Saint in the City

The Sharpest Lives

Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands.
-My Chemical Romance


Nightmare stepped into the alley way and smiled a cruel smile at the man cowering behind a dumpster.

"Pathetic." She whispered to him.

He put his hand over his head, as if to protect himself from her, and tried to move further into the corner, further away from Nightmare's piercing glare.

She took slow steps toward him; there was no reason for her to rush now. He had nowhere to go.

"You think yourself some immortal." Nightmare spat at him, "Better than the petty people you sell to, the people you infect. You think yourself a god of this city. You don't seem very godly right now."

She was now only a foot away from him; she could smell his cheap cologne mixed with the stench of his fear.

"P-p-please." He begged, desperately trying to avoid Nightmare's eyes.

She laughed at his pitiful attempt.

"Do you believe you deserve my mercy?" She asked quietly, her lips against his ear. He shivered at the contact and tried to pull away, but he had trapped himself.

She grabbed him by this shirt collar, lifting him off the ground and slammed him into the building wall. His head crashed into the brick and a trickle of blood ran down the side of his head.

"W-w-what a-a-are y-y-you?" He managed to stutter out.

She pressed his cheek into the wall and whispered in his ear, "I am what keeps grown men shivering in their beds like infant babes. I am what strikes fear into the blackest of hearts. I am worse than any nightmare ever imagined. Do you know why I am so feared?" She paused here and admired the fear in his eyes, the way his body was beginning to shake from the terror of what would almost certainly take place in that alley way.

"It's because you can't wake up." Nightmare continued, "This is reality, you can't escape from it. In reality, there are consequences for your actions."

Her hand began to tighten around his neck. His hands futilely attempted to claw at her arms, but they soon got weaker, and weaker, until they dropped, limp, to his sides. Nightmare unceremoniously dropped his body to the ground and began to walk out of the alley way, not looking back at the body until she heard a voice from behind her.

She turned and was unsurprised to see Jimmy lounging on the fire escape of one of the buildings.

"You think you're better than us, don't you?" Jimmy asked her, a sight smirk on his face, "You think you're the hero in this story, that you have some great victory to win."

He threw his head back and laughed, "You think you're not as bad as us, when in reality, you're worse! You go around killing the people you believe are villains in your self-righteous mind.

"What do you except for your so called triumphs?" Jimmy continued, "a pat on the back? a gold medal? If you haven't realized, this city doesn't want you. They wish to watch your body burn! What prize are you to gain from your actions?

"No, Nightmare, you are not the hero here; you are the villain - possibly the most evil villain this world has ever known."