentley misses you,” I mumbled, ignoring his comment about the photos, “I left him back home at this dog hotel thing. He didn’t like it when I left him, he whined and cried.”

“Would you rather skip Hawaii to go home and be with him?”

I frowned, “Well … no,” I shook my head then reached up, running my fingers through his hair, messing it up as I did so, “We’re married.”

He nodded but said nothing as he tightened his grip around my body.

“Well,” I whispered before kissing him lightly, “Let’s get this shit over with so we can go have make up sex somewhere.”

“You and sex,” He teased, “What is it with you today?”

“I don't know,” I assured, “Something about seeing you dressed up, does something for me.” I smirked then poked his stomach, “Very sexy and very handsome at the same time … Justin Timberlake style.”

“Whatever … I’m better looking than that Justin Timberlake.” John muttered in a cocky way before dusting his shoulder off, “What does he got that I don’t?” He question, “I can make music, sing my heart out, I can dance, I got the girl … and apparently the car, and I got the looks.”

“The money,” I pointed out, “You haven’t got his kind of money.”

“Yeah, well I suppose you’re right,” John wrinkled his nose, “But I got the girl,” He laughed.

“That you do,” I agreed then I backed away from him, “Let’s go get pictures taken, O’Callaghan.”

Letting out a sigh, he nodded his head then took my hand in his as we left the privacy of an empty banquet room. As we walked outside in the cool evening air for our pictures, I couldn’t help but have a giddy smirk stuck to my face knowing that even though the last month or so was spent doubting our relationship and worrying about breaking out, we’re still going strong and we’re finally happily married as well as madly in love.

Now if I could only figure out how to freeze time so John won’t have to leave Monday night for tour, everything would be perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
... Anything we want is in our grip, it seems to me that we can be dressed up to undress