Saint in the City

Unexpected Places

You've got no answers but you've got your concerns. About the people we see and all the secrets we're keeping.
-The Academy Is...


"They say the police found a body near a dumpster late last night." Scarlett informed me as we sat eating breakfast.

I nodded absentmindedly, focusing on my cereal.

"They're blaming Nightmare." She continued as she spooned cereal into her mouth.

Zach glanced up from his bowl and asked, "The superhero?"

Scarlett scoffed at him, "She seems to be more of a villain to me."

Zach shrugged, "Seems like she has the right idea. The city definitely needs some help, and the police don't help one bit. Why can't an everyday person make a difference?"

"She's making the wrong kind of difference." Scarlett countered, "She just killed a guy. That's not a good thing."

"Yeah, but if you actually read the article on her, you can see that the guy was some huge drug dealer. Nightmare just did what everyone else is too scared to admit they want to happen."

"What do you think, Rose?" Scarlett asked me with a slight glare, "Is Nightmare good or bad?"

I chewed my mouth full of cereal, stalling while I thought of an appropriate answer.

"I think she has good intentions," I finally responded after swallowing, "But maybe they don't always come across as that."

"So you do think she's a superhero, don't you?" Her gaze pierced through me as she waited for my answer.

I was wrong to ever tell her what I was; it only led to problems. Now, she couldn't even look at me without seeing Nightmare.

"I don't think she's a superhero." I replied, cautious to Scarlett's response, "But I hope that she's not a villain.

“I hope she’s a good guy.” I said quietly, more to myself than anyone else.