Saint in the City

Do What You Do

Have you ever been fake for the sake of saving face? You can work, you can play, from the cradle to the grave, doesn't matter what they say.
-Cute Is What We Aim For


"Um...OK, I got one." Scarlett told me as I walked to her work again. The streets were crowded with early morning commuters and kids walking to school. Scarlett and I excellently avoided everyone thanks to years of practice and growing up in the city.

"Shoot." I replied.

"Have you ever hid something to try to fit in with everyone else?"

"Yeah, I've done that."

"You told me yesterday that you've never lied to me, so how can you do that? Keep something a secret without lying?"

I ran a hand through my dark brown hair as I answered, "You can hide something without lying."

Scarlett looked at me suspiciously, "Then what are you hiding?"

"That will have to wait for another day, Scarlett; we're at your building."

She looked up to see that we were at her work and shot me a glare.

"I will find out what you're hiding, Rose." She said before she entered the building.

"I really hope you don't." I whispered as I walked away.