Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Unexpected Arrival

Sitting on the perfectly manicured grass comfortably, I stared at the head stone that read ‘Delilah Leigh Jensen; Born July 31st 1988, Died August 28th 1996’. With a small smile on my face, I remembered my twin sister and best friend with perfect clarity, “Anyway,” I whispered, “Besides him turning me into a giant pussy, this whole marriage thing is definitely for the better.” I mumbled with a nod of my head.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, I inhaled deeply as I continued to talk, “You’d like him, he acts all cocky and like he’s too cool for school, but at the end of the day, he really is the sweetest boy alive. John has such an open heart and he’d give you everything he has if you’d ask for it and you were in need of it. He’s great.”

Turning my eyes to the exact replica of my Wedding bouquet that I brought with me to put on the grave, I laughed a little, “Ma and Daddy are secretly hooking up,” I smiled, “You probably already know that though, I think it’s for the better though. They love each other, they need each other and Tori was just a fuckin’ bitch to begin with, everyone hated her, I think deep down, Daddy probably hated her too … but I hope Daddy and Ma get re-married and do it up big this time, giving the first time around they just got hitched since Ma was already pregnant with Kyle, they just wanted to get it done before anyone found out, but I did the math … we all know that Ma was five months pregnant with him when they eloped.”

I picked the flowers up and re-adjusted them slightly, “Ma and Daddy deserve a huge Wedding, something so breath taking and no one will ever forget their Wedding … ever.” Shifting my eyes back to the headstone, I stared at her name once again, “I wish you were here to have seen my Wedding,” I mumbled softly, “It isn't fair … and no one understands, they won’t ever understand because none of them have a twin, an identical twin for that matter …” I frowned a bit after having said that, “I wonder if you were still alive and we were both at the bowling alley that night, if John would’ve still picked me?” I questioned, “Because he said he fell for my eyes and my sailor mouth, but c’mon … we would’ve been raised in the same environment, you would’ve had a sailor mouth just like me and you definitely had the same eyes as me, maybe he would’ve chosen you instead of me …”

“No,” I heard someone say from behind me.

Jumping slightly, I looked over my shoulder to see Kyle standing there with a smile on his face, “No, John wouldn’t have picked her, he still would’ve picked you … you two may have been twins, and she may have grown up to have a potty mouth but … you were always the one gettin’ your ass in trouble, you were unpredictable and still are, Delilah liked routine, and she was never violent.” My oldest brother assured as he walked over and sat down on the grass across from me before looking at the head stone, “I figured I’d find you here … everyone is lookin’ for you, they think you ran away before Johno left.”

“I didn’t run away,” I mumbled as I lowered my eyes to the green grass, “I just … I just needed someone to talk to.”

“I know, that’s why I knew I’d find you here. Ma and Daddy have an announcement, everyone is going to the beach house for dinner.”

I looked up and eyed him, “I already know the announcement.”

“How in the hell do you know?”

“Either they’re getting remarried or their pregnant, or both.” I shrugged, “Why would they waste time with dating? They’ve been apart for so long that now all they want to do is be together, even if Daddy’s divorce isn't finalized.”

“It is,” Kyle informed me, “It went quickly, there was no fighting, I don't even think they went to court. All Tori got was the house, that was it, and a settlement check or something along those lines, but it’s final.”

“Oh,” I whispered.

“How long have you been here?” He questioned, changing the subject.

“Thirty minutes or so,” I answered then I looked into Kyle’s bright blue eyes, “What do you think she would’ve been like?” I whispered.

“Smart,” He answered, “In college, not a big party girl but she would still know how to let loose from time to time …”


“No,” He shook his head, “Probably not even thinking about it, but she probably would’ve had a stable relationship …” He licked his lips, “Daddy’s go to girl for everything financial, even when you two were five she was good with money, she understood it.”

“She would’ve been so pretty,” I mumbled.

“She would’ve been exactly like you,” He pointed out, “Looks wise.”

“No,” I shook my head, “She would’ve never dyed her hair,” I laughed, “Remember that time that Ma came home with her hair dyed and Delilah freaked out, not because she didn’t recognize Ma—“

“But because she was convinced the chemicals would make Ma go bald,” Kyle laughed, “I remember, and you know who put that thought into her head?”


“No!” He exclaimed, “Nathaniel, but I was there.”

“Figures.” I mumbled.

Kyle laughed softly as he looked back at the headstone, “It’s hard, even after all these years, y’know?” He mumbled, “I’ve moved on, and gotten over her death but I still miss her everyday.”

“Me too,” I mumbled, “It wasn’t fair.”

“Daddy tried to save her, he really did but when he noticed that she wasn’t coming back, he had to leave her to help Ma get you breathing again … you still had a heartbeat, Delilah … she was gone before they even got to the two of you.”

“John took me back,” I admitted.

“What?” Kyle questioned.

“To Lake Havasu, John took me back when we first got together, he didn’t know and I fell asleep in the car, when I woke up we were at the Lake.”

Kyle’s eyes widened.

“He got me back into the water,”

“No shit?”

I nodded, not having told my family about the date that John took me on there, “Yeah.”

“Johno, he really is something, isn't he?”

I looked at my older brother and smiled, “Yeah, he’s my Husband.” I insisted.

Kyle laughed and nodded, “That he is … nineteen and married, you slut.”

“Shut up, you’re fucking my best friend!”

Kyle blushed, “I’m gonna ask her to marry me,” He whispered, “She’s been dropping subtle hints ever since John gave you your engagement ring, we’ve been together for a while now, and even before we were together official, we had hooked up a few times.”


“What!?” He smiled a shit eating grin, “Let’s just say when you had sleep overs … I got some.”

“Lilly too?”

“God no, she’s like my little sister, ew.”

I made a face, “Michelle should be like your little sister too.”

“I never saw her like that,” He shrugged his shoulders, “I got the ring already, but I’m waiting for the right moment.”

I eyed my brother, “Somewhere public, make a scene … sweep her off of her feet, make her feel like she’s the only girl on the face of the earth, make her feel like she’s a Princess.”

“Really? I was thinking private.”

“No,” I shook my head as I slowly stood to my feet, “Definitely public, but make it at a local café in the morning when it’s crowded, think locally owned, not starbucks, or take her to a really down to earth restaurant at night like TGIFriday’s or Red Robin’s and make a scene there … trust me on this.”

He stood up and eyed me.

“Oh, and don’t put the ring in any food or her drink, when that happens on TV it really pisses her off because she thinks it’s a choking hazard and in reality, she’s right, it is a choking hazard.” I nodded a bit then frowned, “Well, we better go.”

“I’ll meet up with you at the beach house, I think I’m gonna spend a couple more minutes here, ok?”

I smiled and nodded, “Ok,” I confirmed, “Take your time, I’m sure the parental units will understand.”

He smiled nodded then pointed to me, “Drive carefully and please, don’t run away.” He teased.

“Whatever,” I laughed as I slowly walked away.

Once I was back in my Range Rover, I grabbed my phone from the cup holder and saw that I had ten missed calls, the majority of them from my family waiting for me at the beach house, but there was just one, the last one, that wasn’t from them, but from John instead and it seems like he’s the only one who actually left a voice mail.

Punching in my password then pressing pound, I put my phone to my ear and listened intently, “Dakota Mae, your family is worried sick about you; they just called me to ask if you had followed me to Arizona again. I told them no, that you weren’t here but I didn’t tell them where you were and yes, before you ask, I do or … did? Anyway, I knew where you went and I just wanted to remind you that, that you put that Wedding picture of ours on the counter by the microwave this morning to take to her grave, don’t forget it. Well, I gotta go, I have to go have dinner with my parents, Jake and Katie, apparently Jake has huge news, I don't know but I’ll call you later on tonight before I go to bed. I love you, cross my heart and hope to die. Be good, Dakota Mae.”

I smiled at the voicemail that my Husband had left me then I pressed the specified number to save the message to my phone before hanging up. Starting my SUV and putting it into gear, I slowly backed out of the parking space, bummed out that I did ultimately forget the Wedding picture I had planned on bringing with me, but I was frazzled and needed time to myself.

The drive to the beach house was fairly quick, giving the cemetery is in Los Angeles and not San Diego. Once at the house, I walked in without a knock then looked around. Loudly, I heard the cute bark of Bentley then his paws slipping and sliding on the hardwood floors as he hurried towards me, somehow knowing that it was me who had walked through the door.

“Bentley!” I greeted the half grown puppy, “Look at you, did you miss me!?” I questioned happily, giving I haven’t seen him since before the Wedding. Nathaniel picked him up from the ‘doggie daycare’ for me when he got back into San Diego the day after the Wedding.

Jumping around uncontrollably, I laughed as I scooped him up in my arms and hugged him tightly. Calming down, he settled into my arms as he took in my embrace, just like a child would I assume.

“Where have you been?” My Mom questioned as she walked in, “That little rat of yours has been chewing shit up, acting all kinds of obnoxious.”

“Who? Bentley? Never.” I smirked then I put the dog down and hugged my Mom, “He just doesn’t do good with new surroundings when people don't make him listen, he’s a stubborn little shit, trust me. So, what’s the big news?” I asked.

She eyed me then smiled, “Well, Nathanial already knows and so does Annie because that were listening in on a conversation Daddy and I were having …”

“You’re getting married.” I blurted with a smile.

“How did you know?”

“You’re wearing a pretty new ring on your left hand,” I pointed out.

She looked at her hand, “Oh,” She frowned a bit.”

“And you’re pregnant?”

“How did you know that?”

“You’re glowing, it really is true about pregnant people glowing, plus you didn’t drink at my reception, you were in the bathroom before the ceremony and wouldn’t let anyone else in, but Daddy … Ma, I’m a married nineteen year old, I’m grown, I know these things.”

She shook her head, “You too smart for you own damn good, Dakota Mae, did you know that?”

“I’ve heard that a time or two before, but I don’t believe it … not yet at least.” I smiled then I hugged her, “Congratulations on everything.”

She laughed, “Thank you,” She backed away, “So, how was the honeymoon?”

“What honeymoon?” I frowned, “You mean the two night getaway?” I questioned, “That was nice, but if I had it to do all over again, I would’ve demanded that we had a longer honeymoon.”

My Mom made a sad face, “You miss him, huh?”

I nodded, “But, I guess it sorta comes with the territory.” I shrugged slightly then I smiled, “What’s for dinner?”

Laughing softly, she shook her head, “Ask Daddy, he said he had something special planned and I wasn’t even let in on this special dinner.”

Making a face, I walked away towards the kitchen, “Daddy!?” I wailed, “I’m hungry and my Husband left me so I have no one to cook for me!” I whined, “Not that John’s food is any good, but it was decent.” I joked as my Dad came into view.

He looked at me blankly, “Dinner?” He questioned.

“Yeah, I’m hungry.”

He frowned, “Well, you shouldn’t get anything, why didn’t you pick up your phone?”

“I was busy, that’s all you need to know.” I pointed out, “Now what’s for dinner?”

“We’re going out,” He informed me, “We’re just waiting on Kyle.”

“Oh,” I wrinkled my nose then looked around, “Where’s Nathaniel?”

“I don't know, he was outback but I don't know.”

I frowned at my Father then took a seat at the counter on a stool, “Knocked Ma up out of wedlock again eh, Dad?”

He shot me a look, “Careful, just because you’re married doesn’t mean I’m not your Father anymore.”

I stuck my tongue out then rolled my eyes. Just after I did those actions, I heard Annie cry out angrily, “Damnit, Nathaniel!” She screamed at her boyfriend, “I’m not fucking glass, my water broke, I’m not going to break!” She growled.

“Uh oh,” My Dad mumbled as he rushed away.

With wide eyes, I just sort of continued to sit still in shock for a moment before I shook my head and forced myself to my feet. I hurried into the living room in time to see them leaving the house. Following them out, Annie was crying in a pathetic manner, “No! I don’t want my kid to be born in LA … my Doctor is in San Diego, I want to go to San Diego!” She demanded.

“Babe, you can’t.” Nathaniel assured her, “I’m pretty sure that this baby is well on it’s way and will not wait for us to go to San Diego.”

“Don't you talk to me like that, Jensen.” Annie hissed as she glared at my brother.

“Dakota we need to take your car,” My Mom pointed out, “Your car is the only one with any room in it besides Kyle’s and he isn't here.”

“No!” I whined, “Ew … bodily fluids in my car are a no go,” I pointed out, being selfish.

“Dakota Mae!” My Dad wailed as he opened the back door, “Shut your mouth, and get to drive or give me the damn keys and I’ll fucking drive.”

Making a face, I pulled my keys out of my pocket and climbed into the drivers seat, “Fine,” I snapped then I looked back at Annie, “Should we call Garrett?” I asked softly.

“Drive!” Everyone demanded in stern voices.

“Ok, I’m driving … shit.” I rolled my eyes as I put the car into gear and quickly maneuvered my way through the streets of Los Angeles to a decent hospital, not necessarily the closet one, but a decent one.

At the hospital everything seemed to have happened so fast that there was no time to catch a breath. Annie’s baby was in fact coming whether she was ready or not, and she was coming fast, they barely had time to give Annie any pain meds before the baby just sort of pushed herself out apparently.

In the dimly lit hospital room, I stood by the counter with the sink, eyeing the birth certificate for little Ashlee Jade, a little bit shocked that she had Jensen as her last name and Nathaniel’s name was printed out as her Father. Biting my lip, I couldn’t help but wonder if Garrett had agreed to this or if Annie just decided to do this without his consent, but then again, the child was born out of wedlock and Garrett has no real custody over her in the eyes of the law, in fact, Annie doesn’t even have to let him see her.

Putting the birth certificate down, I looked up to see Nathaniel cradling Ashlee closely in his arms, swaying slowly as he just stared at her with a look only a Father could have. I smiled, knowing that, that little girl has him wrapped around her tiny little finger, just like her Mother. Like he sensed me looking at him, Nathaniel looked up over at me and smiled proudly, “Wanna hold her?”

“Not really,” I shook my head, being a bit … scared of the infant, I haven’t ever held a newborn before, I don't want to break her on accident.

“Aw c’mon Auntie Dakota,” He teased as he walked over to me with her, “Hold her,” He demanded.

Wrinkling my nose, I looked at my brother then over at Annie, “What if I break her?” I questioned.

Everyone in the room laughed at me, “You’ll be fine,” Michelle assured from her seat next to Annie’s bed.

I made a face but said nothing nor did I make a move to hold the baby.

“Listen, you’ll need to learn sometime … that Johno of yours is gonna knock you up sooner or later,” Lilly taunted.

“He better not,” I joked with a smile then I gave in, “Fine, I’ll hold her.” I whispered.

“Ok, Good.” Nathaniel took a step closer to me as he started to hand her over, “Hold her head,” He demanded in a stern yet comforting voice.

“I got it,” I mumbled and then suddenly, the infant was cradled in my arms as I stiffly stood still, not wanting to move for fear I’d do something wrong. Looking down at her, I frowned softly when I saw that she had a lot of Garrett’s looks in her but also a lot of Annie as well, “She’s gorgeous.” I whispered softly then I looked over at Annie, “Really,”

“Thank you,” She smiled tiredly then she looked over at Nathaniel before back at me, “I know you want to call him,” She said to me, “You can if you want to, and just so you know … he agreed to let Nathaniel be her Dad.”

I blushed, not knowing they knew what I was thinking; was I really that obvious?

Nathaniel shrugged, “We all agreed that it would be better this way.”

“Oh,” I whispered then I carefully gave her back to my Brother, “I’m gonna go outside for some fresh air,” I said honestly. No, I wasn’t going to call Garrett, if I called anyone I would call John. I didn’t want to be the one to tell Garrett his daughter was just born, I didn’t want to be the one to deal with the emotions he would feel, I just didn’t feel like it was my place, no matter how bad I wanted him to know.

Once I was outside, I sat down on a bench and stared up at the stars with a smile on my face. No, this evening didn’t turn out how it was supposed to, but it turned out for the better and we have a new little addition to the Jensen family. The only thing that would’ve made tonight better, would’ve been John, but it was still nothing less than amazing despite the fact that he wasn’t here to witness this. Everything turned out … perfect.
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Have you ever really danced on the edge? Is something still scaring you?