These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Ten

"Ah! Steven," I yelled hugging him, "This isn't a cruel joke right?"

"No here are your car keys. You get them back," he said handing the keys to me,"for now."

"Um, Mikey can still stay right?" I pleaded.

"Sis you know he is always welcome."

"Thank you, Steven," I said hugging him again.

"Stop with the hugging," he laughed.

"But, I'm just so happy. I got my car back," I grinned.

"Okay now get out of here!" Steven yelled.


"I have a friend of the female form coming over."

"Okay?" I said starting the car, "To the movies skank-a-licous."

"What do you want to go see?" Mikey asked getting in the car.

"Fast and Furious," I said speeding off.
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Chelzers sorry I couldn't write more I just got grounded agian later