Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Maybe It's All For The Best

Sitting shotgun in my Brother’s car, I looked around the somewhat familiar landscape of Flagstaff, Arizona. Having driven up here on day trips, I knew a bit about the town but nothing that I needed to know as a new resident. Wrinkling my nose, I thought that my Wife would be completely over her fight with her Father by the time the summer ended but apparently I was wrong. Dakota has not only gotten a job here in Flagstaff without the aid of any of her family members but she has also bought out first home.

“Do you even know where you’re going?” I questioned Jake as I glanced over at my little brother.

He nodded his head a bit then frowned, “Yeah, I know but I’m not taking you to the house just yet, I’m looking for the Blockbuster, there’s a new game I want to rent and since I’m going to be spending the weekend up here with you and helping you put together the nursery, I figured that I’d rent it and we can play it on our downtime.”

“What downtime?” I huffed, “I’m only home for a week, Dakota isn’t going to let me have any downtime.” I pointed out simply, “She is refusing to lift one finger when it comes to putting everything together for the nursery.”

“She’s making the baby, what are you doing?” Jake asked simply.

I turned to him and frowned, “You’ve been spending too much time with my Wife.”

He laughed heartily then shrugged, “I’m single now, I have no plans anymore so Dakota is always making me drive my ass up here to fix things since you’re not around to do it.” He paused, “Plus, I don’t mind coming up here as of lately.”

“Why is that?” I raised my eyebrows, “You fuckin’ my lady?” I teased with a mock stern voice.

“Dude, if you didn’t get to her first, I’d be all over that but she’s married to you, pregnant with your kid, and to be honest, she’s not my type.” He laughed then shrugged his shoulders, “Lilly is in town.” He muttered, “She’s been spending a bunch of time over here with Dakota because she doesn’t want her alone and apparently Lilly is the only person Dakota is even speaking to from California.”

“Dane and Dani,” I added, “They know we’re in Flagstaff, but she hasn’t told Michelle because she doesn’t want Michelle to tell Kyle.”

“Well, Lilly is the only one who has came over,” Jake trailed off slowly then glanced at me, “I know she’s older than me, but I think there’s something going on between us.”

“And Katie?” I asked of his ex-fiancée.

“We’re officially over, man.” He mumbled, “She’s been nothing but a bitch to me since before we graduated high school. She was moving away and wanted me to move with her and I didn’t want to leave Tempe, so she got upset with me…”

“And the sex?”

“What sex?”

“My point exactly,” I laughed, “Dakota told me that she was leading you on then changing her mind at the last possible moment.”

Jake shrugged his shoulders then nodded, “One time, the last time … the day before we broke up, it was going to happen then like a second before, you know, just before I was about to go in, she freaked out and pushed me off of her.”

I made a face, “She was just scared.” I whispered.

“I don’t know, she was beginning to be too much, it wasn’t even about the sex or the lack there of, our relationship was getting out of control.” He glanced over at me then looked back at the road, “I give up on trying to find the blockbuster.” He mumbled.

“You loved her.” I pointed out, staying on the conversation at hand.

“Yeah, I did but it wasn’t worth the energy, she treated me like a fucking dog and I would just listen.”

I huffed, “You’d never make it with Dakota.” I said truthfully.

“Dakota doesn’t treat you like a dog. Sure she’s bossy, and a real bitch from time to time but you have a say in the relationship too. You do things for her and she does things for you, it’s a give and take situation, you guys compromise; Katie didn’t … she wouldn’t.”

“So now you’re bangin’ Lilly?” I laughed.

“No, we’re just sort of flirting right now but soon … very soon.”

I rolled my eyes then I looked out of my window, “Has Dakota told you what we’re having yet?”

“No, do you guys even know?”

“Yeah, she wanted to find out really bad, she couldn’t take the not knowing.” I smiled softly, “We’re having a boy.” I informed my little brother.

“The sixth John, right?”

I nodded, “Yeah, keep the name going.”

“That’s great news, Johno.”

“It is,” I agreed then we fell silent as my Brother drove us to my new house that I haven’t seen except for in pictures that Dakota took, and it’s a good thing the girl isn’t a photographer.

After a few moments of silence, Jake pulled up to a beautiful yet modest two story house that had my Wife’s Range Rover in the driveway.

“Where’s my car?” I questioned.

“In the garage,” Jake answered me as he turn the car off then glanced over at me, “You know, for her being on her own without much help from anyone, she’s got an amazing deal on this house and it’s fuckin’ awesome inside.”

“I know, she loves it here.” I pointed out as I climbed out of the car then grabbed my bags from the backseat. As I shut the backdoor, I heard a loud barking getting louder by the second. Turning back towards the house, I saw a full grown Bentley running full speed towards me, barking happily.

“Bentley!” I cheered as I put my bags down just in time for the small dog to leap up into my arms effortlessly. Catching him with another laugh, I hugged him tightly before putting him back down on the ground. Running back towards the front door, Bentley barked once more, but this time it was at my very pregnant Wife as if Bentley was telling her that Daddy was home.

“O’Callaghan!” Dakota snapped harshly as she walked across the lawn with bare feet and a frown upon her gorgeous face.

“Love?” I questioned innocently as I held out my arms a bit.

She walked into my arms then looked up at me, “We’ve missed you.” She said softly as a cute smile replaced her frown.

“I’ve missed you all, too.” I whispered before leaning down and kissing her deeply, not caring that my Brother was somewhere close and that we were outside in our new neighborhood with judgmental onlookers.

Pulling away from her lips, I cut the kiss short then ran my hand through the blue eyed girls’ blond hair. No, it wasn’t her natural blond color but it was pretty damn close, “I like this.” I whispered of the color, “It’s still a bit short though,” I teased.

Dakota rolled her eyes then backed away out of my arms, looking over her shoulder she spotted my Brother and our dog walking into the house, “Him and Lilly have really hit it off,” Dakota whispered softly, “They really like each other, Lilly even moved here because of him.” She added.

“She’s living with us?” I frowned.

“Yeah.” Dakota turned back to me and smiled softly, “It’s a four bedroom house,” She pointed out, “And I really didn’t want to be here all alone, Lilly needed to get out of San Diego as well, so she came here, plus Jake is definitely a sweet talker … like his older brother, must run in the family.” Dakota teased then she let out a soft sigh, “So, what do you think?” She questioned.

I looked up at the house and smiled, “I think it looks like home,” I answered honestly. I was skeptical on the drive up here but once we got to Flagstaff I started to understand why Dakota loved it so much and now that I see our house I think this is the perfect place to start our family. But I know that sooner or later whether it be a year or fifteen years down the road, we’ll be back in California because Dakota is California.

Taking my hand in hers, Dakota tugged me towards the front door, “C’mon, I want to show you around.” She insisted happily.

“Dakota Mae, my bags.” I laughed as I pointed back at them.

Dropping my hand, Dakota glanced over at my two large suitcases, “Fine, get them … hurry, O’Callaghan!”

“Hold your fuckin’ horses.” I ordered as I grabbed my bags then followed my Wife into our new home.

Upon entering, I felt a sudden feeling of relaxation as the warm feelings that you’re supposed to get from your home took over my body without giving me a chance to put up a fight. As Dakota took me room to room, I took in the details of the house and by the time we made it to the master bedroom, our room, I felt like I’ve lived here my entire life.

“So, what do you think?” Dakota wondered as she shut out bedroom door.

“I think it’s perfect.” I answered as I sat down on the end of our bed, “This is new … it’s bigger than our last bed.”

She shrugged, “Yeah, well it’s a bigger room.” Dakota walked over to me and stood between my legs before lifting the front of her shirt up, exposing her six month old baby bump, “It’s big, huh?”

“It’s only getting bigger,” I muttered before placing my hands on her gently, “How’s our little dude?”

“Healthy … perfect, every parents dream.” Dakota answered with nothing but love in her voice, it’s hard to believe that at the beginning of this pregnancy she didn’t want to accept it, “This pregnancy is going by way too quickly.” Dakota admitted.

Nodding my head, I agreed with her as I kissed her belly a few times, “I’ve missed too much of it.” I grumbled, “The next time, I can’t promise anything but I will try to be home more.”

Dakota nodded her head as she ran her fingers through my hair, “You’re not dirty.” She laughed cutely.

“I showered at my parents,” I informed her, “I felt gross and there was no way in hell I was travelling in the car for that long without a shower.”

“Where’s your ring?”

I lifted my left hand without a word and showed my Wife my Wedding band. No, I haven’t been wearing it the entire tour, or even the entire time that I’ve been gone but for the last few weeks as my homesickness started to get the best of me, I’ve been wearing my ring and avoiding all questions about it.

Dakota lightly touched the ring then smiled, “You never fail to amaze me, O’Callaghan.”

I put my hand back onto her belly and shrugged a little bit, “Are you ever going to talk to your parents?” I whispered.

Dakota was silent for a good minute before answered, “Sooner or later.”

“Dakota Mae, they love you.”

“And I love them, but I’m making a point.”

“What, that you’re a bitch when you want to be?”

“No,” she snapped, “That I don’t need them,” She whispered, “I just turned twenty, I’m happily married and if I want a baby, then I’m going to have a baby,” She said sternly, “He had no reason to get mad.”

“Something like this is petty.”

“Maybe it is,” She agreed, “But I need this, John.”

I looked up into her blue eyes but said nothing.

“I’m learning how to live on my own finally,” She paused, “I have a job, everything in this house, we bought together without the aid of anyone.”

“No, you bought it using my money.” I teased.

“Our money.” She laughed then she shrugged, “I like it here a lot, and this whole being a grown up gig is workin’ out for me.” Dakota sat down next to me as she tugged her shirt down over her belly, “Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to leave, you know?”


“And my Dad being upset about the pregnancy was the perfect excuse. No, I’m not ready to forgive yet but I’m getting there, John.”

I leaned over and pressed my lips to her temple, “I love you, Dakota Mae, cross my heart and hope to die, believe me?”

“I believe you, I love you too, you know it?”

“I know it,” I confirmed then kissed her once more before rubbing my face as I backed away, “Do you really want me to set up a swing set in the back yard?” I grumbled, “He isn’t even out of the womb yet, let alone swinging on swings and sliding down slides.”

“Yes, I want it put together, I already bought, O’Callaghan.”

“You’re out of your fuckin’ mind, Dakota Mae.” I shook my head then I crawled up to the head of our bed and laid down, “Can I sleep for a bit?” I asked, “Or do I need to jump right into putting shit together?”

“Depends,” She laughed as she laid next to me, “Will you do something for me before you go to sleep?”

I smirked, “Of course,”

Dakota giggled like a school girl then threw her arms around me tightly and without a single word to be said the cute blond pressed her lips to mine passionately. As our kissing started to lead to what she wanted, I started to doubt my idea of ever moving back to California. Maybe this is it, maybe Dakota is Arizona after all; who knew?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I guess this is growing up