These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 11

“Chelsea! Wake up lil sis!” Frank exclaimed as he jumped on me.

“Frankie! Gerroff me!” I said pushing him off me.

“Well, I’m riding with Ali today since she got her keys back. It’s six-thirty. I’ll meet you at school,” Frank said before leaving my room.

Hmm. Oh well. More room in my car.

I got out of bed when I remembered that I was picking Bill and Tom up for school. I grabbed my Tokio Hotel shirt and a pair of plain jeans before throwing them on. I slipped on my shoes and brushed my hair as I grabbed my backpack, Pirates of the Caribbean purse, and my Joker jacket before leaving my room. I grabbed my car keys off the key hook downstairs. “Later mom! See you after school” I yelled.

“Bye Chelsea,” she said as I walked out of the door.


Bill and Tom were standing outside as I pulled up to their house. They walked over to my car and I turned down my Escape the Fate CD that I was listening to and heard them talking in German.

“Tom, du lugst,” Bill said getting in the back seat, “Hallo Chella.”

“Hallo Bill,” I said as Tom sat in the front seat.

“Bill, du wisst nicht dass,” Tom said to him as I pulled out of their driveway.

“Ehm guys?” I asked.

“Was?” they both asked at the same time. Creepy.

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked.

“Tom’s stubborn,” Bill relied in English.

“Am not,” he said.

“Oh yeah. Whatever you say Tom,” Bill said.

“Anyways, how was your morning? Fine. Gee thanks for asking,” I said smart ass-ish.

Bill and Tom rolled their eyes at the same time. “Hallo Chelsea,” Tom said.

“Hey Tom,” I said looking over at him before barely turning up my CD, “Something” playing at the moment.

“Sometimes I wonder why I’m still waiting. Sometimes I’m shaking. That’s how you make me. Sometimes I question why I’m still here. Sometimes I think I’m going crazy. Can you help me understand?” I sang to myself softly as we reached the school.

“And now you wish that you meant something. And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else. And now you wish that you meant someone. And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else,” Bill sang from right behind me, “You have a lovely voice.”

“It’s k I guess,” I said.

“I agree with Bill,” Tom said smiling.

We pulled into the parking lot at the school next to Ali’s car. “Thanks,” I said.

We got out of the car and saw Ali and Mikey making out. Bill started up towards the school when Tom and I jumped on the hood of Ali’s car and started shouting and yelling.

They stopped kissing and Ali yelled, “Chelsea! Tom! What the hell?!”

“Oh yeah! Get some!” I said, “Mikey, it seems to me that someone’s coping a feel there. Gonna get some tonight?”

He rolled his eyes and flipped me off. I flipped him off with both hands. “Want that in stereo? You know, if I could use my toes, I’d give it to you in surround sound,” I said.

Ali got out of her car. “Chelzers get off my fucking car now! You too Tom,” she said glaring at both of us.

Tom jumped off and dragged me off onto my feet. “Come on Chelsea! Before she kills us!” he said before running away, me being dragged by my hand.

We reached Bill, Frank, and Gerard when I said, “Ello Retard Gee-rard. Ali and Mikey are gonna kill me and Tom because we interrupted their make-out session.”

“Dude, you two are gonna die. Quick. Into the janitor’s closet. I’ll guard the door while you two lose your virginity to each other,” Frank said.

Tom and I looked at each other before hitting Frank. “Really Frankie? Really? If we were to fuck, which we won’t, you’d really listen to me moan his name and how good he may be?” I asked.

Frank shuddered. “Fuck. Now I’m gonna have that thought in my head Chelsea. You suck,” he said.

“Only on Tuesdays at five,” Gerard said. It’s a little inside joke.

“Gerard, I told you it moved to six now and Wednesdays if I have to work at a Dairy Queen slave,” I said jokingly.

“What?! You’re sucking Gerard?!” Frank asked. He sounded mad/confused. Typical Frank emotion.

I laughed. “Frankie, you are so naïve. It’s called we’re joking around. Geeze. You really think I’d suck Gee’s lil friend? And I mean little,” I said.

Gerard’s jaw dropped and he said, “I am so not little and you are lying! You’d know.”

“What?!” Frank, Ali, and Mikey said at the same time. Holy moley mother fucker mother of God they’re here and Tom and I are going to die. FUCK!

“I don’t wanna die a virgin,” I said to myself. Or so I thought.

“Chelzers, I’ll make sure you don’t die a virgin my lesbian lover,” Ali said.

I hit myself in the face. “I am not your lesbian lover. Mikey is. How many times to I have to tell you this?” I asked.

“Hey! When did I become a chick?” he asked, “And what’s this about you and Gerard’s dick?”

“Ich weiss nicht. Come on Frankie-poo! We have to go to first period,” I said before dragging my twin brother to Art.

“Hey! Wait for me! I’m in there, too!” Gerard said catching up with us.

We stopped. “Make one sexual advance at my little sister and I will circumcise you. And you’ll be awake for it. Everyone who goes through one is,” Frank said.

I shuddered and said, “Dude. Not cool man. I’m a chick and that still hurts to hear. Fuck.”

“Anyway, come on. Let’s get to art before we get in trouble,” Frank said.

I nodded and the three of us entered Art just as the bell rang.
♠ ♠ ♠
ALIKINA!!! there you go.

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