These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Eighteen

"MONTE!" I yelled at my brother, walking in the house.

"ALI!" he yelled back laughing.

"Where are you?!"

"My room?" he yelled and I heard the door open, "Why?"

"I'm coming up there," I said walking up the stairs.

"Um, why are you covered in sweat?" he asked when I walked in the bedroom door.

"I had to run home," I said moving hair out of my face.

"What about your car?" he questioned getting up of his bed.

"Tom stole it when he left all pissy from Chelsea's."

"Damn," he said laughing.

"Yeah, it's a long story," I said slopping down on his bed.

"Well I got good new if it helps," he shrugged.

"Anything could make this better," I said as he sat me on the bed with him.

"Me and the band(Escape The Fate) are going to Europe."

"So you are ditching me for how long?" he handed me a piece of paper that said:

May 1 2009 Concorde 2, Brighton Brighton
May 2 2009 Lemon Grove, Exeter Exeter
May 3 2009 Irish Rooms, Birmingham Birmingham
May 4 2009 Academy 2, Manchester Manchester
May 5 2009 QMU, Glasgow Glasgow
May 8 2009 University, Newcastle Newcastle
May 9 2009 Leadmil, Sheffield Sheffield
May 10 2009 ASTORIA, London London
May 12 2009 Bristol Academy, Bristol Bristol (those are really dates and places i just changed the month and year)
today being the 28 of April.

"You are ditching me for at least twelve days," I screamed.

"Nope, 20," he grinned.

"Is Micheal staying here?"

"Nope," he grinned even bigger.

"Then where the hell am I going?!"

"Europe with me," my jaw dropped.

"When are we going?"

"Two days."

"With, Max, Craig, Robert and you!?" I said getting all excited I loved my brothers band to pieces.

"And if Chelsea's mom allows," he exhaled, "She can go to."

"AH! I fucking love you," I screamed hugging him, "I'm going to tell Chelsea!" I said running out the door to her house. When my phone started going off, "Hello?" I answered stopping dead in my tracks.

"Hey, Ali. It's Mikey, can you come over really fast," he was silent for a second, "we need to talk."

"Yeah be there soon," I said looking around seeing where I was.

"You are right outside," he laughed.

I hung up and walked to the door, "What do you need?" I asked when he got to the door.

"I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?" I asked seeing as I was puzzled.

"Us," He said looking down.


"I'm hurting Gerard having you around all the time, talking about you and everything."

"Oh," I said beginning to cry.

"You know I don't like seeing you cry," he said stroking my cheek.

"Don't touch me," I said grabbing his hand and moving it away from me.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, I am hurt," I said walking away.

"Ali, we can still be friends."

"I will have to think about it," I said continuing to walk.

"Where are you going?"

"To pack," I said not stopping.

"For where?"

"Europe," I said no longer listening to him.

I made it to Chelsea's house and walked in the door, "I'm going to Europe," I said right when I saw her.

"What the hell? Why?" she said all mad.

"For the band," I said gloom-ish-ly.

"What band?"


"Oh my god lucky."

"Monte said if mom will let you you can go to," I said still sounding gloomy.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm single," I shrugged, "I'm going home now to pack. We leave in two days," I said walking out the door as it began to rain. I started my way home crying and everything. when Tom pulled up beside me in my car.

"Ali," Tom said. But, I ignored him, "Ali!" he said louder driving beside me, "Ali fucking talk to me!" he said getting pissed.

"I don't want to," I said folding my arms and still walking.

"So Chelsea told you, and know you are pissed at me?"

"Told me what?!" I said stopping.

"That I am not talking to you guys anymore," he said after slamming on the brakes.

"WHAT?!" I said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. I was pissed and depressed I want so bad to go off on him.

"Yep, me and Kat got into a fight, and i actually want to stay with her now," he said and all i could do was stare at him, "Are you going to say anything?"

"AH!" I screamed, "Get the fuck out of my car now!"

"No I need to talk to you."

"Fuck no!"

"Yes!" he said getting in my face.

"I will rip your dreads out. Now, get the fuck out of my car now."

"Get in," he demanded.


"Fine then we will stay right here and talk," he said taking my hand off his shirt.

"No I have to get home and pack."

"Where are you going?"



"None of your business and Chelsea is going. So, you, being the asshole you are, can't keep yourself on her mind."

"Ali," he said looking down, "I am still going to talk to you. Just not Chelsea."

"Why?" I asked getting even more pissed.

"Because I have hurt her to much and Kat doesn't want you to hurt her again so she is trying to stay on your good side."

"Oh," I said as he got out of the car.

"Come here," he said pulling me into a hug and wrapping his arms around me.

"Tom," I whispered.

"What?" he said kissing my forehead.

"I need to get home now," he walked away from me and got in the drivers seat of the car.

"I will drive you," he said opening the passenger door from inside. I got in the car and didn't say anything the whole way there, "Don't tell Chelsea we are still talking," all I did was shake my head and we pulled up to my house. I got out of the car and walked straight to my room and started packing when Monte walked in.

"What?" I said silently.

"Chelsea is going," he said mono-tone-ly.

"Okay," I yawned sitting on the floor.

"We leave at eight. Meaning at the airport at six thirty."

"Yes sir," I said sadly.

"What's got you down?" he said sitting by me on the floor.

"Nothing. We can talk about it on the plane," I said hugging him, "I'm just going to pack and go to bed. I'm not hungry."

"Okay, night sis," Monte said walking out of the room, "Oh guess what?"


"For Micheal and your birthday we are going to Paris. I got them to extend the tour so we can have a vacation afterwards."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"That's my sister I love," he smiled.

"I love you too," I said throwing a bunch more of my clothes in my suitcase. When my phone started viberating. It was two texts.

Tom: Friends?

Mikey: Friends?

'Well this is great,' I thought.

Me:yes I don't want to talk right now DO NOT text me back.

I sent to both of them.

Then and unfamilar number texted me.

Unknown:Hey your brother told me you were going to Europe with us can't wait ; )

Me:Who is this???

Unkown:Craig :)

Me: Uhm?

Craig?: Mabbit from your brothers band

Me: Oh well I'm busy packing I will text you later?

Craig: I would like that : )

I went back to packing not wanting to tlak to anybody when my phone started ringing.

Fer sure maybe, Fer sure not, Fer sure ehh, Fer sure bomb

"What?" I yelled in the phone.

"Nevermind," I heard a voice cry and the hang up. I went to latest calls to see it was Chelsea.

"SHIT!" I screamed before falling back onto the floor.
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uhm Steven is being replace with Monte Money