These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy fourteen

"TOM!" I yelled running and hugging him.

"Al!" he said spinning me around.

"Where's Chelsea?" I asked as he put me down.

"She is sick at home," he sighed.

"Ah I see."

"Yeah, Where's Mikey?"

"I don't," when I felt arms wrap around my waist, "Here," I said wrapping my arms around his neck noticing somebody a little shorter.

"No, he is sick too," Gerard said, "he told me to keep and eye on you."

"Oh," I said, "So what are we doing today?"

"School?" Tom said.

"I feel like skipping,"Gerard said.

"Me too," I said looking at Tom.

"Why not?" Tom said smiling, "Do you want to get Bill?"

"Yeah, and what about Frank, Ray, and Bob?"

"Frank is taking care of Chelsea and Ray and Bob I have no idea haven't seen them all day," Gerard said still having his arms wrapped around me.

"Okay I will go ask Bill," I said running to Mr.Oxely's room and pulling Bill into the hallway before the teacher could see me or him, "Hey Me, Tom, and Gerard are skipping want to come?" I asked.

"Na I think I'm going to stay," he said kissing my forehead and running to his seat.

"Lets go," I said running to the guys and dragging them to the back entrance in Mr. Emmicks room.

"Future Mrs. Way," I heard Mr. Emmick say.

"Mr. Emmick," I said turning to him.

"So, Future Mrs. Way, Where are you going?"


"Just tell me."

"Well, we are skipping today," I grinned.

"Well, Future Mrs. Way," He exhaled, "I never saw you," I started walking off when he stopped me, "Another thing, your boyfriend."


"He is gonna make something of himself one day," He said smiling, hugging me then ushering us to the door.

I walked out to the door and we bolted to my car.

"Can we go see Mikey really fast," I asked as we all got in the car.

"Yeah, I can get money from Mom," Gerard said.

We went straight to the Way household and Mikey's mom came out and hugged me, "Awh look at my future daughter-in-law," she said grinning.

"Hi, mom can I see Mikey?" I asked.

"Yes he is in the Living room," she said pointing to it.

"So you are sick?" I said sitting by his stomach ad he was sprawled out on the couch rolled up in a blanket. I heard him groan at me, basically saying he was sleeping. He rolled over giving me a little room to lay by him. Which I did.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" he said putting his head on my chest.

"Yes," I said stroking his hair.

"Why aren't you?" he yawned.

"Me, Gerard, and Tom are skipping."

"Oh," he said lifting up my shirt a bit to put his hand in it.

"What are you doing?" I asked laughing.

"I don't know you tell me," he said slowly putting his hand farther and farther up my shirt.

"Dude you are probably all drugged up right now," I said holding his hand where it was.

"No just tired," he said rubbing his nose on my neck.

"We aren't going to do anything."

"But you want to," he said taking the blanket off himself.

"No," wait yes! yes! I thought seeing him in just boxers.

"Can I hold you for a bit?" He asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah but I have to go love," I said trying to get up.

"No let the guys hang out and you stay here with me," he said trying to pull me closer.

"Hey you two!" Gerard yelled, "Ali let's go!"

"No, you guys go," Mikey said I just nodded agreeing with Mikey.

"Well, then me and Tom are going to play video games," he said as they ran upstairs.

"Can I ask where your clothes are?"

"Well, I was in the middle of changing when I felt like I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. I didn't throw up but I was feeling bad and Mom told me to stay home. Plus, you kept me up all night so I am completely tired and, I believe you owe me something," he said smiling.

"I don't owe you anything," I smiled.

"I can owe you something," he said taking his hand out of my shirt and putting it near my pants.

"You are a horny little bastard today," I said grabbing his hand, "What did you take?"

"Muscle relaxers," He grinned, "I feel like gumby."

"Well why?"

"It was an accident."



"Oh-Kay," I said facing him, "I love you," I said kissing him.

"I love you more," he said pulling me closer.

"Your still a horny bastard," I laughed.

"Yes but I am your horny whatever," he said getting up.

"I never claimed you," I said as he stepped over me and walked off, "Hey where are you going?"

"My room," he said running his hand through his hair, "You coming," he said turning to me with his other hand half way down his boxers.

"I guess," I said getting up and following him.

"You don't have to," he said scratching his head.

"What if I want to?"

"I don't know but your shirt is falling down and I like it," He said grinning.

"Let's go up stairs," I said pulling up my shirt and running up the stairs, "Why am I dating you again?" I asked jokingly.

"We can change that," He said as we walked in his room.

"But it would be heart wrenching to get over you," I laughed.

"You could get under me," He said as I laid on the bed.

"No thats to much work for you," I said as he crawled on top of me and kissed me, "We aren't going to mess around you will get me sick," I said.

"Damn, women," He said laying by me.

"You love me," I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes, yes I do," I grinned Laying my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead and in 15 minute he was passed out asleep. So I went and saw the guys.

"Hey what's up you guys," I said walking into Gerard's room.

"Bye," He said pushing me out of the doorway and slamming the door in my face.

"Um what the hell was that?" I said opening it again a little annoyed and walking in and sitting by Gerard.

"God damn do you ever leave?" He said walking out of the room.

"What crawled up his ass?" I said laying my head in Toms lap.

"I don't know he was fine till you got here, I mean in the room," He said playing with my hair as his phone began to vibrate, "Yes Kat?....No I am at Gerard's....Mikey was sick and he is my friend I was worried about him......Of course Ali is here. Why wouldn't she be?.......Okay I will be there when you get out of school.....promise....I love you too," But the sound in his voice it sounded like he didn't mean it.

"I don't like her," I said bluntly.

"You and Chelsea both," he laughed

"Yes, but I have my Irish temper," I laughed

"You are Irish?"

"Yes and Mexican,"

"I did not know that, and you guys have your midwest arrogance."

"I love you, Tom," I said smiling and changing the subject.

"I love you too, Al," he said smiling, then I knew something was up either something happened with him and Kat or him and Chelsea An I will find out after I figure out whats wrong with Gerard.

"I will be right back I'm going to check on Gerard," I said getting up.

"You are like the mom in this group of friends. Always looking out for everybody," I heard him say as I walked out of the room.

"Gee," I said sweetly so he wouldn't yell at me, "Where are you?"

"Right here," he said from the bathroom

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, I'm not doing anything."

"What's wrong?" I said hugging him.

"Nothing important," he said putting on a fake smile.

"Well you know I am always here for you right?"

"Yeah I know," he said pulling me closer.

"I love you," I said pulling back and moving my hair out of my face.

"I love you too, so much," next thing I know he is kissing me and I am sitting on top of the sink. His lips like venom but I didn't want it to stop.

He quickly pulled away, "I'm sorry. This never happened," he said stepping back.

"Gee," I said hopping down from the sink.

"I think you should leave," Gerard said walking out of the bathroom.

Well Shit I thought walking out to me car.

"Bye mom I have to go see Chelsea I love you," I yelled from my car but I wasn't going to see Chelsea. I was going to see Frank. My main guy for advice, the dude that i talked to about everything, the guy who knew me better than I have ever known myself.

"Frank!" I yelled seeing him in the yard with their dog, I ran into his arms and began crying.

"Whats wrong?" He said all worried.

"We need to talk I need advice," I said burring my face farther in his chest.

"About?" he said hugging me.

"Gerard," I cried harder.

"What happened?!" he said pushing back.

I told him the whole story and he just stood there with his jaw dropped.

"Wow," was all he could get out.

"And now I am so confused."

"Maybe it was a mistake just don't worry about it act like nothing happened and everything will be fine I promise," He said lifting my chin.

"Okay," I said smiling.

"Now shorty, let's watch a movie to get your mind off of this," He said wrapping an arm around me and walking me inside to the living room. He put in 21 and we sat on the couch, he had one arm wrapped around me and my head was leaned on his shoulder.

"I love you Frankie. You are like my bother."

"I love you to Ali. You are like my sister Fo' shizzle," He said leaning forward and grabbing his lighter ashtray and two cigarettes handing me one.

"Thank you," I said as he lit it.

"Pot would be better," he said grinning.

"I know but we don't have any and I have no money," I sighed, "Plus Chelsea would kill us if she caught us smoking."

"Come over tonight after midnight and I will get us some," He said smiling.

"Oh yes pot buddy, tonight we are living the high life," I said taking a drag and then continued to watch the movie.
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uhm this is longer then i anticipated

I actually likes it :)