Status: Waiting for CHELSEA to tell me her ideas.


Chapter 1


My name is Denna Shay and I hate the Jonas brothers. Funny way to start a story, right? You'll understand at the end of my story. I'll give you one thing, though, they are good musicians. I hate their singing, their looks, their songs and everyone's (rephrase: every girl's) obsession with them. I could go into detail but I won't for the sake of you fanatics. Little did I know that my summer was going to be all about them. If I could have read the future, I never would have agreed to go with my best friend, Melanie Thomson, to their concert in New York.

I was playing random music on my trumpet while listening to Tokio Hotel turned up loud. My favorite song is Love is Dead. My brother was beating his drum set to death in his room. Through all that noise I somehow heard my phone vibrating. It was Melanie.

"Yeah, what’s up, Melanie.” She rarely calls me. Ok, I rarely talk on the phone. For the most part, I suck at it. It's not even funny how many rollover minutes I have.
“Guess what!” She yelled into phone. Jeez, not so loud! I turned the volume down on my phone.
“The United States secretly sold the moon to China through a black market.” I couldn't help it. Guessing takes so long with her it's better to just say something random and force her to tell you.

“What the pineapple!" That's her favorite curse word right now. "Really?” She asked, totally confused. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I forgot who I was talking to. Melanie couldn't keep up with my train of thought if I left a trail of Jonas Brothers behind.
“No genius, the U.S. doesn’t even own the moon. What do you want from me?”
“Guess!” She said excitedly.
“I knew the Jonas Brothers before they were famous.” I figured it's probably the Jonas Brothers since she was so freakin' excited.
“OH MY JONAS! Me too! Where did you meet them? How-” Melanie started babbling. Ha, that's a funny word. Babbling.
“I was just kidding! How do you know them?” I demanded.

“Oh." she sounded so disappointed. “I don’t really know. All I do know is that my mom knows their dad. And guess what else!”
“Not again! Just tell me, fool!” I screamed. My brother stopped playing his drums and poked his head into my room. When he saw the phone he mouthed a silent oh and left.
“Okay, okay! Calm down! I won the contest and the Jonas Brothers are going to pick me up next month-”

“Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Hold on! I thought this contest was about some stupid tickets! Why are they coming to get you?” Seriously she didn’t say anything about meeting him. Ok, maybe she did; I probably was ignoring her.

“Denna, their not stupid! The contest prize was a chance to spend a week with the Jonas Brothers and get special seats to their concert!” She explained to me like I was a toddler.

“Ok, whatever.” I was really losing interest in this conversation.

“Ummm... well...” Oh joy, there's more.

“Whaaaaatttttt?”I whined to her.

“I want you to come with me.” She finished quickly, waiting for my predictable answer.

“But I-” Hate the Jonas Brothers.

“I know, I know! Still... you’re the first person I would want to come with me and I don’t know who else to ask.” She said seriously. I was silent for a moment. Her mom probably told her that she couldn't go without a known friend. I'd do anything for Melanie, but... it's the Jonas Brothers! I'd rather die. Okay, maybe not, but still...

“Well... you do need a bodyguard... You are so going to owe me!” I agreed grudgingly. At least it's only a day.

“What do I owe you?” She asked warily.

“A week of no Jonas around me!” I laughed.

“What! No way!” She yelled. How predictable.

“Fine, then I’m not going!” I yelled back. She knows she can’t go without me. I am so evil.

“Denna you are so going to regret this!” She growled at me.

“It’s worth any consequence. See ya tomorrow. Love ya!” The phone went dead in my hand. I can't believe I'm doing this. At least I'll finally get to go to a concert. Don't laugh; I've never been to one.


Some how I convinced Denna to add my side of the story of our summer with the Jonas Brothers. You may not believe it, but I am a HUGE fan of the Jonas Brothers. Talk bad about them around me and you will die. Ask any of my friends, they would know. Joe Jonas, the cute one, is the guy I fell in LOVE with.

I was always the outcast, no confidence, screamo music obsessed wanna be or so everyone thought. I do have some friends, well they aren’t exactly friends. It’s really hard to explain. I do have one best friend, Denna Shay.

I used to be fat. No, I'm not one of those girls who are super skinny and still think they’re fat. I was seriously fat since3rdgradeand I did nothing about it. It wasn't all my fault either. Don’t go rolling your eyes just because everyone says that. My dad fed us a bunch of unhealthy crap when my mother was in Honduras. When my dad left I didn’t worry about my weight until it started getting really out of control. The only guy I could get by then was this rude idiot who had a crush on me since7th grade. No way would I go out with him though! It wasn't hard to lose the weight once I did something about it. I just starved myself for awhile. I don't really like food anyways. I just ate cause I had nothing else to do and I was always depressed and pissed or bored. School was about the only highlight of my day during the weekend. So I started jogging half an hour to school, meaning I had to get up an hour earlier. I love running, but hate getting up.

Anyway, it took my whole golden year to reach my goal weight. I’ll leave that to your imagination. The year was only golden because of the weight loss.
The only thing that really kept me going was Joe Jonas and my best friend Denna, but mostly Joe Jonas. Yes, I love the Jonas Brothers. If you have a problem with it, GET OVER IT! Sorry, I have a problem with people judging them. It gets on my nerves. Those kinds of people don't even know them. I don't really know them either, but I feel like I do.

It’s kind of funny because Denna hates the Jonas Brothers. Ok, that’s not funny to me, but I sometimes wonder how we are even friends. We share some of the same interests but we are total opposites. She is very intelligent, straight A’s, amazing artist and musician. She is funny, a better daughter, a better friend, basically a better person. Besides that she is stubborn beyond belief, extremely violent, and totally insane. It’s funny to watch her manipulate people who are afraid of her.

Last month my mother finally let me enter a contest to win two free tickets to their concert in New York Square and I won. OH MY JONAS! I WON! WOOOOHOOOO!!!! They personally called me to congratulate me.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hi, is this Melanie Thomson? This is Joe Jonas." Joe's sexy voice replied. "Um... huh? Yah, this is her, uh...I mean Melanie. “OH MY JONAS! IT’S JOE JONAS!!!
"We just called to congratulate you in winning our contest... Sup it’s Kevin, congrats, Melanie... Hey, its Nick, can't wait to meet you, you're lyrics were awesome... Hi, Melanie its Frankie, your awesome... Hey, quit guys!" Joe said laughing after they all interrupted each other.

"Sorry about that uh.... Melanie.”

“Hey! Do we know you?" Kevin interrupted.

"Uh... I doubt it. I would probably remember if we met." I replied breathless, excited about talking to the JONAS BROTHERS! WHOO!

"Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s just your name sound so familiar. Never mind. Anyways we'll be picking you up June 26. So, what’s your address?" Kevin asked.

"Um... right. 684532 Phillips Court, Leavenworth, KS." I said excitedly. The Jonas Brothers know my address and their going to pick me up. OMJ!!!

"Awesome! So, okay, we’ll see you then. Bye." they all said cheerfully. OMJ! OMJ! I get to meet the Jonas Brothers and they know my name, phone number, and address!!!!

She won't break my heart, cause I know she'll be from Australia!, my phone sang. Ha, I won't break the Jonas Brother's hearts cause I'm from Australia. So in your face, to whoever is not from Australia, unlike me!

"Hello?" I asked wondering who would be calling me on my cell. I almost never use it, despite having over 50 contacts.

"Hello, this is Paul Kevin Jonas Senior, is this Melanie Thomson?" he asked. Wow, why is he calling me?

"Yes sir, I'm Melanie."

“You won my sons' contest, and momentarily spoke with them, right?" he asked.

"Yes sir." I replied a little nervous.

"You're from Leavenworth, KS, right?"

"Correct, sir." I said now scared.

"May I speak to your mother, Ida Thomson?" he asked.

"How do you know -?"

"That is for her to tell you." he said interrupting me. "Now, may I speak to your mother please?"

"Sure - MOM there’s someone on the phone who wants to speak with you!" I yelled holding the phone to my chest.

"Hold on." She replied, pulling meatloaf out of the oven. Not again. I hate her meatloaf. "Who is it." she asked curious.

"Uh well, Paul Kevin Jonas Senior." I informed her. She gave me a weird look. "Kevin?" she asked unbelievingly while shooing me away. I walked out of the kitchen and hid behind the entryway. "Is it really you?" she asked. "How are you? What's going on?" She quietly listened for awhile. "Really, she told me all about them. It just never clicked that they were your sons. You must be really proud of your sons."

OMJ! MY JONAS! My mother knows the Jonas Brothers father. That means I might know them two. That’s why Kevin thought my name was familiar. We know each other. But what happened and why don't Joe and Nick remember me or I remember knowing them. Who cares? That’s so cool. I used to know the Jonas Brothers. Awesome! Now I have to wait a month to see them. I’m going to die, I just know it.

“Honey, why don’t you invite Denna to go with you?” My mom suggested.

“Why? She hates the Jonas Brothers.”

“Well ask somebody. I’m not letting you go by yourself.”

“But MOM!” I yelled.

“No buts!” She yelled back, covering my phone with her hand.

“Can I at least have my phone back?” I begged.

“I’m not done talking, use the home phone.”

“Fine!” I stormed back into the kitchen and jabbed Denna’s number into the phone. Her stupid hamster song played while I waited for her to pick up. Thinking about what just happened, I started getting excited again.


I angrily hung up on Denna. Fudge! I would totally kill her right now if she weren’t my best friend and couldn’t beat me up.

“Melanie! Take out the trash!” My brother yelled from somewhere in the house. I can’t believe this! I’m the winner of the Jonas Brother lyric contest and I get stuck on full chore duty for another four weeks! I know that was part of the agreement so I could enter the contest but come on! I won! Where’s the justice?

You know the idiot that has had a crush on me since the 7th grade? I saw him outside my house when I was dragging all the trash to the side of the road. He was walking in the middle of the gravel road like a retard.

“Aaron, what are you doing here?” I yelled at him. His house is too far to walk from. He stopped and looked at me.

“No, madam, the question is: What are you doing here!” He said it in his stupid country imitation and pointed a finger at me. I rolled my eyes.


“Oh, just going to Robert’s house.” He said and walked off. Robert is my next door neighbor. Between him and Aaron, they’re always making a mess or breaking something. And I get blamed! Our only other neighbor is William Walkins. He’s some old guy with a bunch of land and cows, and reason why the view outside my window is a pile of crap. It’s twelve o’clock at night and I should’ve been in bed hours ago, but I can’t sleep! Why didn't my mother tell me that we used to know the Jonas family? I can’t wait a whole month to see the Jonas Brothers! I could die! They could die! Okay, I need to stop. Deep breaths. Everything is going to be fine.

And I wait for her to come
She won’t break my heart
‘Cause I know she will be
From Australia
She’s so beautiful...
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading, I hope you will keep reading. Writing this story has helped me come to see the Jonas Brothers in a better light.

April Fool's! Yeah, right! Sorry. It is a good way to start this story since this is the first day of April and a fun day. I apologize for any content in this story that may offend the Jonas Brothers, their fans, or anybody related to them in some way.

Thank you,
-Denna Shay
No, that's not my real name.