Saint in the City


A feeling of soft anticipation, another confrontation I won't make, but how do we do it? We turned into something else entirely. We fake it, but I wanted it so desperately to be real.
-The Academy Is…


I can't remember the last time I had a full night's sleep. I can't remember the last time I didn't watch the sun rise. I can't remember the last time that Nightmare didn't roam the streets at night.

But I can remember Chicago. And London. And Paris, Toronto, Beijing, Mexico, Sydney, Rio; places I have never visited, barely seen, but I remember them, clear as day. I can recall street signs, buildings, restaurants, things you could only learn in a lifetime of living there. I know every corner, every nook of places I have never been too.

And sometimes, I wake up in the morning or afternoon, and I forget where I am, who I am. I half expect the shouts coming from outside my window to be in a different language.

Usually, a few moments later, I remember who I am; that I'm in New York City and my best friend is sleeping just on the other side of the wall.

But other times, I don't remember. I'm left with no clue of who I am or what I've done. For a few minutes, or even seconds, I'm in a world of ignorant bliss.

And those seconds, or minutes, or simply moments, they're the best moments of my life. During that time, I have no responsibly; no obligation, nothing, and I love it. When I wake up like that, I wish that I would never remember, because not remembering, made me the happiest I had ever been.