Lonely, I Believe That You Will Find Me

I'm not a perfect person

I took another drag from my cigarette watching the smoke leave my mouth and float into the cool morning breeze. I hated getting up this early, but school awaits and unfortunately my parents force me here. I dragged my feet along the pavement, my head pounding from the night before. I really shouldn’t have drunk that much, but I don’t turn down sculling competitions.

I slowly made my way into the school grounds watching all the other students slowly pour in. Most I knew, only because I’d met them at parties, others were the kids who actually came to school to learn. I said my hello’s to the familiar faces as I made my way up the steps to the front doors. Ripping them open I accepted the warmth that surrounded me, I hated being cold.

“Well, well if it isn’t Cami. I was sure you were going to take the day off,” smirked Josh as he walked up to hug me. Now don’t get the wrong idea, Josh are I aren’t going out, okay we’ve made out while drunk, but he is just a footballer, the guy I go to for the latest goss on where the best parties will be.

“Pfft, you don’t know me at all. And I barely had any drinks last night, wait till the weekend,” I said winking and walking down to my locker, I heard Josh laugh as I walked away. In this school I was the party animal, I was the girl that lived for parties, that lived for the rush of getting totally wasted and not remembering a thing the next day. Hell my life was tiring, but I needed to uphold my reputation, I didn’t get the free booze and weed for nothing.

“Cami, how’s your head?” asked my best friend Rhianne, or as I liked to call her Rhi.

“Pounding, and yours?” I asked, opening up my locker to retrieve my books.

“The same,” she smirked leaning against the lockers closing her eyes. I heard the locker next to mine open, I looked around my door and sure enough there was Joe Jonas, in my books known as a super nerd, I hadn’t seen him come to one party, ever. But he’s a nice guy, we’ve talked sometimes and even though I may think the guy is complete dork I’m not going to ignore him, see I’m a nice person.

“Dude it sucks to be you, having nerdy Jonas as your next door locker neighbour,” laughed Rhi, yeah she wasn’t the nicest girl in the world, she only cared about herself.

“Rhi be nice,” I said hitting her, I turned and saw Joe looking, I quickly smiled silently trying to apologise for Rhi’s words. He smiled back, grabbed his books and closed his locker. I watched as he walked away, Rhi talking in my ear about some random guy she met. I couldn’t help be to notice his smile, it wasn’t an ‘it’s okay’ smile, it was a smile that was screaming for help, a smile that made Joe Jonas look broken.
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Sorry it's so short.