Status: Completed

Dakota, Are You in Love With Me Too?

Everything I Ask For

“Are you bummed?” My band mate and friend, Garrett, mumbled softly.

“Yeah,” I replied, “I’m pissed off more than anything, I understand why Dakota left, if I could leave with her I would’ve but we got band practice and I have work. People just wont leave us the fuck alone.”

Garrett eyed me heavily before he looked away at his bass in his hands, “Well, you have been in a rut since her death,” He mumbled, not daring to speak her name, I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say her name since her death, “Then all of the sudden Dakota comes along … a lot of our friends are just worried about you.”

“I’m fine,” I snapped harshly.

“Fine,” Garrett nodded, “Don’t get pissed at me, I’m staying out of everything I was just telling you what everyone else thinks.”

“I don’t fucking care what everyone else thinks,” I stood to my feet then I shook my head, “I have to get home,”

“Practice hasn’t even started,” He pointed out.

I shrugged then left the garage and went into the house. As I walked towards the front door, Pat, the drummer of the band, looked at me with wide eyes, “Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving,” I grabbed my keys from my pocket, “Sorry I can’t stay.”

“Why not?” He frowned deeply.

“Because I’m having a fucking shitty day!” I growled at him before leaving the house. As I cut across the lawn to my car, I stopped walking thinking about turning around and going back in there but decided against it when I saw Kennedy pull up in his Mother’s car. Shaking my head to myself, I continued on to my car and got in.

Not bothering with my seat belt, I started the car before putting it in gear and driving away without a second look back at the house. I’ve been in a shitty mood all today since I watched Dakota’s plane take off. She flew back to LA with her Mother while her brothers drove her car back to LA. There was no talking her into staying here in Tempe even for another week, she wanted out and nothing I could say would stop her. She’s just really stubborn like that and I’m trying to not take it personally but I feel so lost without her.

I’m not saying that I need her by my side at every single moment but to know that I can’t just call her up and ask if she wants to go get a bite to eat is killing me. I already miss her, hell I was missing her before she even left. Nathaniel and Kyle asked if I wanted to ride to LA with them but I couldn’t, I already have prior responsibilities that I committed to such as the band, even though I just walked out on practice, and I have work. Plus, I can’t leave my parents yet not for me but for them, I know they’re counting down the days until I’m out on tour and doing my own thing. They’re worried about me and I don’t want them to worry more than they have to just yet.

Pulling up into the garage at my house, I parked my car and shut it off before getting out, slamming the door in anger before I walked into the kitchen through the garage door. As I walked in, I stopped in my tracks when I saw a familiar pair of blue eyes staring at me from the stool at the counter closest to the door. Turning my head I looked at the person and saw Dakota sitting there.

I frowned deeply before I looked around my kitchen before I looked back at her, “Arent you supposed to be in LA?” I questioned.

She shrugged then nodded, “Yeah, I am.” She mumbled.

“Then why are you in my kitchen?” I asked.

“I’m waiting for you,” She answered, “Your parents went to the store for dinner and your Brother is up in his room with his girlfriend,” She smiled gently, “Your family is very nice, a little nosey but very nice nonetheless.”

“Whoa, wait a minute, you hung out with my family?”

She nodded with a cute smile, “Yeah, I went to LA and I was at LAX when I got this horrible feeling of guilt in the pit of my stomach so I got the next flight back here, called my brothers and told them to turn around and bring my crap back. I’m not staying with Jessica, I’m actually staying with my Dad until I can find a cheap place to rent until December.”

“December?” I questioned.

“Yeah, I’m not spending Christmas here with you,” She smirked, “And I’m sure as hell not spending New Year’s here either but after the Holidays you said you were moving to LA for a month or so to record that CD before you go on tour,” She looked away from me and down at her cast, “I don’t need to be here while you’re in LA and I really don’t need to be here when you’re on fucking tour, but until then why be apart when we don’t need to be?” She whispered then brought her blue eyes back up to me, “If anyone fucking talks shit or pisses me off, I’ll kick their ass. You and I both know I can.” She nodded.

I smiled, “Wow, Dakota.” I whispered.


“I’m surprised,”

“Why?” She made a pouty face, “Because I changed my mind?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“I’m a girl, I’m supposed to be fickle.”

I laughed quietly then I leaned over the counter and pressed my lips to hers, “You are certainly full of surprises, Miss Jensen.”

“I know it,” She mumbled against my lips before kissing me once more and backing away completely, “I’m starving, what do you say we actually go out on our first date.”

“Second date,” I corrected.

“No, Lake Havasu doesn’t count because you tried to kill me.”

“I didn’t try to kill you!” I laughed.

“You did,” She nodded as she stood up, “You forced me into the water with your good looks and charm,”

“I didn’t let you go,” I pointed out.

She went to say something smart but her face fell when she didn’t have a comeback for that, “No, you didn’t.” She whispered then she sighed, “Where do you want to go?” She asked changing the subject, “I want somewhere quiet and not very busy because I have such a shitty headache. Some bitch on the plane wouldn’t shut her kid up, fuck!” She growled, “If people feel the need to have babies then they should fucking control their young.”

I laughed at her, “Their young?”

“Don’t make fun of me or I’ll beat you up.” She threatened.

I rolled my eyes then I caressed her face softly, “Before we go eat can we stop by someone’s house so I can apologize?”

“Apologize?” She raised her eyebrows, “Apologize for what?”

“I’ve been an asshole since you left this morning.”

“Why am I not surprised, you’re always an asshole, O’Callaghan.”

“Yeah, I know but I need to stop by where band practice is first.”

“Ugh, I have to listen to you pansies?” She joked then rolled her eyes, “Fine,” She walked away from me and into the living room. When Dakota returned she had her purse and shoes on, “Ready,”

“Ok, let’s get outta here then.” I said as I held the door open for her. She walked out and sighed as she walked towards my car, “So my brother is staying for a while too.”

“Which one?”

“Nathaniel.” She answered, “He’s a wanted man in California so he’s hiding from his girlfriend in Arizona where she won’t be able to find him. But you two need to play nice,” She demanded, “He doesn’t know anyone over here like Kyle and I do, so I made a playdate for you two tomorrow.” She smiled.

“A playdate?” I asked slowly as I got into my car with her.

“Yes,” She laughed, “I just said that while I’m at the bowling alley that maybe you could take him to a party or somewhere where you locals like to hang out, show him around. He agreed to buy you booze.”

I smiled, “Deal,”

“You’re an alcoholic, I swear it.”

“You haven’t even seen me drunk before!” I laughed.

“I know, but I can tell you’re a drunk.”

“I’m a stupid drunk,” I admitted, “I do really stupid shit when I’m drunk, like really stupid.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt you.”

“I was arrested once for getting drunk and setting off car alarms in high school. Me and my friends were talking in British accents, running around this huge parking lot hitting cars, I got so busted.”

Dakota smirked, “Interesting.”

“Yeah, I do crazy shit,”

She sighed, “I tend to get naked,”


“Yeah, when I get wasted I try to take my clothes off and run around.” She blushed, “Luckily I don’t get that drunk often, it’s only happened like three times.” She laughed, “I don’t handle my booze well, I’m a huge wuss.”

“Are you really?”

“Really,” She confirmed then she fell quiet. I smiled more then turned the radio on.

Once back at Pat’s, the garage door was now open and everyone was sitting around in the garage. Getting out of the car, I slowly started up the driveway with Dakota following me. When I got into the garage the guys looked at Dakota with shock in their eyes before they all looked at me.

“Sorry I ran out of here like that, I just wasn’t having a good day.” I mumbled.

They all nodded a little, we’re guy we don’t like sharing our feelings but I could tell that they accepted my apology because if they didn’t they would tell me to just go.

“Is this Dakota?” Kennedy questioned.

“Yes, I’m Dakota.” Dakota answered with pursed lips as she eyed my friend intently before she frowned deeply, I knew she had something to say but thankfully she bit her tongue and didn’t say whatever was on her mind at the moment.

“Dakota, this is Kennedy, Pat, Garrett and Jared,” I said, pointing to my friends as I said their names, “My friends and band members.”

She turned to me then looked back at my friends, “I’m Dakota, John’s girlfriend.” She introduced herself then she frowned more, “Is there a bathroom I could use really fast?”

“Oh, yeah.” Pat got up and nodded, “Follow me,” He insisted as he led her into the house. Once they were out of sight Kennedy laughed, “Holy shit, she’s hot.” He nodded, “No wonder you fell for her, but I never pegged you one to go for the blondes.”

“I haven’t ever dated a blonde before,” I admitted truthfully because truth be told I have never really been attracted to blondes, I like dark hair.

“Yeah man, she’s hot.” Garrett agreed.

“Yeah,” Jared butted in.

“Well, thanks?” I made a face then I frowned, “I went home and she was there waiting for me, I guess she changed her mind about leaving. She’s staying in Tempe until December then she’s going home.”

“She isn’t moving here?” Kennedy asked.

“Hell no,” I laughed, “Dakota isn’t Arizona,” I informed her, “At all, she is so California it isn’t even funny.”

“She’s a beach bum, huh?” Jared questioned, “I bet she has you own boat over there.”

“I highly doubt that,” I said but kept my knowledge of her tragic event to myself, “But she is a beach bum,” I agreed, “Listen, you guys don’t have to like her but I love her and if you guys bring Peyton or act like complete jackasses to Dakota, I’ll have to kick your asses.” I informed them, “Seriously, Dakota is my girlfriend now and it’s probably going to stay that way for a while … a long while.” I whispered the last part softly.

“Deal,” Garrett said simply then we all got silent once more as Pat and Dakota came back into the garage. I smiled at Dakota then sighed, “So, we’re going to go out to eat, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

Their faces fell, “Dude we have a show in three days, we need to practice.” Pat, rarely the voice of reason, insisted.

I sighed and was about to say something but Dakota beat me to it, “We can stay,” She insisted, “We were just going to dinner then go home, we really have nothing to do.” She mumbled, “And besides O’Callaghan, if you want to get anywhere with this pussy band, you need to practice because you guys suck.”

I frowned at her then I looked at the guys, “Ignore her, she’s just busting my balls.”

“No really, I’m not busting your balls,” She looked at the guys, “You guys have potential but you’re a little sloppy live.”

Everyone just stared at her blankly.

“What?” She asked, “Has no one told you, you guys suck?” She made a face, “Well, you do.”

I shook my head and rubbed my face, “Babe c’mon.”

“What, I’m being truthful.” She mumbled innocently, “You suck,” She nudged me a bit, “And you mister frontman, need to stop singing with your back to the crowd, it isn’t good stage presence. I know you’re really shy and everything because that’s just you but on stage … let loose.”

“I’ll do that, thanks.” I nodded.

She smiled more then she looked at the guys, “We’ll stay, I promise I won’t say a single word.”

I eyed her skeptically not knowing if I should trust her or not but I gave in, “Fine, we’ll stay and get this practice over with then go to dinner.”

Dakota smiled cutely then took a seat on the couch next to Jared. I stared at her for a moment before I sat down next to Garrett, where I was before I blew up at him. As we started to get focused on the subject at hand, I could feel Dakota’s eyes on me and I knew that she was dying to blurt out all sorts of profound words and I knew she was dying to call me a pussy but she bit her tongue, for a change so I could concentrate. She may not like my band but she supports me.

I’m just glad that she came back because I honestly don’t think I can live without her now. It’ll be next to impossible to live with out Dakota Mae in my life.
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She loves music but she hates my band. Loves Prince she's his biggest fan. Not big on holding hands but that's alright cause I still got her. She keeps up on current affairs, Prada is what she wears. I don't know what she sees in me but I'm happy, that she's happy now that she's with me and I'm freaking out because I'm just so lucky.