‹ Prequel: A Maybe Relationship
Sequel: A Mistaken Identity

A Messed-Up Heart

Wigs and Books

Concocting a plan was definitely the easy part. Following through on that plan was definitely going to be the hard part. I knew that. So, we would definitely have to be cautious. There was a possibility of Allison and Zora finding out about what we were doing. And that, I knew, was not allowed to happen. Not in the very least. With a heavy sigh, I rearranged the blonde wig so that none of my brunette hair was showing. “Why do I have to go out there in a blonde wig?” I wondered. “You know perfectly well that I swore to never be a blonde. So, then why must I go to this concert in a blonde wig rather than a black wig as you know I obviously would have preferred?” I asked my younger sister.

“Because you’re the one that said they would never be caught dead with blonde hair. You’re also the one that said red-heads look ugly. And, by sheer coincidence, Allison happens to be a red-head,” Betsy reminded me. “So, you need to be a blonde in order to get into the concert. As for me, I’m going in a purple wig.” She adjusted her own wig and then began doing her make-up. “You know that so long as we are disguised, Allison and Zora will have no clue as to the fact that we’re coming to the concert, despite what they want to happen in our lives.” She scoffed. “I can’t believe that Allison and Zora would go so far as to say that we’re not allowed to go to tonight’s concert, despite us being in the city. It makes no sense that we wouldn’t be allowed to go to tonight’s concert.”

“You’re surprised by that?” I asked.

“A little,” Betsy replied.

Once we finished getting ready, Betsy and I stood just backstage waiting with Frankie, Denise, and Paul. Aside from Nick and Karleigh, they were the only ones to know about what was really going on. Of the hundreds of people that were on this tour, only five knew what Betsy and I were doing. While we waited for Nick’s cue, I hoped that Allison and Zora weren’t going to be watching the last part of the concert when my plan was put into action. If they discovered what was going on though, I knew that something very bad was going to happen. So, this had to be kept a secret from Allison and Zora.

As the concert was coming to a close, Nick, Big Rob, and the band were the only ones still onstage. Joe and Kevin had already left. “Last year,” Nick said, “my brothers and I were in this area for a concert in Camden. That concert was memorable for one reason: Kevin played a prank on me and Joe along with two of our fans, fans that we became close friends with, or at least I did. Joe and Kevin haven’t made contact with them in a long time, something that never should have happened. Because of us, each of them has begun to build themselves a life: Beth is a recurring cast member on JONAS and her older sister is a writer. So then, if you are a fan of the Jonas Brothers, I want you to go out and buy a copy of God Save the World, the debut novel of my very close friend, Amanda Weimar!”

Upon removing the wig, I walked out onstage, pulling Betsy out with me. This was something that Betsy would need to be a part of. The book was dedicated to her anyway. “Pull the wig off,” I whispered to my younger sister. “You’re coming out here with me.”

“Why me?” Betsy asked.

“The book is dedicated to you, Betsy,” I reminded her. “And besides, don’t you remember last year when we pulled that prank on Joe and Nick? You were onstage for that as well. Ergo, you are coming out here with me so as to help me promote my book like I planned.”

“Awesome,” Betsy said.

Betsy and I walked out onstage where I nodded at Nick. “I appreciate that, Nick. From just your endorsement of this book, my novel’s recognition will surely skyrocket.” I then turned my attention to the audience. “I ask but one favor of my fellow Jonas Brothers fans: anyone here that is interested in reading fantasy novels should go out and buy a copy of God Save the World, my debut novel being released on August 15th,” I explained.

“Joe’s birthday?” Betsy asked.

“Yeah, Joe’s birthday,” I confirmed.

Once I took care of that, Betsy and I ducked backstage where we, unfortunately, ran into Allison and Zora. They looked positively pissed by the fact that Betsy and I were there. Based solely on that fact, I knew that I was in trouble. Allison and Zora knew that Betsy and I were at the concert, despite what we were told. We were definitely in major trouble.
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