These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 13

Oh. My. God. Seventh period is soooooo boring! Plus I have no one to talk to. Well, I would have Tom, but he’s talking to his bimbo, ugly as hell, stuck up, anorexic, cheating whore of a girlfriend. Ugh I hate her!

I sighed in annoyance when I felt someone poke me. I looked over and saw Tom. “Bist du o.k.?” he asked.

I nodded. “Ich bin o.k. Tomi,” I replied when I realized I called him ‘Tomi.’ Am I aloud to? Does Kat call him that? Oh god now she’s gonna kick my ass for not only talking to him, but calling him by a special name! FUCK!

I hit my head on my desk. Ow. That fucking hurt! I rubbed my forehead when Tom said, “Silly Chelsea. Why did you do that?”

I shrugged. “She’s crazy,” Kat told him.

I rolled my eyes. “You’re just jealous weil ich kann Deutsch spreachen und kannst dich nicht Splampe,” I replied annoyed as hell.

Tom’s eyes widened and Kat asked, “Tommy, what did she say to me?”

“Nothing Kat,” he replied, “She’s just tired. Right Chelsea?”

“Oh yeah,” I said rolling my eyes before pulling my book Hunted out of my purse and started reading it.

“What are you reading?” I heard Tom ask.

Hunted. It’s a vampyre series that’s really good,” I replied.

“Oooo! Like Twilight vampires?” Kat asked.

“Ehm, no. Those vampires and these vampyres are two totally different kinds. You can’t even compare them. And besides, this series is so much better than the over-rated Twilight. I mean, seriously! The hype is so fucking annoying!”

“Okay Chelsea,” Tom said placing his hand on my shoulder, “calm down. Can you do that?”

I controlled my breathing and went back to my book. Fucking bitch. I hate her.

“She has some serious issues,” I heard Kat whisper to Tom.

“Don’t fucking talk about me like I’m not here Weibchen,” I said to her.

“Look, don’t talk German around me, okay? For all I know, you could be calling me a bitch,” Kat said to me.

I rolled my eyes, biting my tongue as I did so. “You know,” I said finally calmed down, “you’re the biggest…ugh I can’t even say it. It sounds okay in my head but when I go to say it, it sounds like bleh. But you know, I’m going to be the bigger person and take the high road by not insulting you in front of my friend. He wouldn’t appreciate me insulting you since you two are dating. I was tolerable towards you for Gerard, now I’ll do the same for Tomi here.”
I went back to my book and read just as the bell rang for eighth period. Danke Gott.


I waited by my Cougar for Bill and Tom. I saw Bill and he said that he had to get something from one of his teachers. Haven’t seen Tom since seventh. After I insulted his girlfriend. Oh fuck! I bet he’s mad at me and doesn’t want to talk to me anymore and all that awful stuff. Or worse. Maybe Kat’s convincing him to stop talking to Ali and I with a blow job (since she’s a whore) or by threatening to dump him. Fucking skank. That would be so like her.

I sighed in frustration when I heard Tom say, “Whoa Chelly. Calm down.”

I jumped at the sound of his voice. “Tom I’m-gonna-figure-out-your-middle-name-someday Kaulitz don’t fucking do that! You scared the fucking hell out of me!” I said.

“Sorry,” he said, “Oh, and I don’t have a middle name.”

I shrugged. “Get in the car. Bill’s being slow,” I said.

He opened the door when I heard the whore face slut bag yell, “Tomi, can you come here real fast please?”

I sighed and noticed the bitch took my nickname for him. Fucking bitch. Tom looked between the two of us when I said, “Go and see what she wants before she walks over here and gives me a reason to hit her. Not to diss your girlfriend or anything.”

He nodded. “Understandable. I’ll be back,” he said before closing the door and walking over to her.

I opened the driver’s side and sat in the seat, not closing the door. The door opened again and Bill said, “Sorry. I couldn’t find Frau Teddleton and ask her about the assignment.”

“It’s fine. We’re waiting on Tom to get done talking to his girlfriend,” I replied when I noticed the tone of my voice. Wow. I sound bitter.

“Ah. Tom told me about seventh period,” he said.

“Is he mad at me? Please tell me he isn’t Bill,” I said.

Bill shook his head. “He’s just shocked that you didn’t hit her. He was amazed at the self-control you had.”

“Well, having Frank for a brother, you learn to control the urge to hit him upside the head everyday.”

“Ah,” Bill said when Tom got in the car. He looked…annoyed? Yeah. Let’s go with that.

“Tom? Bist du o.k.?” Bill asked as I started the car and pulled out of the school parking lot.

“Nicht jetzt Bill,” Tom replied. Yep. He’s annoyed. And I’ll bet my car who it’s at.

“Was ist es Tomi?” Bill asked.

“Bill,” I said, “listen to Tom. I don’t want a full-scale war in here. I don’t want to clean up the blood.”

“Danke Chelly,” Tom said.

“Bitteschön Tom,” I replied, “I take it you speak just German when you’re annoyed/mad?”

Tom nodded. “Ich werde gerade ins sprechende Deutsche verwendet, wenn ich verrückt oder geärgert bin.”

I am so glad I pay attention in German. “Eh, it’s fine. Can I take a guess at who and/or what your mad/annoyed at?”

“Ja,” he replied.

“Is it about a certain someone who’s name I’m not mentioning that wanted to talk to you while we waited for Bill?” I asked.

Tom sighed and nodded. “Es ist nichts wirklich,” he replied, “Ich habe keinen Kaffee heute gehabt, so können die geringsten Dinge meine Nerven vorankommen.”

“Ah. Understandable. I have coffee at my house. Will that make it better?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Das ist o.k.,” he said, then muttered, “Du machst meinen Tag besser.”

“Was Tom?” Bill asked when I reached their house.

“Nichts Bill. Vergessen Sie gerade darüber,” Tom replied to Bill. He looked at me and said (in English), “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

I nodded. “Later guys. Have fun and don’t kill each other. Am I picking you guys up?” I asked.

They nodded. Bill started up to their house, but Tom was standing by my car still. I got out of my car and walked over to his side. “Tomi?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t pushing it with the nickname, “You gonna go in?”

He nodded. “Just thinking,” he replied.

“I see,” I said when I surprised him (and myself as well. I mean, damn) by hugging him. He hugged back a little bit later and I said, “If you want to talk, you can call me. My line’s always open.”

I felt his head nod. Yep. He’s taller than me. Of course, everyone’s taller than me. Stupid short people genes. “I will,” he said.

We stopped hugging and I said, “I’ll either talk to you later or see you tomorrow.”

“Ja,” he said.

I walked around to my side as he started towards his house and hopping in my car when I asked, “And Tom?”

He turned around. “Yeah Chelsea?” he asked.

I smiled. “I’m glad I made your day better,” I said before waving and heading toward my house, a permanent smile on my face the whole way.

Okay. So maybe I do like him. Fuck. And now he’s still with Kat. What am I gonna do about that and when she convinces him to not talk to me and Ali anymore? And she better not get the first ride in his Escalade whenever he gets it here. She’s in line behind me.

I pulled into my driveway when my good mood disappeared in a heartbeat. Standing on my porch, with that fucking smirk on their face was someone I had the hardest time not hitting.

I got out of my car and leaned against it. “What are you doing here Kat?” I asked her.

“We need to talk. Now,” she said walking over to me.

She was standing in front of me when she said, “Look, I don’t like that you and your little bitch of a friend--”

“Her name’s Ali. Get it right,” I interrupted her.

“Whatever. Anyway, I don’t like how you and her talk to Tom. So I want you two to quit talking to him. He’s mine. I own him. He’s wrapped around my little finger. Understand?” she asked.

I chuckled. “You stupid, stupid whore. You don’t intimidate me. You never have. And you never will. I choose who I talk to and who I don’t. If Tom comes up to me and Ali and, genuinely, says he doesn’t want to talk to us, I’ll stop. But you have no right telling me who I can and can’t talk to. You were able to do that to Gerard when you were with him, but I can tell right now that Tom’s different from Gerard. There’s two words for it: German stubbornness. You can’t and will not be able to con him into not talking to us. Not even with sex.”

She smirked. “Oh I’ll be able to. I know it,” she said.

I shook my head at her. “Look, you’re wasting your time. Just stop,” I said before walking up to my house. I opened the door and walked in when Frank yelled, “Chelsea! Get in the den now!”

I sighed and yelled, “Coming!”

I walked to the den to see Frank, Ali, Mikey, Gerard, Ray, and Bob sitting around. “What is it guys?” I asked.

“Movie night,” Ali replied.

I opened my mouth to say something when my phone rang. I looked to see that it was Tom. I slid it open as asked, “Ja Tom?”

“Where are you? Are you at your house? Are you busy? Am I bothering you?” Tom asked excitedly.

“Home. Yes. No. No. Why?” I asked smiling.

“Oh good. Walk outside! Quick!” he said before hanging up.

Okay? I slid my phone shut and said, “I’ll be back.”

A round of okays were sound as I walked out of the den. I walked outside and looked around when my jaw dropped. Tom was here. With the Escalade. He was looking at his phone when he saw me and smiled. “You like it?!” he asked excitedly.

I ran over to him and replied, “It’s beautiful Tom. When did it get here?”

“Today! I drove all the way here just to see if you wanted to go for a ride with me. You know, since I promised you the first ride and all,” he said smiling.

I nodded. “Let me run in and let the guys know I’ll be back later,” I said before running back into the house.

“Frank! I’m heading out. Later!” I shouted before heading back outside.

“Ready?” Tom asked as I walked over to the Escalade.

I nodded and got in the passenger seat. “Let’s go,” I said smiling.

He smiled and the two of us drove off. Wow. This SUV is nice as hell. Leather interior. Nice stereo system. The whole nine yards.

“Tom, this is amazing! I bet it cost a fortune,” I said.

“It was expensive. But I had a little help,” Tom replied.

I relaxed and listened to the German music that was playing from his stereo system. It’s nice outside. “So, where do you want to go?” Tom asked.

“I have no clue. The beach?” I asked.

Tom nodded. “That sounds good to me,” he said as we drove on.

A while later, we reached the beach. It was empty. And I mean empty. There’s no one around except Tom and I. I looked over at Tom and said, “Let’s go.”

He shut off the engine and the two of us got out of the Escalade. We walked down to the sand and walked along the beach in a comfortable silence. I stole a glance at Tom to see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I smiled and looked away.

I opened my mouth to say something when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I grabbed it to see that it was a text from Ali.

Ali: Where r u?!
Me: beach w/ Tom
Ali: oh yeah. Get some!!
Me: thank you Hopper
Ali: just have fun and use protection.
Me: *hits you* later alikina.
Ali: later

“Who was that?” Tom asked.

“Ali,” I replied, “She was wondering what I’m doing.”

“Ah,” he said when we ended up under the pier. I looked around and leaned against one of the…pillar-things holding the dock-part up.

“It’s nice out today,” I said as a light breeze blew by, causing me to shiver slightly.

Tom walked over to me and took his jacket off before placing it on my shoulders. “There,” he said, “much better. Now you won’t be cold.”

I chuckled. “Thanks,” I said.

“No problem,” he said when I noticed that there was barely a distance between us. It was silent between the two of us as I noticed his eyes. I never really got a good look at them before, but now that he was closer to me, I noticed how deep a brown they were. Almost like milk chocolate.

I smiled when he shocked the hell out of me. He cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked at first, but I relaxed and kissed him back, my arms wrapped around his neck. He pressed himself against me, pressing me firmly against the pillar-thing and took one hand from cupping my face. He ran it down the side of my body and rested it on my hip.

Wow. He’s an amazing kisser. The lip ring makes it better. He pinned my hands above my head and started kissed down my jaw line to my neck. He started kissing and nibbling, earning a moan from me. “Mmmm Tomi,” I moaned.

His free hand started going under my shirt when my phone started ringing. Tom stopped his attack on my neck and I answered it. “Hello?” I asked.

“Hey. Where are you?” Frank asked, “Mom’s wondering since she hasn’t seen you since this morning.”

“We’re at the beach. We’ll be back in a couple hours,” I replied.

“Iight. Later lil sis,” he said before hanging up.

I sighed. Tom started placing light kisses on my neck and I said, “Come on. We should head back.”

He stopped and looked at me. “We should,” he said before hugging me, “Doesn’t mean we’re gonna though.”

I smiled and took in the scent of his cologne. He smelled really good. I hugged him back and relaxed just as he phone started ringing. “Fuck,” he muttered before grabbing his phone. He flipped it open and asked, “Hello?”

He was silent. “I’ll be there in a few hours. I’m at the beach. No don’t stress yourself Kat. I’ll be by later. Yeah. Bye,” he said before hanging up.
Oh shit. I forgot about her! And I just totally made out with Tom! I’m such a skank! I’m just as bad as Kat!

I banged the back of my head against the pillar-thing and Tom asked, “Are you okay?”

I sighed. “No,” I replied, “We just made out and you’re with Kat. I’m as bad as her.”

He hugged me and said, “Don’t worry Chelsea. No one’s gonna find out. It’s just a kiss.”

I mentally sighed. “Yeah,” I said, “It was only a kiss. No one’s gonna find out.”

Tom smiled a small smile. “Now come on. I’m craving ice-cream like crazy and I think we should go to Dairy Queen,” he said.

I nodded. “Yeah. Ice-cream sounds good,” I said.

He smiled wider and pressed his lips to mine again. “I so wish I wasn’t with Kat right now,” he muttered, resting his forehead on mine.

“Join the club,” I thought to myself.

We stood there for a bit when I said, “Let’s go and get that ice-cream.”

He nodded and the two of us walked back to the Escalade. We reached it and I was about to go over to my side of the car when Tom stopped me and kissed me again. “Sorry,” he said, “I should really stop kissing you, but I can’t help it.”

I kissed him. “Same here,” I said.

He smiled and kissed me again. “Come on. Ice-cream is calling my name,” he said.

I nodded and plopped down in the passenger seat, Tom getting in the driver’s seat, and the two of us left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here Ali!

For the German, use a translator