Saint in the City

Animal I Have Become

So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one will ever change this animal I have become.
- Three Days Grace


Nightmare. That was the named feared by all criminals and villains of the night. She was the shadow that lurked in the buildings, the smoke that always managed to slip away, the very fear in their hearts.

She was something else, most crooks had concluded. No way could Nightmare be a human. She would jump of thirty story buildings, landing on her feet like a cat, unharmed. She would fight with only her fists against knives and bodyguards and win. She was untouchable, untraceable, and unimaginable.

No matter how much bounty was put on her head, no one could ever find her. The only time you saw her was when you least wanted to.

But Nightmare baffled the police too, not just the criminals. Every morning, they would go into work and find another crook handcuffed to the door of the station, mumbling about a woman in black. And this would happen every day. Another one of the city's worst, wrapped like a present for the police.

Nightmare, however, did not like to cooperate with the police, she preferred work completely alone. So the cops were often wary of her, fearing she may turn on them at any moment.

Nightmare also did not appreciate attention, so the press was never informed of her existence, and that's the way both Nightmare and the police wanted to keep it. Nightmare was fine with hiding in the shadows and the cops enjoyed being praised for her good doings. Besides, the only witnesses to Nightmare's existence were thieves and crooks, who no one would believe anyway. As far as New York was concerned, there was no such thing as Nightmare.
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Ok, so I'm not going to delete the story, I love the idea too much, so I redid this chapter and like it a lot better now. And thanks to jocosejoni for the comment, I might have deleted the story without that.
