Let My Dreams and Fantasies Come True

Chapter One

Max’s P.O.V

I can’t believe it, in just one hour she’ll be my wife…..mine forever. I was in a room with my best friends getting ready to marry the girl I’ve loved since I was a baby. In a few short hours Blaze Haner will be Mrs. Max Sander. I turned to Brian, my best friend since we were kids and also Blaze’s twin brother. I looked around the room and felt joy as I looked at my friends and family.

My dad who looked at me with proud eyes, my uncles who knew this day would come and one of my best friends Jesse Sullivan. He smiled at me, it was clear to all who looked upon me that this was the day I have been waiting for my whole life…..even if I didn’t know it for most of my life.

Blaze’s P.O.V

“Oh sweetie you look so beautiful” said my mother. I just stared at myself in the mirror. I have never looked so beautiful in my life. It surprised me and first and then I became entranced. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t kidnap you before you guys finish the ceremony” said Aunt Rae with a wink.

Flash back

I was six years old and Max had just come over to play with Brian. Aunt Scar and my mom were in the kitchen talking ad I was bored. I didn’t have any friends that were girls. All I had were my dolls. So naturally I wanted to go and play with Brian and Max. They were outside by the swings in the backyard. I ran over to them happy for once to get to play with someone.

“Can I play?” I asked the boys as I ran over to them. I saw Brian shrug his shoulders and before he could say anything max yelled a very mean “No”. I looked at him in shock; I always use to play with them. Why would now be any different? “Why not” I asked innocently, I don’t remember being mean to them or something. “Because you’re a girl and you have cudies. We don’t want to play with you” said Max as he came over and pushed me down in the sand. I started to cry, boys were the meanest and I hated them. I ran back to the house crying.

I remembered the memory hatefully, but I guess we were only children then. Things change; I turned from the mirror and watched Aunt Rose scowl at Aunt Rae for saying such a perverted comment. “So has he told you where you’re going for your Honey moon?” asked my cousin Lily who was only 15. I shook my head with a smile “No he just said it was a surprise.


I was 16 and my dog Noodle had died two days before. I was curled up in my bed crying my eyes out. Noodle was the cutest little dog ever and was my best friend for 6 years. Unfortunately she was run over by a car when my younger brother Brad let her out. I was looking at a picture of her when she was a baby, suddenly my door knocked. “Who is it?” I said with a hoarse voice from crying so much.

The door opened to reveal Max. “What are you doing here?” I asked as I turned away. Max and I have hated each other since we were kids. He came in and closed the door behind him. “I heard about your dog” he said as he sat on the edge of my bed. “Ya so why did you come. Are you heard to torture me about my dead dog?” I asked with hatred. “No, why would I do that?” he asked with innocence.

I turned to stare at him like he was crazy. “Because you always torture me” I said. He looked away, “Ya well I’m sorry I do…..I actually came because I have a surprise for you” he said as he stood up. “Really?” I asked with surprise, as I sat up in my bed. “Ya so get dressed because its at my house” he said as he left my room

When we got to his house he took me outback to the patio and told me to sit on one of the chairs and close my eyes. I gave him a skeptical look before I did it. A second later I was shocked out of my sense when I felt something licking my face. I opened my eyes to find the cutest puppy I have ever seen.

“Oh my god, Max?” I said as I took her from him and hugged the cute little puppy. “I got him for you yesterday when I found out about your dog. I know who much you loved her” he said as he sat down next to me and petted the dog. “Thank you” I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey guys we better get out there it’s almost time” said Aunt Scarlet. Everyone began to leave the room and it was only me. I took a deep breath to clam myself I was so nervous. Now all I had to do was wait for my dad to knock on the door and tell me it was time to go out.