Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

On My Own

“Why shouldn’t I come to dinner?” I questioned my Mother softly as I folded some clothes that just came out of the dryer.

“Because honey, it just wouldn’t be a good idea right now.”

“Well, is the dinner cancelled then?” I frowned.

My Mom hesitated then sighed, “No,”

“Do you not want to see me?”

“It’s not me, Dakota, it’s Daddy.”

“Dad?” I asked, “Why is Dad mad at me, I just saw him this morning, we had a business meeting with the realtor.”

“I told him.”

“Told him what?”

“That you’re pregnant, I let it slip when it got home.”

I fell silent as I stopped everything I was doing. Reaching up, I grabbed the phone so I could lower my shoulder and the phone wouldn’t fall, “He’s mad?” I whispered softly fearing that if I talked any louder my voice would crack and my tears would fall.

“I don’t know, he just seemed distant, I don’t think it would be a good thing for you to come tonight.”

“He doesn’t want me there, does he?”

“I never said that, but you need to let this news sink in.”

“He had no problems with me getting married, but when he hears the news that me and my Husband are expecting, he gets pissed off?” I snapped, “That’s doesn’t make any fucking sense whatsoever!”

“Dakota, don’t go getting all worked up about this, you know Daddy, he’s simple and doesn’t really like change all that much. Everything is changing so quickly lately, you can’t blame him for jumping for joy, you are only nineteen, married or not, that’s a young age to be having babies at.”

“I have to go,” I said simply before hanging up on my Mother. Throwing the phone with anger and frustration, I watched as it hit the wall and some of it’s pieces came flying off of it.

Glaring at nothing it particular, I stood to my feet, went to the closet and grabbed my suitcase. Throwing my clothes into the bag, I fought off my sadness with anger and hate.

“Dakota?” Nathaniel mumbled as he opened my door slowly, “What are you doing?”

“Go away.”

“But you just broke the phone.” He pointed out as he walked in all the way and picked up the broken piece of technology, “Is this a result of Johno telling you something you didn’t want to hear?” He teased.

“No, that is the result of Mom telling me that Dad is pissed off at me.”


I shot my blue eyes towards my brother meanly, “I’m pregnant.” I growled, “Happy? I’m fucking pregnant and Dad is pissed off!”

Nathaniel shrugged his shoulders, “Everyone sorta guessed that you were pregnant.” He admitted, “Plus, Johno was talking to me the other day and let it slip.” My Brother made a face then eyed me intently, “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know yet,” I answered truthfully.

“Why do you always run?”

“Because it’s what I know best, ok!?” I screamed at him, “I just need to get away, everyone is pissing me off … and apparently I’m pissing everyone off as well.”

Nathaniel shook his head, “He’ll come around.”

“Maybe, maybe not but I need a change.” I shrugged a little bit as I zipped up my suitcase, “Don’t touch John’s car while I’m gone, got it?”


I eyed my Brother then I looked over at Bentley who was sleeping soundly on John’s pillow, “C’mon Bentley, let’s go.” I called out to the dog before pushing passed Nathaniel, “If someone follows me, you’re all dead.” I threatened my empty threat then I scooped my dog up before leaving my ocean view apartment for the last time.

No, Nathaniel had no idea that I wouldn’t be coming back, but I did. In my mind I’ve been going through places where John and I could live but so far I’ve come up with nothing that even sounds interesting for me. Once I got into my car, I buckled up, backed out of my parking space and started my way east, wanting to get out of California, wanting to get away from all of my problems.

I knew telling people would be a bad idea, I just got used to the fact that I was pregnant now I’m being criticized for it because I’m apparently I’m too young and don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. Maybe my Father never wanted me to get married or anything and finding out that I was pregnant was the straw that broke the camel’s back, now all of his anger is coming out on me and my unborn child. Or maybe he truly doesn’t want me to be a Mother yet because he thinks I can’t handle it. Whatever the reason is, it isn’t reason enough.

He has no right to make me feel like shit about being pregnant, so I can do this without him, as much as it’s going to hurt, I need to prove to him, to myself, to everyone that I don’t need my Father or his money as a crutch any longer. Johno and I will do this on our own and we’ll be alright.
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All of them live to doubt me, they laugh and then they leave, I realize now I'll never become anything