These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Twelve

"NO!" I screamed laughing as Mikey pinned me to the wall.

"Oh jeez here we go again," Chelsea said.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Mikey and I asked.

"Nothing," Gerard said.

"You need to get laid," Mikey said.

"Oh so this is what you meant Chelsea," I said.

"Yes," she said as I was still pinned to the wall, "Yeah, can you do something so they don't fight in school again?"

"Yeah just a sec," i said getting a arm free.

"No Gerard shut up," Mikey began.

"Hey Mikey," I said holding his face in one hand and biting my lower lip.

"What?!" he yelled, "Oh wait I know what your thinking," he said smirking.

"No, but i would love to go to lunch now without you and Gerard fight for once," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Anything for you," he grinned big.

"Jeez, Ali you got my brother whipped," Gerard said.

"Yeah she does," Chelsea agreed.

"Wow, You are loved," I said grabbing Mikey's hand and walking off to lunch.

"I am by you and thats all that matters," he said looking at me and tripping over Frank's foot.

"Oops," I heard Frank say before I busted out laughing and helping Mikey up.

"Haha!" Bob said getting in Mikey's face.

"I'm sorry love but that was funny," I said reaching in my Cobra Starship purse.

"What's that?" Tom said as I pulled out my Nintendo DSi.

"The most amazing portable gaming device besides my PSP 10,000."

"What's this ones name?"

"Craige," I grinned.

"I'm dating the lamest person ever," Mikey said.

"It takes pictures!" Chelsea yelled noticing the camera lens.


"I wanna take a picture with you on there!" Mikey said.

"No me first!" Gerard yelled.

"NO! me." Chelsea, Bob, Ray, Tom and Bill screamed.

Frank just stood there, "You guys are the lamest," he said lighting a cigarette.

"I want a picture with my Frank-ie baby," I said running over to him and hugging him.

"What the hell?!" Everybody else said.

"So, I'm not important anymore?" Mikey said.

"Um, no," I grinned.

"Why is that?"

"Just because," I said as Mikey's phone began to ring ma hit you from the back and make you holler ‘til you pass out., "Who's calling you Mikey?"

"Um, Uh, you?" he said looking at it.

"That's my ringtone for when I call you?!"

"Are we ever going to take the picture?" Frank said taking a drag.

"You just think your hot shit cause you smoke," I said sticking my tongue out, "But, yes we are right now," I said grabbing his cigarette and snapping the picture.

"What the hell give it back!"

"Nope," I said taking a drag and passing it to Gerard.

"Seriously give it back," Frank yelled when a teacher came over.

"Give what back Mr. Iero?"

"His gum," I said hiding the cigarette behind my back and pulling out a gum packet from my purse and handing it to him.

"Yeah, thanks Ali-stair," he said taking it.

"Is that the only thing?"the teacher asked.

"Yeah i said dropping the cigarette in my Dr. Pepper as he turned to see two kids fighting.

"Thank you, Ali-stair," Frank said hugging me.

"No you owe me a Dr. Pepper."

"Deal," he said.

"Uh," Chelsea said looking at Frank then Mikey then at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I think I know something about Frank that you and Mikey don't know," she grinned.

"Chelsea I swear," Frank said.

"Haha this is going to be interesting," she smiled.

'Um I am lost but anyways," i said running to Tom, "Catch me!" I yelled as he did and the bell rang.

"Carry me to class," I said resting my head on his chest.

I looked over at Frank and saw him and Chelsea whispering to each other when Tom whispered something that shocked me, "I think i might like Chelsea."

I looked up at him and whispered back, "I won't tell promise," I said holding a pinkie out.

He put me down and wrapped his pinkie around mine when Mikey snapped a picture of Me and Tom on my DSi.

"That's going on Myspace right there," Mikey grinned.

"So is this one," I said taking a kissing picture with him.