Saint in the City

House of Wolves

Well, I think I'm gonna burn in hell, everybody burn the house right down.
-My Chemical Romance


"You can't hide forever." Jimmy called out into the empty alleyway.

"Who says I'm hiding?" Nightmare replied from behind him. She could hear the obnoxiously loud music blasting from the headphones around his neck, some techno music or something.

Jimmy smiled and pulled his hood over his hat.

"That bomb has," He glanced at his watch with a smirk, "Eighteen seconds before it goes off. I hope no one misses Central Park."

Nightmare tossed a mess of wires and metal at his feet.

Jimmy sighed, unfazed, "God, you're such a killjoy. Well since my night is ruined, I might as well fuck with yours too."

Nightmare stepped closer and could feel her converse soaking up whatever liquid was in the street. She inhaled and her eyes widened slightly.

"Is that gasoline?" She glanced around the alley and saw everything was covered with gasoline.

Jimmy smiled as he whipped out a lighter and lit the flame. He watched it for a second before dropping it to the ground. Instantaneously, the entire alleyway was engulfed in flames.

As the flames raced toward Nightmare, Jimmy grinned from behind the wall of fire, "The city'll see you for what you really are, a nightmare. By tomorrow morning, the entire city will hate you."

He took a deep breath of the smoke and flames that filled the air. People had started screaming and a fire truck could be heard getting closer.

"What beautiful chaos." Jimmy said before he disappeared behind the flames.