Saint in the City


Saturday, when these open doors were open-ended
-Fall Out Boy


“We’re getting a new roommate today.” Scarlett told me from our mini-kitchen in our shared apartment. I guess you couldn’t really call it our apartment; it was more like her apartment that I happened to live in. It’s not like I was a total moocher, but it’s also not like I had a real steady job, so occasionally, Scarlett would cover my monthly rent.

“How come I wasn’t aware of this?” I asked as I ate some cereal. It was Saturday, so Scarlett was off from work and I was watching Saturday morning cartoons.

“Because I pay your rent.” She answered with a smile.

“Hey, I pay it half the time.”

She rolled her eyes, “Anyway, it’s that really cute guy you went to college with, you know? Zach?”

“Didn’t you date him for a little bit? Please don’t tell me that’s why he’s moving in here.”

“No, I dated Zack with a ‘k’ and Zach with an 'h' needed a place to stay, so I offered.”

“Alright, fine, as long as I don’t have to hear you going at in the middle of the night.”

She fake gasped and hit my arm, “You know I have more class than that.”

I smiled as the buzzer sounded and Scarlett said, “That must be him. Try not to drool when you open the door.”

“Oh, hardy har har, Scarlett, just try to think above the belt, ok?”

Before she could reply or throw something at me, I was at the door. I pulled it open and saw who I assumed to be Zach. He was tall with dirty blond, short hair and light brown eyes, and admittedly, pretty hot. I had seen him around school before, he was in my grade and maybe a few of my classes, but other than that, I knew nothing about him.

“Hi, I’m Zach.” He introduced, reaching his hand around the box he was carrying.

I shook his hand while saying, “Rose, nice to meet you.”

“Rose? Like the flower?” He asked.

“No, like the bird.” I replied, my sarcastic nature getting the best of me.

“Hey, hey,” He responded, putting a hand up in defense, “No need to get sarcastic on me, it was just a question.”

I smiled slightly and stepped back from the door to let him in, “Ok, you’re alright, Zack.”

He grinned back as he stepped inside and put his box down.

And that’s how I met Zachary Tyler.