Little Did They Know

Tricky Staircase

"How can you stop Hippogriffs from flying?" The voice of the Ravenclaw’s common room’s door questioned.
"By transforming it into a frog, obviously." Pax replied nonchalantly.
"Very good thinking. Non-aggressive. Excellent." The voice remarked and the knocker in the shape of an eagle opened its doors for Pax, Roger and the rest of the team.

"Yeah! That one was very good. It’d probably get me thinking for a minute before finding the proper answer." Davies commented superiorly.
"Thanks." Pax shrugged.

After the door had swung open, they were in for a surprise.

"Congratulations!" The whole House shouted animatedly.
"Oh my Gosh!" Pax let out a yelp of astonishment. She could have never seen this coming. True, every Ravenclaw would congratulate her when passing by her through the corridors when she happened to achieve her goal, or in other words, catch the Snitch. But that big of a celebration? Nop, Never.

"Hey, that’s hot. Thanks guys!" Roger declared smiling to his fellows. Every Quidditch player was astounded as well.
"Gosh, what he said. Thank you a lot guys!" She, too, thanked her colleagues.

During the celebration Pax laughed, told some funny jokes, how she knew the Snitch wouldn’t duck at her attack; she had never enjoyed a party so much before. Yet, there was still something in the back of the Ravenclaw seeker’s mind that was stopping her from enjoying herself to the fullest.

She glanced at the big blue & white watch above the main couch of the common room.
Since she still had some time before curfew was over, she stood up from the couch she had been relaxing for the past minutes, while drinking some FireWhiskey and observing her friends, unnoticed, and very discreetly made her way to the door.

It swung open, revealing an empty corridor.
She silently descended the stairs of the highest tower where her House’s dormitories were located and walked ‘till she reached one of her best friend’s common room door.

"Good Evening, Pax." The portrait complimented her. She had been there so many times that they sort of became friends; after all, this House was the welcoming and friendly one, right?

"’Evening," She greeted back, smiling. "How have you been?"
"As fine as any other portrait here, dear. ‘Heard about the game. Congratulations." Pax’s smile widened.
"Thanks. And I’m sorry…"
"Now now, don’t worry about it." The portrait reassured the beautiful brunette there was not a problem about her House winning the game against his and opened the door to her. "There."
Pax nodded and went in.

Now that she came to think of it, she hasn’t given any thought as to how the Hufflepuffs would react, and wasn’t surprised when they ‘hied’ her pleasantly.
Of course there were some students who didn’t and spoke about her in whispers, pointing; but she didn’t really care.

As her eyes wandered throughout the room, she finally spotted the one she had walked all that much for.
Gently, she placed her delicate hands over Cedric’s eyes.

"Guess who."

Cedric was quietly observing the flames of the fireplace. His friends were glancing at him every now and then, looking worried. Pax noticed that, but remained silent, waiting for the right time to ask him if everything was fine.

"Pax?" He asked surprised for his clever Ravenclaw friend to be standing next to him.
"No fair! Someone told you it was me!" She giggled slightly.
He chuckled at her childish display, while she circled the purple armchair he was sat, kneeling beside it. She eyed him carefully and concerned.
"You okay?"

Pax has always been straight to the point; never really taking much time to do what she had, or wanted to.

He knew that even if he lied to her, she would know better, so he didn’t even bothered trying.
"Not really," he replied looking at his hands. Pax rose only one brow, her trademark for all situations, this and her mischievous grin.
"Want to talk about it?"

She was never the one to press the matter if she sensed it wasn’t exactly what was supposed to happen, or if the person wasn’t feeling comfortable enough to discuss the problem or whatever it was that was annoying/bothering them.

"With you, yes..." He looked up at her.
"Wait, it’s not about the game, is it? Because if it is-"
"No Pax, it’s not about the game at all." He responded smiling at her relieved face. "You know you look cute when worried, don’t you?"

She just smiled back at him, and punched his arm playfully, slowly becoming all serious again to hear what he had to tell her. He sighed, clutching his hands close together, a sign of nervousness.

"It’s about Cho." He finally confided to Pax, objectively.
"Ooh, the oriental girl." Pax joked, grinning "What about her?"
"I don’t know. I just think she likes someone else…"
"Oh. I see... Any idea who?"
"Actually... That would be Davies. Do you think he likes her back?"
"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Easy now, big boy... I’m not that friends with Cho, but I certainly am of Roger, and he has never, ever, mentioned her name to our conversations. And Cho... She has never really joined any of our discussions either, in spite of those ones about Quidditch, there is."
Cedric’s face lightened up.

Rumours had it that Roger had always loved one of the Ravenclaw girls that was in her sixth year, and Cedric had really feared it was Cho Chang.

"Yep." Pax laughed at his face. "You, too, look cute, though not when worried, but the opposite, relieved."
"Thanks." He said, not bothering about his being called cute, and hugged his best friend sideways affectionately.

"Here it comes..." She smiled for she knew that this tone Diggory had used plus the usage of her nickname meant he was going to ask her something.

"Would you... Ask Cho if she’s interested in someone else?"

She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Is there anything I refuse to do after you showing me this pout of yours, Diggory?"

And upon seeing the time she quickly amended. "Gotta go... Curfew is almost over; don’t really want to be caught by Filch and Mrs. Norris." She stood up, grinning and showing her figure to the ones who were trying to eavesdrop their conversation. "And don’t worry, I’ll find a way to do what you requested, Mister Diggory. See yah around."

And she departed, leaving a satisfied and amused Cedric behind, along with his envious girl friends, and wistful boy ones.

As she made her way to the Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle, Pax found herself somewhere she hadn’t been before, not because she got lost due to her lack of knowledge of her school, but she got distracted studying the paintings, and it was too late when she realized the stairs had tricked her, and moved, leading the brunette girl to another path.

"Oh, Merlin! I hate it when I get lost here." She sighed, but moved out of that staircase way.

As she wandered around, she heard footsteps, and felt herself get all tense out of fear.
Looking at her surroundings she spotted an armour and hid herself behind it, the footsteps growing nearer. She waited anxiously to peek at its owner.

Though, to her disappointment, no-one appeared. After waiting for some more minutes, making sure the footsteps had died, she walked off the shadows, and as she was about to turn her right to reach the staircase, something unexpected happened, or rather... Hit her.

"Expelliarmus!" Someone had shouted at her, their wand pointed at her back. Pax didn’t even had the time to catch her own wand and defend herself, before she had been strongly thrown away from where she had being standing seconds ago.

"Bloody hell!" She yelled feeling quite angry, her blood, now, boiling. As soon as those words left her mouth, she shot another spell back to whoever did it first.

She was so fast that her attacker didn’t even see that coming. Being the book worm she is, and the best representative of her House, she knew so many spells that even Dumbledore himself had approached her to praise her.
The boy fell backwards with a yelp of surprise.

Hoisting herself up, Pax finally directed her eyes to the one who shot her first.
Stunned, she frowned.

"Draco?" She asked herself more than stated it, now looking bewildered. Taking some steps closer to the blond boy, she observed his pained expression. Sooner than anyone could have said "Rump'lstil'skin", she untied his wrists and dis-silenced him.

She didn’t know why, but she felt like she couldn’t trust him.

Looking him from a higher level, Draco had the impression she looked like a noble girl, almost like a princess. He shook his head, and the angriness he had felt five minutes earlier, came straight back. Before he could speak though, she did it first.

"Why did you do that for?!" She demanded, in a strong, meaningful voice. It caught him off-guard for he couldn’t have imagined that that delicate girl could be so determined, straight-forward.

She never looked away from him, not even after Draco had hoisted himself up, standing good three inches higher than her.

"Not that this is any of your business," He started, doing his best to intimidate her, and failing miserably. "But I thought you were Filch." He explained himself, even though he thought he didn’t have to; but he really wanted to know how she would react, and also wanting to find out what the spell she casted him was.

Again, contradicting his expectations, Pax did not curse him, nor did she turn her back on him, but grimaced.
Unconsciously Draco let out a chuckle, catching Pax’s attention; she smiled afterwards.

"I should be feeling offended, you know." She joked and Draco kept staring at her, his face as hard as a rock. He wasn’t about to be friends with a know-it-all Ravenclaw girl who didn’t even know who the Great Draco Malfoy was.

Upon Draco not laughing at her joke, Pax grew serious, getting the feeling that the boy before her was pure evil again.
She was reluctant to ask but she did nonetheless; Pax really wanted to go to her common room, talk to Roger, and get some rest.

"You know which way is West? I’m sort of lost."

Coming up with an idea, wanting to entertain himself, he smirked menacingly.

"That way." He pointed to the opposite side she was making her way after that... Little incident. "But I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart." Her eyes flashed angriness.

"Tell me Malfoy," She spoke, her voice as soft as velvet. "Who was the first person to be nominated king in the Wizarding World?"
Draco’s eyes had turned into grey, acid ones. She grinned. "Exactly what I thought."

Something told her she ought not to follow his advice, but she was hopeless to find the way by herself, and the lack of time wasn’t helping matters either.
"Thanks." She replied soberly afterwards, and left the place they had been standing. Before she had disappeared from view though, Draco shouted.

"Hope you’ll get to your common room without any problems."
She turned, giving him that same smile she had given him that other day.
"Don’t worry about me, Draco."

And she vanished, leaving an offended Slytherin behind.

As Pax made her way to where Draco had indicated her, she heard a meow. Following the sound, her ears told her Filch had heard her, and was now chasing after her, whilst yelling "Don’t you to run, student! I will catch you, and when I do, I will personally make sure you will be punished according to my wishes! Come Mrs. Norris, come."

"Urgh! He’s on for it now!" She muttered under her breath, before coming to her senses again, and simply casting herself an invisible charm.
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Comments and messages would be lovely.
