These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Twenty

The guys were playing Halo and I was reading my Russell Brand Book trying to keep my mind off everything back home.

"Ali?" Craig said shaking me.

"Yo?" I said looking up from my book.

"You want to talk? you haven't really said anything to me."

"Well you see," I began before i was interrupted by my cell phone.

You didn't think I had it in me, Did ya? Did ya?

"Hello?" I said sliding my phone open.

"Hey it's Tom," he said.

"Listen I can't talk right now," I sighed.


"I'm spending time with people. It's none of your business," I said slamming my book shut.

"Sure you are," he said hanging up.

"Ah!" I said throwing my phone.

"Whoa!" Max said getting hit by my phone.

"Max!" I said getting up and almost running over to him, "You want me to kiss it? Where did I hit you?"

"Yes, my dick," He said half laughing.

"Asshole," I said hitting his arm and falling back to sit by Craig.

"What happened??" I heard Chelsea say.

"Ali gave me a blow job and she got hit by something and bit me," Max said throwing my phone at me.

"That sounds normal," she said rolling her eyes.

"Ha ha," Craig laughed sticking a finger in my face.

"Get your finger out of my face or I will bite it," I warned.

"She will," Chelsea said sitting by me.

"I will take my chances," Craig said poking my nose.

"You bite him you are going home," Monte said getting into the fridge.

"But Monte," I whined.

"Don't whine at me."

"Eh!" I said folding my arms, "Monte," i said sweetly.

"What?" he answered back annoyed.

"You can go fuck yo couch!" I yelled.

"Whoa!" Craig said, "You let her talk to you like that?"

"Alejandra Rae Michelle Money," he said.

"Monte Bryan Money!" I said standing up.

"You can go eat pussy," He said standing up.

"You can go eat ass," i said trying to get as tall as him.

"Listen short fry," he said pushing me down off my tippy toes, "bedtime."

"But Monte!" I whined.

"You are acting five you are seventeen."

"She is how old?!" Craig and Max said.

"Seventeen," I said leaning back in the couch.

"Ha ha," Chelsea laughed, "I know where this is going."

"I thought she was like fifteen!" Craig said.

"Well I am not," I said getting a little aggravated.

"I thought you were eighteen," Max said.

"Can I not discipline her?" Monte said to the guys.

"Nope, as long as she is here she gets away with everything because I will take blame for it," Max said sitting Monte down.

"Thank you," I said shooting Monte a dirty look.

"Ali, guess what!" Monte said.

"What?!" I said getting all excited.

"Never mind," he said looking off as me and Craig began to play Halo 3


"What time is it?" I asked.

"I don't know but I am going to bed," Monte said.

"Me too," Robert and Chelsea said walking off with Monte.

"Max are you wake?" I said getting up and shaking him.

"Craig has a huge penis!" he screamed waking up.

"Well, um that wasn't weird," I said whipping what I hope was drool off of my face.

"It's true," Craig shrugged.

"Sorry, Al," Max said throwing me over his shoulder and caring me to the bunk area.

"Craig which one is yours?" I asked as he followed us.

"Top far right," he said rubbing his hand on his face.

"Max can you put me down so I can go change really fast?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said sleep-ish-ly, "I love you, Ali," He said kissing me on the lips like Monte would. Nothing special like he was my older brother.

"I love you too max," I yawned.

"Sweet dreams fuck face."

"Sweet dreams cum sucker," I said stripping really fast and throwing on Max's Iron Maiden shirt he gave me a long time ago and Ronnie's old basket ball shorts. If they knew where I got these i would never see them again and they were all I have left of Ronnie.

"Let me help you up," Max said picking me up.

"Thanks," I said kissing his forehead.

"Anytime short thing," he said climbing in his bunk as Craig tried to get in but failed.

"Craig, if you need help you are on your own," Max said shutting his curtain.

"I won't need help," he said after the six try. All I could do was laugh.

"Night Robert, I love you," I sad loud enough he could hear me.

"I love you, too Ali," he responded.

"Monte, I love you."

"Ditto," Monte said waving a hand at me.

"Chelsea," I whispered.

"What?" she said sounding like she was crying.

"I'm sorry about the one thing that one time," I said as I felt arms warp around me.

"Shut up," she said. I didn't say anything after that.

"Hey Ali?" I heard Craig whisper in my ear.

"Mhm," I said.

"I missed you a lot," He said squeezing me to him.

"Me too," I managed to yawn out.

"You have grown up so much since the last time I saw you," he said as I turned towards him.

"Mhm," I said before kissing his cheek.

"You looked pretty today."

"Craig do me a favor," I said lokking up at him.


"Let me sleep. We will talk in the morning, I promise I will be here," I daid rolling back over facing the wall.

"Night," he said kissing the back of my head.

I felt my phone Vibrate.

Chelsea: I am scared.

Me:Of what?


Me: Don't worry I promisse he will never touch you again.

Chelsea:Thanks :)

Me: Anything.

Chelsea: I think Craig likes you :)

Me: Fat chance.

Chelsea:We will find out soon.

Me: sure?

Chelsea: You two should hang out tomorrow.

"I would like to," I heard Craig say behind me.

"We will then," I said sliding my phone shut and closing my eyes, "But I have some cheering up to do with Chelsea to so she might tag along."

"Thats fine," he said.

"Night," I said drifting off.