Lonely, I Believe That You Will Find Me

Cami and Joe

Nobody really liked Cami. She knew it. They knew it. Hell, the whole world knew it. But that was how Cami’s world was. People surrounded themselves with seas of fake people. Friendships were based on who threw the best parties, whose house was always open, who had the best weed, and who was providing the alcohol. In that retrospect, Cami was the most popular girl in her world.

With fake smiles and empty laughs, Cami went about her life. School, home, crazy party, some random couch, school. That was her schedule. It was what people expected of her, and it was what she gave them. Compliance was all she knew, all she strived for. But on the inside, Cami was always screaming. She wanted to break free. She wanted to show the world she wasn’t just the crazy party animal they saw. She wanted to prove she was somebody, worth something. At least that’s what she used to believe. Now she knew better. In a sea of people, she would always be a nobody.


Joe’s whole life revolved around three things : a successful life, his brothers, and their music. To get to where they wanted to go, Joe knew he was going to have to work hard. Everyday. He was told to do his best, and he did. He studied hard, and played little. He studied science, English, language, math, and history in school. He studied music at home. His whole life was about learning everything he could and being the best he could be.

Music was his only solace. In his songs, in his beats, in his lyrics, he could be anything he wanted. He could pretend girls threw themselves over him all the time. He could act the cool guy, the sweet guy, the best friend. He could be anyone he wanted. And who he wanted to be was so much better than who he was. But there was no way he could be that somebody. Sometimes Joe had to face the truth. He was nothing but another face.
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New story! Whoo!