Saint in the City

The Scene is Dead

You're all as dumb as you were before. Don't ask me questions, I won't explain it.
-Cobra Starship


People watching was incredibly calming for Nightmare. Everyone just rushing around the city, minding their own business. Their problems were minscule compared to Nightmare's.

So she watched them pass and wished that her life could be as simple.

They never noticed she was there, they were wonderfully obvious to her persence. She could have walked amoung them and they still would have ignored her.

That was something Nightmare loved about people, they believed they were the center of the universe, that everything revolved around them. They were so concerned with themselves that they hardly had time to care for anyone else. Nightmare saw the beauty in their selfishness. She could hide in plain sight.

The police were all over Nightmare, they wanted her captured. But they didn't stand a chance. They couldn't even catch petty theives and they expected to capture a master mind like Nightmare? Highly unlikely. They didn't stand a chance.

The biggest thing in Nightmare's way was Jimmy.
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New title, same story