Saint in the City

Skeptics and True Believers

Don't be so scared to take a second for reflection, to take a leave of absence, see what you're made of.
-The Academy Is...


"Do you ever wonder why we're here?" Scarlett asked me while I walked her to work, "What's our purpose in life?"


"Really? Why not? I think about it all the time."

I shoved my hand deep into my pockets and sighed, "I'm afraid of what the answer will be."

Scarlett looked at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"What if...what if it's not good? What if I don't want to be what I'm suppose to be? Am I just suppose to conform to what is expected of me or should I try to go against my destiny?"

We were both silent as we pondered what I had said. I hadn't meant to answer so honestly to her, but the words just kept slipping out.

"What if I'm not making the right choices?" I asked quietly, "What if I'm the bad guy?"

"And what if you're the good guy, Rose?" Scarlett challenged, "What if you're doing everything right?"

I sighed again. I was so close to tell her, just spilling every one of my secrets to her, but I bit my tongue, it was unfair to drag her into this.

"But what if I'm not? What if I'm wrong?"

Scarlett shrugged, "If it was wrong, Rose, I'm sure you wouldn't be doing it."

With that, she waved goodbye and disappeared into her building.