Saint in the City


And when the lights all went out, we watched our lives on the screen. I hate the ending myself, but it started with an alright scene.
-My Chemical Romance


“Have your ever…Cried yourself to sleep over a boy?”




“You’re lying.”

“I have never lied to you.”

Scarlett opened her mouth to protest, but closed it when she realized I was right; I had never told her a lie.

“Well, I have.” She continued, “Cried myself to sleep, that is. I remember one time in high school…”

She started reminiscing about her old boyfriends and I began to get lost in my own thoughts. I wasn’t completely ignoring her, but I wasn’t really playing attention

“Are you even listening?” Scarlett asked after a few minutes.

“Yes. You just said that Marco was a total asshole.”

“Oh…OK, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t talking to no one.”

She continued to chatter about random things until we reached the outside of her building. Scarlett was actually a model and looked the part. She had long, blond hair, perfect skin, green eyes, tall, tan, she was the girl that every woman envied. But she wasn’t a dumb blond; she was just a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

“I’ll see you later, Rose.” She called before she went in the front doors and I just waved in reply. We had been doing this for the past four years, walking together to her work, her asking me whatever random question popped into her head, and then I would usually continue on to the New York School of Visual Arts, but I had graduated last year, so now I just wandered back toward the apartment I shared with Scarlett.

We went way back, Scarlett and I, all the way back to kindergarten. Even all those years ago, we were still almost the same people, just much shorter. I was still the loner, hanging out by myself, and Scarlett was very much the center of attention. And that was the way she liked to keep it. But, for some reason I never knew, she befriended me and lots of people hated her for it, especial in high school. But she always stuck by my side. That’s probably why she was my best friend, my only friend.

But even throughout those years of friendship, I had never told her my biggest secret.

I had never lied to her, I made sure of that, but I did keep things from her. I kept the most important secret from her, but it wasn’t out of selfish reasons, it was the opposite. I was keeping secrets to protect her.