These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Sixteen

I took a deep breath before walking past Gerard, god he smelled good, 'I'm with Mikey stop this dammit, I thought to myself.

I threw everything in my locker and was getting ready to walk to class.

"Mikey isn't here again today," I heard Gerard say scaring the shit out of me.

"Shit!" I yelled

"What did I do?" he said stepping away.

"You just scared me," I said.

"Hey, can we talk about last night?" He said and I just walked off.

"Ali," Tom said hugging me.

"Tom," I said putting on a fake smile.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking concerned.

"Yo no soy todo aquí," I said walking off to English class.

I sat at my desk and the lights went off and Romeo and Juliet started. i put in my iPod headphones and started my Craig Mabbitt play-list. The first song that played was, 'Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad' I began singing in my head, 'You scream don’t look, you scream don’t touch, What have they done? What have I not?,And every time I think about your voice I, Start to tremble, and my throats aching, And anytime you need a shoulder, I’m right here, You’ve just gotta find a way.' when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked.

"Nothing," I said putting my ear bud back in.

The day went by to slow but before I knew it school was almost over. Gerard kept giving me guilty looks all day.2:54, come on bell ring dammit ring. It finally did. all I wanted to do was go see Frank and get my mind off of everything.

I bolted to my locker then to my car.
I was fumbling through my backpack for my keys when I saw somebody on the hood of my car.

"Niggah(not taken seriously) fuck yo couch and get the fuck off my car," I got closer and noticed it was Kat, "Oh mother fucking hell no!" I yelled at her, "Get off my car now! god dammit! I will rock yo shit!"

She hopped down and got in my face, oh I was heated, "Listen if you ever touch my boyfriend again," she laughed, "this car will be nothing you hear."

"Bitch, Tom is my friend and nothing else," I said stepping closer, "And if you ever fucking touch my car again I will kick my foot so far up your ass you will be able to taste it from inside you."

"Um, Do you know who you are messing with?"

"Yeah I do," I smarted off.

"Well, I can ruin your life," she grinned.

"Bitch I can ruin you face if you place one more hand on my car," I said as she kicked off my side view mirror.

"Oops," she said before I punched her across the face, "Bitch you ain't got shit on me," She said punching me.

"My name is Ali learn it!" I screamed in her face.

"I don't have to call you by anything. You are just dirt poor trash that doesn't have any parents," she laughed.

"That's it," I said diving after her and punching her twice in the face before somebody stopped me, "No let me go!" I screamed to see Gerard and Bill holding me back.

"You got issues," I heard her get up and say before spitting some blood out.

"You are my issue bitch and you better learn cause and effect talk shit, spit blood," I said trying to get free of Gerard and Bill.

"At least I have a mother and father," she yelled at me.

"Yeah, but did they love you like my parents loved me or do they buy you shit so you will love them?" I said as Gerard and Bill escorted me to the driver seat of my car and getting in, "Where's Bill?" I asked starting the car and driving off to Chelsea's.

"Already home he left early," Bill replied.

"I'm Going to see Frank," I said whipping a little bit of blood from my mouth.

"Okay," Gerard said. With in five minutes we were at Franks.

"What happened to you? Your mouth is bleeding," Frank said as I walked up to him.

"Love you too Frank," I said walking past him.

"What happened?" he said stopping me.

"I got into a fight," I shrugged and walked into the house playing it off like it was normal.

"With who?" he asked following me.

"Kat," I said as Tom stepped out of the house.

"What the hell is your problem? Kat just called and said that you punched her because you were jealous of me and her dating," Tom said angerly.

"Jealous of what?" I laughed, "You are not that sexy," I laughed even harder.

"Then why did you do it?" he said folding his arms like a two year old, "and it better be a good reason."

I saw Chelsea standing beside him shaking her head at me.

"I did it because she was," I stopped, "You know what never mind. Fuck you guys. I had reasons, okay."

"Well until you tell me," he paused, "we aren't friends."

"Tom, you're not serious," I laughed.

"No, I am," he said turning around.

"She broke the side mirror off my car," I said pointing to my car.

"Your car isn't good enough," he said turning to face me.

"You know the real reason," I said walking up to him, "That was the last, last, thing my mom and dad got me," I began to get teary eyed, "I punched her once and let it go," I took a deep breath, "Then she started bad mouthing my mom and dad about how I don't have them," I began crying even worse, "you go though what I have then you come complain to me why I beat of your prostitute of a girlfriend," I said starting to walk off, "oh yeah and you can't forget ass fuck over here," I said pointing to Gerard, "kissed me last night. Oh yeah, after all the years I had feelings for him, he finally tells me. I have been stressed all day and she pushed me over the edge."

"Ali!" Gerard yelled at me, "We said it never happened."

"Today is just wonderful," I said ignoring Gerard and walking to my car.

"Ali, wait," Tom said grabbing my arm

"No, remember we aren't friends," I smirked and pulled my arm back.

"Ali! Listen to him," Chelsea yelled at me.

"He wouldn't listen to me," I said driving to Mikey's.

I didn't see any car in the drive and I ran straight inside, "Mikey," I yelled.

"Yes love," I heard before a, "Holy shit! What happened to you lip?" He said running a hand through my hair.

"I got in a fight with Kat cause she was being a bitch," I said looking down.

"I'm so turned on right now," he smiled.

"I'm not," I sighed.

"I'm here for you baby," he said hugging me tight, "Do you want to go upstairs and talk about it? I was about to go for a nap."

"Okay," I said following him upstairs, "Mikey," I said stopping him, "You always make my day better no matter what happened."