Saint in the City


A drink for the horror that I'm in, for the good guys, and the bad guys, for the monsters that I've been.
-My Chemical Romance


She was on the hunt again, Nightmare. She was stalking her prey with the patience of a lioness. Crouching in the shadows, completely invisible, waiting for her unfortunate prey of the night to walk past, unknowing of the danger he is in.

Toward the end of the night, the beginning of the morning really, he did come. Drunk from a night on the town, two bodyguards trailing him, but he was there. And that was all Nightmare needed.

As soon as he passed the alleyway she was lurking in, she pounced, tackling the first bodyguard and then quickly moving onto the second, forcing both to the ground and talking both their guns, but leaving them otherwise unharmed.

And then she faced her real target, the drug dealer, very much sobered up now.

"What the-" She cut him off as she grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up like he was a rag-doll.

Before either of the bodyguards could even stand, she had run off, taking the drug dealer with her.

The only sign that she had even ever been there was the glowing letters on the wall by the alley she hid in. Nightmare, glowing bright red in the darkness, but just as quickly as the letters appeared, they were gone, and the bodyguards were left in the dark, in more ways than one.