Saint in the City

Black Mamba

When they review the debut, what if the critics hate you?
-The Academy Is...


"Rose have you heard this crazy story that's all over the news today?" Scarlett asked me from the living room.

"What?" I called from my room. In truth, I had been avoiding all forms of news this morning. I hadn't read the paper and hadn't turned on the TV.

"There's some crazy chick running all around the city thinking she's saving the world or something." She replied, "Come in here and check it out."

I took a deep breath and walked out to join Zach and Scarlett in front of the TV, which was tuned to the news.

"...And in other news" The female anchor stated with an overly happy smile, "It appears that New York has it's own super hero, or maybe super villain?"

The camera cut to a shot of the night before, of the fire that Jimmy started, but the way the footage was shot, you couldn't see Jimmy at all, only Nightmare.

The anchor continued, "This footage was shot last night of the supposed caped crusader setting an alleyway in the lower east side on fire. And what do the people on the street have to say about this?"

They cut again to a New York street where a man was talking to the anchor.

"And what do you think of this new super hero? Or super villain?" The anchor asked.

"I think she's a menace." The man replied, "She's trying to destroy this city."

They cut to another, older, man who answered the same question, "She's obviously some girl who thinks she's invincible, soon enough the police will catch her and put an end to her shenanigans."

"Oh shit." I mumbled as I sat back on the couch.

"No crap." Scarlett responded, "We got some psycho running around the city setting shit on fire."

I groaned and put my head in my hands, Nightmare was so screwed.