Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Save Tonight

“Is it any different for you?” I whispered softly.

Inhaling deeply then exhaling loudly, my new Husband shrugged his shoulders as he continued to trace my spine with his finger tips, “In some ways,” He answered in a lazy tone, “I mean, we’re still John and Dakota but now we’re John and Dakota O’Callaghan …” He mumbled, “Emotionally? I grow with you emotionally every day, so that’s not really different, I don't know, Love. It feels different but I don't know how to explain it.”

Snuggling into his naked body more, I stared at the wall of our hotel suite, “Everything is so legit.”

“Wasn’t that the point?”

I laughed softly as I lifted my head and looked at him, “Yes,” I confirmed then I pushed some of his hair back, “You need a haircut.”

He just shook his head then shrugged, “We’ll see.”

“Whatever,” I smiled then kissed his lips lightly, “Is this how you thought Marriage would feel?”

“No,” John answered without any hesitation, “It isn't, I always thought there would be a lot more sex.”

“We’ve only been married two days,” I pointed out with my eye brows raised.

“Yeah, I know but I always thought that on my honeymoon I’d stay locked away in the room just having sex until my body couldn’t handle it anymore.”

“Well, we’re in Hawaii!” I exclaimed, “We have to push a weeks worth of honeymoon activities into three days.” I made a face, “We leave in the morning,” I reminded, “Then we’re in San Diego for four hours before you hop on another plane to Phoenix for the start of your damn tour.”

“It’s not the start of it,” John grumbled, correcting me, “But I have to meet up with the guys, so we can drive out to the east coast for the start of it.”

“Whatever, you’ll be gone.” I snapped.

John scanned my face intently then he nodded, “You’re strong,” He assured.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “I am, but I’m a newly wed who’s madly in love with her new Husband; I’m not ready to share you with your emo pussy band.”

John smiled cutely.

“And I’m certainly not ready to share you with your attractive girl fans … all of which I could beat the shit out of,” I pointed out.

With his smile still stuck to his face, he nodded his head, “You could, and I wouldn’t put it passed you at all … but I’d prefer if you didn’t, I don't want any criminal charges against you.” He laughed then slapped my ass playfully, “Because there is no way I’d be able to hit that when you’re behind bars.”

“John!?” I squealed happily before pushing myself away from him playfully.

Rolling over and pinning me to the bed, he grinned like the lovesick idiot he is before kissing my lips, “Seriously though, Dakota Mae … You don't need to worry about those girls, I may get a bit rowdy and flirt around but I’m as faithful as a boy gets. My heart is completely yours and I’m so devoted to you that it’s almost sickening.”

“Mean it?”

“Cross my heart and hope to die,” He smiled lovingly, “Believe me?”

“I believe you.”

“Good.” He laughed then kissed me once more.

As he pulled away, he caressed my face slowly giving me a glance of his Wedding band hugging his left ring finger. Taking his hand in mine, I twisted the ring around a few times, “Will you keep it on?”

John simply sighed but said nothing more; the silence was enough to tell me that he wasn’t going to keep it on, “Why not?” I whispered.

“I’m a private guy,” He answered, “If I want complete strangers to know I’m married, I’d tell them I’m married.” He pointed out, “And I know I’m just some guy who sings in a band and I will never consider myself ‘famous’ but I will be a public figure of sorts and some fans are nosey and have no respect for privacy …” He trailed off a little with the shrug of his shoulders, “I don't want complete strangers coming up to you, asking if you’re married to Johno from The Maine.”

“So you’re gonna hide me?” I laughed, “Like I’m some sort of secret?”

“No,” He shook his head, “I’m not going to hide you, but I’m not going to people extra reason to ask about my private life; people are already gonna be talking about the mysterious blue eyed girl hanging out with me when you come to my shows, why fuel the fire?”

“I see where you’re coming from,” I agreed.

“Plus, I’m shy by default. I really am soft spoken.”

“Prove it,” I teased as I wrapped my legs around his hips.

“I can’t, but it’s true.”

“Unless you’ve gotten your paws on some liquor,” I pointed out, “Then everyone is your fucking friend … you slutty bitch.”

John just shook his head and kissed me, “Watch that mouth, Dakota Mae, it’s gonna get your fuckin’ ass in trouble one of these days.”

“I loved the way you just scolded me, it really re-enforced the ‘watch your mouth’ comment.”

“I know, right?” He leaned down and kissed my neck, “You don’t have anything else planned for the day or night, do you?”

“Well, I sorta wanted to go to the beach one last time,” I mumbled, “But,” I whispered, “If you make it worth my while, we can stay here in the room.”

“Oh, I’ll definitely make it worth your while.” He assured with a cocky tone before reaching over and tugging the covers over our heads, burying us beneath a sea of white linen, “I’ll definitely make it worth while,” John whispered once more with laughing as he pressed his lips to mine, causing me to laugh with him happily.

No, this wasn’t the longest honeymoon and it’s honestly not the sort of honeymoon I wanted, but at least we got to have a short, passionate getaway before John is swept away in the whirl wind that is his band.
♠ ♠ ♠
It ain't easy to say good bye, darling please don't start to cry, 'cause girl you know I've got to go and Lord I wish it wasn't so.