Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Surprise Visit

Standing up straight, I made a face as I flushed the toilet then stumbled to the bathroom counter. Brushing my teeth thoroughly followed by some Listerine, I wrinkled my nose not knowing what was wrong with me, I didn’t think I drank that much last night but apparently I did.

Walking out of my bathroom and back into my room, I saw Nathaniel sitting on the edge of my bed, “Did you know that Johno is in California?” He questioned.

I nodded slowly, “Yeah, the tour he’s on started on the east coast and made it’s way to the west.”

“He’s only been gone two weeks.”

“I know,” I made my eyes wide, “They made good time.” I forced a tired smile, “Listen, I’m not feeling too hot. Is there a reason why you’re in here?” I asked as I climbed into the bed on John’s side, burying my head down into his pillow.

“Yeah, there is a reason I’m in here, we’re going to wherever it is that they are to let Garrett see Ashlee.”

“Oh?” I frowned, “I thought you guys agreed you were the Dad?”

“We did, but I mean he should be able to see her, or Annie thinks so at least. He’s not ready for a kid, he’s already made that clear but he still just wants to see her. Annie agreed, but I have to go to work.”

“You have a job?”

“I’m starting tomorrow, so I can’t drive up there with her today and Kyle is busy, Lilly has school, Michelle is with Kyle and Dane doesn’t want to leave the city because Dani and him are looking for a new house. Believe me, I wouldn’t be asking you if I didn’t need to, I know you’ve been sick lately.”

“I have?”

Nathaniel tilted his head to the side, “Well, I just assumed because you’ve been throwing up a lot lately. Is there another reason behind the throwing up?”

“I thought it was my booze intake.”

“Dakota, you haven’t really been drinking. A couple a beers a night or a couple of shots of whiskey don't qualify as a lot of booze, I haven’t even seen you drunk since that party over in Tempe before Johno moved.”

I rubbed my face and shrugged my shoulders, “Maybe it’s just anxiety, I am without my Husband and Dad has me running all around LA and San Diego helping him look for an empty building, he’s opening up another Bowling Alley over here too.”

He nodded then eyed me, “Will you do that for me? Please?” He whispered, “I know it’s been hard on you, with having the three of us here—“

“No, it hasn’t.” I assured, “If you three weren’t here, I’d be alone all the time.” I pointed out, “Its fine, it’s not hard … I take a sleeping pill to drown out the sound of Ashlee’s crying.” Sitting up slowly, I nodded, “I’ll take her but the show is somewhere up there.” I pointed north.


“Fresno?” I whined.

“That’s why you two are leaving today, the show is tomorrow night, the band should be there about the same time you two get there and Garrett said that you guys can just room with them, but I went ahead and booked you two separate rooms. I don't think the guys want Ashlee keeping them up with her crying all night, and I figured that you and Johno might want to be alone giving you two are still newly weds and I’m pretty sure the sex bug hasn’t left your system.”

“Oh, it’s gone.” I flopped back, “He isn't touching me unless it’s to cuddle me and tell me I’m gonna be ok because I think I’m on the verge of death.”

“Ashlee is already in her carrier, sleeping and ready to go. Annie is asleep on the couch but she’s showered, dressed and packed so, whenever you’re ready.”

I sat up again, “You’re trying to kill me, it isn't even eight yet, I don't wake up before eleven, you know that.”

“Well, today is different. And while you’re there, could you keep an eye on Garrett, I trust Annie but I don't trust him.” Nathaniel shook his head, “I don't want him to try anything.”


“Yeah, I am … that’s my daughter and girlfriend out there.”

I went to say something but Nathaniel beat me to it, “She’s my daughter, Dakota.” He said sternly, “I don't care if I didn’t have a part in making her, I was by Annie’s side through the entire pregnancy, I gave her the love that Garrett refused to give her, our family welcomed her with open arms and that baby … she’s mine, she family; so as her Aunt, please don’t let that jackass try anything stupid, ok?”

I nodded, “Can I take a fast shower?” I questioned.

He nodded then got up, “I’ll keep an eye on Bentley for you, anyway Ace needs a buddy, he doesn’t understand why Annie isn't paying attention to him as much as she used to; Ace doesn’t really like Ashlee.”

“Interesting,” I mumbled as I stood to my feet and stumbled to the bathroom, “Leave, now.”

Nathaniel said nothing more before leaving my bedroom and shutting the door behind himself. My shower was long at all, since I didn’t want to get too much of a late start seeing as I’m traveling with a new mother and her infant, I’m sure there will be a lot of pit stops along the way. And to be honest, I really want to see John; he has a way that makes everything seem ok, even if it isn't.


Pulling up to the Best Western, I made a face as I parked the large white van with its matching trailer. Once it was ‘parked’ I made another face as I looked at everyone, “I don't think I can park here,” I mumbled, “I’ll just meet up with you guys inside,” I assured.

No one protested my comments; they all just grabbed their bags and backpacks before leaving me alone in the van. I watched as they went inside before I maneuvered the van around the parking lot to a better parking space, further away, yes, but I won’t be woken up in the middle of the night by the front desk clerk, telling me to move the van.

Climbing out of the van, I grabbed my own backpack from the back, then locked up. While walking up to the front entrance, I spotted a familiar car and I slowed my walking while continuing to stare at it like I was some sort of crazy person. Coming to a stop, I looked around for witnesses before making my move towards the Black SUV. Peeking inside its windows, I felt a smile tug on my lips but a state of confusion washed over me.

Why was my Wife in Fresno without my knowledge? Why did she decide to drive six hours without giving me warning before hand? Have I done something terribly wrong and not realized it? Or is this her running away from San Diego again because she doesn’t want to be alone?

“Wanna go get it washed for me?” I heard Dakota question simply.

Jumping slightly, I looked around but didn’t see my Wife.

Laughing cutely, Dakota was finding joy in me not seeing her, “Up here, O’Callaghan.”

Turning my eyes to the building and scanning its windows, I saw Dakota on a second story balcony wearing just a white V-neck t-shirt and a pair of black panties. I frowned, “You’re a married woman for fucks sake; put some clothes on, damnit!” I teased.

She smiled down at me, “I’m being lazy, hurry and get up here …” She paused, “Hold on,” She ordered then disappeared into the room before coming back out with her keys, “Catch.”

“What are you doing? Are you serious about me finding a car wash?” I questioned.

“Yes, well not today at least, maybe tomorrow but I need you to get in there and grab my hoodie, well it’s your hoodie but it’s mine now.” She made a face then dropped the keys down towards me.

Catching them without much effort I opened the door and looked for the hoodie, once I found it, I locked up then shut the door, “What happened to your key pad for this thing?” I asked.

“I lost it,” She answered, “I think Bentley stole it.”

“You’re unbelievable, Dakota.” I frowned, “What room number are you in?”

“I don't know, guess.”

“Damnit, Dakota Mae!” I snapped.

“220,” She huffed, “Oh and do you have two bucks on you?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Get me a sprite from the vending machine please?”

“Fuck, I didn’t even know you were gonna be here and you’re already bossing me around.” I teased, “Put some pants on.” I ordered before walking away.

As I walked away, I caught glimpse of an elderly couple who had been watching Dakota and I apparently and the look upon their faces were full of disgust. I gave them a cocky smirk before entering the hotel.

“What took you so long?” Pat asked tiredly.

“My Wife,” I answered, “She’s here … who knew?”

“Me.” Garrett answered.

I looked at Garrett, “How did you know?”

“She drove Annie here.”

“Annie is here?” I smiled, “So I finally get to see my niece?”

Garrett frowned when I called Ashlee my niece then he nodded simply, “Yeah, but they’re sleeping right now.”

“Oh,” I handed the van keys to Garrett, “I’m gonna head up to Dakota’s room, I’ll talk to you guys later … it’s room 220 if you need me.” I muttered softly before walking away, not waiting for a response.

Taking the stairs to the second floor, I found the vending machine and bought the sprite as I was told to then I found the room my Wife was in. Knocking on the door lightly, I waited patiently.

“Who is it?” Dakota questioned.

“Let me in, I’m not in the mood.”

The door opened and Dakota stood there, “You look like shit.” She said simply before taking the sprite from me.

“Thanks, I love you too.”

“Sorry,” She whispered as she walked back into the room.

“I need a shower and a good nights sleep.” I insisted as I shut the door then locked the deadbolt, “How come you didn’t tell me you were gonna be here?”

“I felt no need for it, why is your mistress on the road with you?”

“Of course, she’s downstairs with the guys.” I teased then I walked over to my Wife, hugging her tightly, “A little warning would’ve been nice, I could’ve put on some clean clothes or something.”

“You look fine,” She mumbled, hugging back, “Don’t smell bad either, but your hair needs to be washed.”

“I know, I haven’t showered in five days.”

“Ew,” She pushed me away from her and made a face, “Gross.”

“Tell me about it,” I took my backpack off and put it down before looking at the two beds, “Seriously, two beds? Are you mad at me?”

“I didn’t book the room, Nathaniel did and this was all they had left. We’ll only use one bed, they’re queens.”

“I don't care if they were twins, we would still be using one bed.” I tugged my shirt off, “I need to take a shower, wanna join me?”

“Not really,” She whispered as she grabbed the hoodie that I brought up and put it on, “I feel like shit, I don't know what’s wrong.” She informed me before crawling into the unmade bed by the window.

Eyeing her with concern, I dropped my shirt to the floor, “Have you been to the doctors?” I questioned before taking my pants off.

“No, it’s nothing that serious.”

“It could be, Love.”

“Shut up!” She snapped, “It’s not serious, I just need tons of sprite and some snuggles, that’s all.”

“How about tons of sprite, a little sex then some snuggles?” I suggested.

Turning her blue eyes to me, she just gave me a tired smile, “Only if you don't care if I fake it.”

“I don't,” I assured, “I just want pussy.” I joked, “Rough and rowdy.”

“Go take your shower, you fucking pervert!” She laughed, throwing the bottle cap at me.

“Love you.”

“Love you.” She mocked back with a soft laugh.

Shaking my head, I went into the bathroom only to come right back out, “Did you bring any shampoo?”

“In my bag,” Dakota answered as she pointed to her suitcase.

Opening her bag, I found the shampoo and conditioner before going back into the bathroom. My shower was faster than I had planned it to be on the way to the hotel but that was before I found out my Wife was here, so I just got in, got clean then got out.

Once I was dry and wearing a clean pair of underwear, I carefully laid myself down on the bed next to Dakota who had fallen asleep while I was showering. Pushing some of her black hair out of her face, I kissed her forehead softly.

“Dakota Mae?” I whispered.


“Why don't you feel well?”

“I don't know,” She answered sleepily, “I’m just broken I guess.” She wrapped her arms around me, “Fix me.” She ordered, much like she does when she’s bleeding and I’m around to bandage it.

“I would if I knew what was wrong.” I pointed out, “You’re not hot,”

“Well, you’re ugly too.”

“Shut up,” I laughed, “You know what I mean.” I rolled my eyes, “What do you feel like?”

“Honestly? I feel like I’m getting the flu, I just feel sick.”

“I have some cough syrup.”



“I don't need that shit. It tastes so nasty.”

“You get used to it.”

Dakota lifted her head and eyed me, “How often do you use it?”

“It helps me sleep when we’re in the van.”

“O’Callaghan.” She said sternly, “You’re gonna get addicted to that shit.”

“I need sleep, Dakota. And it helps with my sore throat. I sing a lot you know.”

Shaking her head, she lied back down then relaxed again, “I missed you.”

“Me too.”

“Do you leave tomorrow night after the show?”

“No, the next morning.”

“Good,” She whispered then moved her head around so she could see my face she was still on the pillow. Reaching up, she caressed my face then lightly traced the skin just under my eyes, “You have bags,”

“I’m tired, I did the driving here today.”

Wrinkling her nose, she moved her finger tips to my lips, lightly tracing them. I kissed her finger tips softly, “I wish I could make everything better.” I whispered before gently biting down on her index finger, putting a cute smile on her face.

“Slut,” She joked as she moved her hand away from my mouth.

Shaking my head, I moved onto my side a bit more then reached down and tugged her leg over my hip, “Being in a van with nothing but dudes can get gross from time to time.” I assured as I ran my hand against her thigh.

“I bet, what do you guys talk about?”

“Everything,” I answered.

“You are borderline gay, huh?”

“Sometimes.” I insisted with a laugh, “You’d like tour,”

“Maybe,” She paused then closed her eyes, “Did you see Ashlee yet?”

“No, Annie wasn’t downstairs, she’s sleeping.”

Opening her eyes, Dakota shook her head, “No,” She frowned, “They slept practically the entire way here, has anybody checked on her?”

“I didn’t, Garrett said she was asleep.” I said again.

Dakota got up out of bed then grabbed a key card from the table, “I’ll be right back.” She insisted sternly before leaving the room.

“Pants!” I reminded, “Or not,” I added as I got up and went to the door, poking my head out, watching my Wife walk barefoot and pant less down the hall. Coming to a stop, she knocked on a door before sliding the key into the lock and then she disappeared.

After a minute or two, Dakota came back out with a bag flung over her shoulders and an infant cradled in her arms followed by Annie, “Thank you so much,” Annie said softly, “I just need to talk to him before I let him see her, I wont be more than thirty minutes, promise.”

“It’s ok,” Dakota nodded then they came to our door.

Annie looked at me, “Johno,”

“Annie,” I smiled, “How are you?”

“Tired,” She answered then smiled softly before thanking Dakota once more and walking away.

“We’re babysitting?” I asked as I moved aside to let my Wife in.

“Just for a few minutes,” She assured as she walked in.

I shut the door and locked the deadbolt once more before turning around only to be frozen in my tracks when the sight of Dakota cradling an infant took me off guard, and really hit me.

“Wow,” I whispered.

“What?” Dakota asked.

“Nothing … it’s just,” I shrugged, “You holding her,”

“Keep it in your pants,” She ordered, “No babies for us for a while,” She assured then she sat down, “Come say hi.”

Walking over to the bed, I sat down and looked at Ashlee, “She does look a lot like him, doesn’t she?”

“She does,” Dakota confirmed, “I bet he’s kicking himself in the ass for letting Annie slip away.”

“Yeah, but Annie is better off with Nathaniel.” I mumbled, “If she were still with Garrett, she’d be back in Tempe, doing this all alone, no support at all, plus Nathaniel loves her unconditionally, no matter who is around … Garrett didn’t.”

“Hold her,” Dakota demanded, “You’re her Uncle, she needs to meet you.”

I carefully took the baby in my arms and smiled, “She’s adorable.” I smiled.

“Yeah, she definitely makes me want a baby but pregnancy is not something I want to go through right now.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“I don't want to do it alone,” She admitted, “I haven’t even had a pregnancy scare, ever. I’ve always been so careful, pregnancy just seems really scary.”

“You wouldn’t be alone,” I assured.

“No, I know but I would feel better if you were with me every night or at least almost every night.”

Nodding to myself, I stared down at Ashlee as her eyes began to get heavy. Thinking about what Dakota had just said, about not wanting to be pregnant, worry fell over me as I glanced over at my Wife. Sitting there with droopy eyes and a pale face, it only confirmed my assumption of what possibly could be a pregnancy.

But she couldn’t be, could she?
♠ ♠ ♠
You look so cute when you get that mad, you drain the life from me and it feels oh so good.