Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?


Listening to the morning birds sing outside of my window, I felt a gentle smile tug on my lips as their careless melodies brought me joy rather than anger this morning. Behind my closed blinds, I could tell that the sun has already made its appearance but the world seemed like it was still sleeping, everything moving in slow motion and just taking its time.

On the other side of my bedroom door, I heard lazy feet pound against the hardwood floor as my roommate made her way out of her bedroom and to the kitchen for her first of at least six cups of coffee today. Normally, I wouldn’t be too far behind her, kick starting my morning with a strong cup of coffee with Vanilla creamer but today is far from routine. Today my world seems brighter, happier in so many different ways. Granted I will always have the urge to curse like a pirate and demand things of people, it’s in my nature and it’s who I am but now I feel less irritated by the human race.

I fell for a tall, slender boy with shaggy hair yesterday and today I feel like I’m on top of the world. Suddenly Tempe isn’t so bad. No I won’t stay any longer than I have to, but I think my visits will more than few and far between from now on.

“Dakota Mae Jensen!” I heard my roommate call my name from the other side of my door, “Get your ass up and tell me how your date went!” She laughed then my door flew open and there stood a girl maybe an inch or two taller than myself with red hair, “You got in late Miss Jensen, do I need to be worry?” She smirked.

I sat up as I looked at the girl that I consider to be my best friend, “Jessica, there isn’t anything to worry about. Fuck, I’m not some naïve little girl.”

She raised one eyebrow in response to what I had just said.

“What!? I’m not!” I defended.

“Name one time you fell head over heels for a boy that you barely know or even a boy that you do know!” She laughed then sipped her coffee from the mug that she had cradled in her hands, “I can’t name a single time,” She pointed out, “You, Dakota Mae, have never been in love.”

“I have to,” I defended, “My boyfriend in sophomore and junior year; I was in love with him.”

She pursed her lips, “Well,” She mumbled then nodded, “Fine, you did love him and that asshole broke your heart no good came of it.”

“Johno isn’t like that,” I insisted.

“The boy that left you on the side of the road isn’t like that other asshole?” She questioned, “How so? Because leaving you on the side of the road is pretty shitty.”

“I made him leave me there, and we weren’t seeing eye to eye at the point in time…”

“That was the first time I ever saw you cry over a boy,”

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” I huffed then I climbed out of bed slowly, “He got me to go into Lake Havasu yesterday.”

Jessica’s bright brown eyes went wide as she watched me walk from my bed to my dresser to find a pair of basketball shorts to pull on over my bare legs and panties. “You went into the lake?” She mumbled, “Like, actually in the water?”

I nodded as I pulled my shorts on, “Yeah,”

“Did he know … know about Delilah?”

“I told him about her after he made me get on a boat and drove me into the middle of the lake.”

Jessica gasped, “Did you freak the fuck out?”

“Yeah, I guess I did.” I mumbled as I put my Dino slippers on and turned to Jessica, “I explained it to him and then he couldn’t get back to the docks fast enough, he felt horrible. Then we sat on the beach for a bit before he convinced me to go into the water with him.” I grinned as the memory of John trying to teach me how to swim came flooding back into my head, “He taught me how to swim.”

Jessica smiled, “Does he have a brother?”

I laughed at her, “He does, a little brother but he has a girlfriend already.”

“I’m surprised, Dakota. Maybe this boy isn’t that bad,”

“He really isn’t, he’s cute and funny. Not awkward about expressing his feelings or being romantic at all.”

“Sounds like he’s a hopeless romantic,”

“He is,”

“Sounds like he’s had a few committed relationships in the past as well,”

I bit my lip then I pushed by Jessica to make my way to the kitchen for a bowl of fruity pebbles.

“Dakota, he is single isn’t he?” She questioned, “You’re not dating a married man are you?”

“No, to both of those, we’re together and no he hasn’t ever been married. Close to it but never married.”

“Oh, babe are you a rebound?” She asked.

I shook my head, knowing that what John and I have isn’t anything close to a rebound relationship. I’ve been in a few rebound relationships before and what John and I have is so different, “No, but … his fiancé died.”

Once again Jessica gasped only this time it held more shock to it, “Dakota!”

“It’s been a year and a half!” I defended as I grabbed a bowl, “And it’s not like I intended on falling for the guy, he just showed up at the bowling alley one night and I was drawn to him for some reason.” I huffed.

“Wait a minute,” She shifted her weight onto one foot, “The guy from the bowling alley? That’s who you’re with?” She questioned, “John O’Callaghan? As in John and Peyton?” She frowned, “Whoa, Dakota …” She shook her head as she sat at the kitchen table, “You’re playing with fire, you know that.”

“John and Peyton. John and Peyton.” I mumbled with anger, “Fuck John and Peyton.” I hissed.

“No, No, No,” Jessica shook her head before taking another drink of her coffee, “You don’t understand, you didn’t grow up here in Tempe, everyone knew John and Peyton. Everyone knew that John was off limits as was Peyton. They were the ultimate couple, cute pet names, completely head over heels, they were both so love sick it wasn’t funny.” She paused, “Then she was killed and John lost his mind, like he literally went crazy for the first six months after her death. He stopped going to local shows, didn’t attend his first semester at ASU, he pushed everyone away from him.”

I grabbed my fruity pebbles, pouring some into my bowl before I placed it back gently into the cabinet but slammed the cabinet door with anger.

“Don’t get mad at me!” Jessica ordered, “Dakota,” She whispered softly, “You may be with John but you’ll never replace Peyton. I love you like a sister, this is why I’m telling you this, have your fun with him but at the end of the day, it’s Peyton that he’s dreaming about, I’d bet everything I have on it.”

I stood there staring down at my bowl of dry fruity pebbles but I said nothing as I thought about everything Jessica just said, “He loves me,” I whispered.

Jessica said nothing right away, letting a few minutes pass by before she broke her silence, “He’ll always love Peyton,” She assured me then got up with her coffee and walked away towards her room.

As soon as she was out of sight, I balled my fist and punched with granite counter top with as much anger and force that I could use. Letting out a scream of pain almost instantly, I started to regret my decision of taking my anger out in a punch.

Pacing the kitchen cradling my right hand, I heard a knock at the front door. Glancing at it with a pissed off look, I walked over and opened it. When it was open I saw Johno standing there with two coffee’s in his hands. I glared meanly then I slammed the door in his face and locked it.

“Dakota!?” Johno called out, “I thought we were passed all of the anger,” He pointed out, “Did I do something that I didn’t know I did?”

“Get the fuck out of here, O’Callaghan!” I wailed.

“Are you crying?” He questioned.

“Yes because I broke my god damned hand!” I hissed, “Just stay the fuck out of my life, John!”

Suddenly there was silence on the other side of the door.

“What’s going on out here?” Jessica questioned as he walked out, “Shit Dakota, what the fuck is wrong with you?” She snapped as she hurried to me and tried to look at my hand.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed.

“Dakota you need to get to a hospital,” She said sternly.

“I’m fucking fine!” I grabbed my keys, “I’ll drive myself,” I hissed then I opened the door to see John still standing there with confused and sad look on his face. He stared into my blue eyes then he looked at my hand that’s clearly swollen, “What happened?” He questioned softly then his eyes caught my roommate, “Jessica?”

Jessica looked at him but said nothing to him as she tried to guide me out of the apartment.

“I said don’t fucking touch me!” I screamed at her, “I’ve got it!” I snapped then I pushed by John and started my way down to my car out in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

“Dakota,” Jessica said with a sigh as she followed after me, “You cant drive there by yourself, you’re going to get half way there and you’re going to pass out from the pain, I know you, you’re a bitch when it comes to pain like this.”

“Fuck off,” I demanded, “I don’t need you, I don’t need anyone, I can drive myself.” I insisted then fell quiet as I hurried to my car. Once I my car, I fumbled with my keys repeatedly then suddenly a familiar hand took my keys away from me.

“I’ll drive you,” I heard John say as he shoved my keys into his pocket, “My car is over here,”

I looked at him then glared, “No, give me my keys back.” I demanded as I started to feel light headed and the pain in my hand became blinding.

“Dakota?” I John mumbled as he quickly wrapped his arms around me just as my legs started to feel like jell-o underneath me, “Punch, scream, kick and yell, I don’t care you need to get to the hospital,” He said then I felt him sweep me off my feet, “Fuck,” He mumbled, “Damn it, Dakota.” He added then everything went silent.


“Is she alright?” I mumbled to the doctor, “Will she wake up?”

He laughed softly, “Of course she’ll wake up, and she obviously doesn’t have a high pain tolerance.”

I shook my head, “No, she doesn’t.” I mumbled of my girlfriend, “And her hand?”

“Will need surgery,” He said simply then frowned, “How did she break it again?”

“She punched a counter top for some reason, I don’t know.” I shrugged as I looked at Dakota still unconscious and lying in a hospital bed, “How soon will she need the surgery?”

“As soon as possible, before he bones start to heal themselves in the wrong way.” The doctor eyed his clip board then he sighed, “I’m going to go talk to her Father now,” He said with a smile before leaving the room.

I looked at Dakota once again with a frown on my face, wondering what got into her this morning. When I dropped her off last night, I told her that I would be by in the morning with coffee and that we’d have breakfast together but when I got to her apartment she was in an uproar about something or another and she was pissed off at the world.

“This is my fault,” I heard Jessica say softly.

I turned around to the girl that I grew up with, “How is this your fault?” I made a face, “Dakota is a very intense person, one minute she’s happy the next she could go on a killing spree, I’d be surprised if she didn’t have bi-polar disorder.”

“No, she doesn’t have bi-polar disorder,” Jessica assured me, “I pissed her off,”

“Why would you do that?” I made a face, “No one should want to piss Dakota off willingly, it isn’t a good thing to be on her bad side. Trust me, I’ve been there,”

“Um, I told her about you and Peyton.” Jessica whispered slowly.

I frowned deeply, “What does Dakota have to do with me and Peyton?” I said in a stern voice, “Jessica, there is no me and Peyton anymore.”

“Who are you fooling Johno? There will always be you and Peyton.”

“No, it’s me and Dakota now.” I insisted with slight anger in my voice, “Why would you go off and tell her that there will always be me and Peyton?” I snapped not understanding the anger with Dakota.

“Because John, let’s face you and Peyton were made for each other, she was your other half, she completed you!”

I shook my head, “Key word there is ‘was’ Jessica. I did what I needed to, to get over Peyton, you don’t need to be butting into my relationship … I understand you were friends with Peyton…”

“John, let’s be real … Dakota isn’t a girl for you.”

“You need to get out,” I pointed to the door, “Seriously, just go I don’t want you here when she wakes up.”

“I have a right to be here, I know her better than you do.”

“Jessica, maybe you should go,” I heard Dakota’s Dad insist.

Jessica looked at my former boss then she walked away, out of the room. Once she was gone, Heath looked at me then at his daughter, “She’s such a sissy,” he laughed.

I smiled then nodded but said nothing.

“So, who is Peyton?”

I frowned, “She’s my dead fiancé,” I mumbled, “She died a year and a half ago.”

“You two were pretty much a big deal around Tempe, huh?”

I shrugged, “I suppose, everyone knew us or of us. Sir, I love your daughter and I’m completely over Peyton. I’m completely committed to making my relationship with Dakota work.”

“I know, I can tell by the way you look at Dakota.” He sat down then looked at me, “Don’t listen to what people say ok? It’s going to be an uphill battle with the two of you because everyone is already cursing your relationship to hell. By now probably all of the Phoenix area knows that the two of you are together, and they don’t like the thought of that because maybe a lot of them haven’t gotten over you and Peyton, does that make sense?” He mumbled with a frown, “They can’t get their head wrapped around the fact that you’re moving on, you were that couple everyone wanted to be and now you’re going to be that couple everyone wants to be with Dakota …” He trailed off.

I nodded a bit, “If Dakota still wants me,” I muttered, “I got an ear full this morning when I got to her place. I had no idea what I did,”

Heath laughed, “Dakota is a drama queen, she lives for drama. She’s hard headed and stubborn, she jumps to conclusions you just need to learn to deal with it.” He smiled as he looked at his daughter, “Since what happened to her sister, Dakota has always hidden her feelings extremely well but since you came along everything been just one huge emotional cluster fuck with her, it’s good to see that.” He slowly stood up then looked at me, “I need to go call her Mother and her brothers to tell them not to get worked up because she’s fine. You think my daughter can blow things out of proportion, you haven’t meant my Ex wife and you certainly haven’t met my sons.” He smirked as he shook his head before leaving the room.

Once he was gone I turned all my attention back to Dakota before taking her good hand in mine, holding it securely.

“Do you hate me?” I heard Dakota whisper then I watched her open her eyes, “Because I’m a fucking mess.”

I smiled, “Never,” I turned her face towards me slowly and caressed her face softly, “How do you feel?”

“Like shit,” She answered, “My hand is killing me,”

“Bad news,” I whispered, “They have you scheduled for a surgery this afternoon, they have to take off your hand; it’s like mush in there. They can’t save it.”

She stared at me then smirked, “Asshole,” She laughed, “That shit doesn’t work on me,”

“It was worth a try, but they do need to do surgery before the bones start to heal in weird ways.”

Dakota made a face then sighed, “I’m sorry about this morning, I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on your, I was mad at Jessica.” She paused, “Whom you know?”

“I do know her, yes … she was a friend of Peyton’s then sorta became my friend. I never really hung out with her to be honest.” I shrugged, “I had no idea you knew Jessica … that means you know probably half of my friends if you know her.”

She smiled, “Probably,” She eyed me, “Who knows, we may have actually met each other before but not realized it.”

I wrinkled my nose, “Weird, we may have.” I shrugged then I shook my head, “They took your Dino slippers.”

“Why?” She lifted her head and looked at her feet then she looked at the gown she was wearing, “They took my clothes too!”

“They did a bunch of x-rays and what not,” I paused, “You’ve been out for a while, it’s almost four in the afternoon. The doctor said that the pain was too much for you and that you probably went into shock.”

She blushed, “I’m a pussy,” She frowned, “It’s horrible.”

“Don’t believe anything Jessica said, ok? I did what I to, to get my head right and now I’m with you, completely.”

“That’s good to hear,” Dakota slowly sat up and looked around, “That’s really good to hear.”

I leaned over and pressed my forehead to hers, “Can you promise me something, please?”


“Don’t go around punching shit anymore, worry about you enough.”

“We’ve only been together a day, O’Callaghan.”

“Well,” I laughed, “A day is long enough to start worry over someone, so no more punching shit.”

“Promise,” She mumbled.

“Thank you,” I touched my lips to hers gently, “Your Dad called your Mom and brothers.”

“Fuck me!” She wailed as he backed away from me, “Do you know what this means!?” She growled, “God damn that old man!” She barely finished that sentence when two guys about my height came into the room.

The first one was slightly taller than me, had his blonde hair buzzed short and had an athletic build. The second guy was the same height as me, his light brown hair was also buzzed short but he was skinnier, much like me. They both had extremely piercing blue eyes just like Dakota and the three of them shared very similar features. The two guys are without a doubt her older brothers.

Standing there with tense bodies they both stared at me with the same look. A look that told me that they were just as quick witted and demanding as Dakota is. I slowly got up off of the bed where I sitting then I got out of their way. They turned their eyes to their little sister and both of them let out a sigh of annoyance, “Dakota Mae,” The blonde one snapped, “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Don’t fucking take that tone with me Kyle, you aren’t Dad!” Dakota growled back.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” The other one growled back at her.

“Nothing,” She answered, “Nathaniel don’t yell at me either,” She sighed then looked at me.

Kyle and Nathaniel followed her gaze and looked at me once more, “Who the hell are you?” Nathaniel hissed.

“His name is John and he’s my boyfriend,” Dakota informed her brothers, “So lay the fuck off.”

“Boyfriend?” Kyle mumbled as he looked at his little sister then back at me, “Since when do you have a boyfriend?” He questioned, “You never have boyfriends, boy toys yes, boyfriends no.”

“I can have a boyfriend if I damn well please,”

Kyle raised his eyebrows then there was a gasp that was way over dramatic. All four of us turned to our attention to the door and then I saw a short, beautiful middle aged brunette walk in with wide hazel eyes, “Dakota Mae Jensen!” She snapped as she rushed over, “What am I gonna do with you?” She questioned then she turned to Kyle and Nathaniel, “Daddy wants you in the cafeteria … now.” She demanded.

By the tone of the woman’s voice I knew that she was their Mother. Kyle and Nathaniel reluctantly left, once they were gone the woman looked back at Dakota, “Daddy said that you’ve been a little … emotional lately.”

“He doesn’t know shit,”

“Watch your mouth, god damn it.” Her mother hissed back.

Dakota frowned then bit her tongue. Suddenly, as if the lady just realized that I was in the room, she shot her head in my direction and smiled widely before looking back at her daughter, “Ah,” She nodded, “Good reason to be emotional.”

“Mom,” Dakota mumbled, “Seriously?” She whined.

“I’m just saying honey, for your first boyfriend in a long time, you did good.”

I smiled softly and held back a laugh knowing if I dare let a laugh slip out I’d have hell to pay from Dakota later on.

“Mom why are you here?”

“Daddy called to tell us you were in the hospital, your brothers and I got on the first plane we could,” She pointed out, “Luckily they were both over at my house today because they’re moving around my furniture for me to make room for my new coffee table I just bought.” The lady smiled, “You didn’t think that we would just wait around for a phone call to say you were alright, did you?”

“I don’t know, I was passed out … get with the program Mother.”

She laughed then hugged her daughter before standing to her feet, “Daddy and I are going to dinner with your brothers to catch up, you’ll bring you back some food but the doctors wont release you yet.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because they have an opening for surgery the day after tomorrow and they want to keep you until then for observation because apparently you cant handle pain.” She taunted then kissed her daughters forehead, “I love you,”

“Love you,” Dakota mumbled back.

“I’ll bring you back some food from the restaurant.”

“No, I don’t want any,” Dakota assured, “I don’t think I can handle any food right now.”

“Ok,” Her mother stood up then sighed softly before saying her goodbyes and leaving the room. Dakota looked over at me, “My family,” She mumbled, “You gotta love ‘em,”

“Your brothers didn’t seem too happy.”

“Oh, their just fucking little bitches,” She patted the bed next to here where I once was sitting, “They act like tough shit but they’ll come around, they really aren’t that protective … growing up boys didn’t really need to worry about my brothers as much as my Father,” She blushed, “But I will say this, Kyle has had his protective big brother moments, so has Nathaniel … but their basically harmless. All bark no bite.”

I sat back down and took her good hand in mine, lacing our fingers slowly, “I need to get going, it’s almost five and I told my manager that I would pick up the evening shift tonight.”

“Will you be back?”

“Yes, as long as you want me back.”

“No, I just want to fucking lay around here bored shitless by my damn self … what do you think jackass?”

“Oh, I love you,” I smiled then leaned in, “You’re such a heartless bitch,” I joked as I kissed her lips.

“I love you too,” She mumbled against my lips, “Come back tonight,”

“I will,” I kissed her once more then pulled away, “Be good Dakota,” I stood to my feet, “Seriously, I don’t want to come back and see restraints on you because you were being an out of control crazy lady.”

“Don’t lie, you’d love to see me strapped to this bed wouldn’t you, you kinky bitch.”

“Oh yes, that is on the top of my list of things to see.”

“I knew it,” She grinned.

“Bye, Dakota.” I whispered as I started towards the door.

“Wait, I want a kiss.”

I turned to her then smiled as I walked back over and pressed my lips to hers, kissing her deeply without hesitation. Dakota kissed back with just as much eagerness as I had. After a minute or two, I pulled away, “Satisfied?”

“I’ve had better,” She smirked then pointed to the door, “Go away,” She hissed.

“Want me to bring anything back?” I asked as I slowly started towards the door, “A drink of some sort or some kind of food?”

“Um,” She thought then shook her head, “No, I think I’m good.”

“Alright, get some rest.” I ordered then I left the room completely, walking down the hall towards the elevators.

If I know one thing, there’s never a dull moment when Dakota Mae is around.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, So is how I'm doin' if you're wonderin', I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winnin'. Stay there come closer it's at your own risk, yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch.