These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy 21

Craig, Ali, and I were walking around the venue. The two of them were flirting up a storm and I was listening to my Zune. I looked at the ground as I walked when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled out an ear bud and looked to see that someone was calling. I slid my phone open and asked, “What?”

“Chella? It’s Bill,” I heard him say.

“Hi,” I said.

“How’s it going?” he asked.

I sighed. “You know how it’s going Bill. Why even ask?” I asked frustrated before hanging up. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and continued following Ali and Craig as Ali’s phone rang. I picked it up and said, “Yo yo what’s up?!”

I shook my head at her. She’s too happy for her own good. It’s kind of unhealthy.

I walked behind them when my phone started vibrating again. I pulled it out and slid it open. “What is it?” I asked slightly annoyed, wondering who it was.

“Did I do something?” Bill asked dejectedly. Ah fuck now I made him sad. Shit.

“No Bill. I’m sorry. I’m just not in the best of moods,” I replied.

“I know. When I asked how it was going, I should have known that you weren’t in the best mind frame. I could kill him,” Bill said.

”There’s more than one him I wouldn’t mind killing right now,” I thought to myself, “I know. But it’s illegal and you’d be sad,” I told him.

“I know. But I hate seeing--err--hearing you like this,” he said when I heard his laugh in the background.

A tear fell down my face. “Hey, can I just text you instead?” I asked.

“Yeah Chella. Later,” he said.

“Later,” I said before hanging up.

Me: hi

Bill: u ok?

Me: *shakes head* no. :’[

Bill: *gives you a Bill hug* I’m going to kill him. U kno that, rite?

Me: *nods* just make it look lyk an accident

Bill: eh, I’d b 2 sad if I did.

Me: understandable

Bill: Chella?

Me: yeah Billa?

Bill: how much do you lyk guy-who-shall-remain-nameless-because-I-don’t-want-to-make-u-cry?

Me: too much. :’[

Bill: I’m srry

Me: hey, he chose the skank. I guess I’m just not what he wants. I get it

Bill: he’s an idiot

“Hey! Don’t take his phone away from him! It’s not nice!” I heard Ali exclaim. I looked over at her and saw her and Craig randomly hitting each other. She looked over at me and said, “Play fighting. Don’t judge me.”

I shrugged and Craig said, “I’m going to get you to smile. I haven’t seen you smile since we arrived.”

“Good luck,” I said before replying to the text from Bill.

Me: like I said, I guess there’s something wrong w/ me

Bill: don’t say that Chelsea. There is nothing wrong with you

Me: psh. Whatever u say

Bill: just out of curiosity, just how much did he hurt you?

Me: I can’t describe it Billa. It hurts every time I think about him. It’s like a piece of my heart is missing

Bill: :[ I’m sorry Chelsea. I really am.

Me: Bill, it’s fine. I’ll get through this. Eventually….I think…I hope…

Bill: *sigh* I could hurt him

Me: but you wouldn’t

Bill: maybe. Maybe not

Me: eh, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten close 2 him. My luck always fucks me over

Bill: hey, don’t worry. It’ll turn out okay. I promise.

Me: how Bill? You tell me.

Bill: I just know these things. Hey, you’re in Europe! Have the time of your life

Me: that’s just the thing. I can’t. every time I try, something reminds me of Tom and I just get miserable! Max and Craig tried to hug me better and their hugs didn’t work! Their hugs always work too!

Bill: I think you need a hug from me. Sadly, you are over there and I am here. So, we are just going to have to wait until you get back.

Me: *sigh* :[ Can I call u? please?

Bill: later, okay? I need a shower.

Me: okay. Call me after your shower.

Bill: will do. Talk to you later. *hug*

Me: later Bill. *hugs back*

I stopped texting when I noticed something. Bill’s texting style changed to where he was spelling everything out. He never does that. Hm. Oh well.

I caught up with Ali and Craig when I said, “Hey, I’m going to go back to the bus. I’ll talk to you two later, okay?”

They nodded and each hugged me. “Text or call if you need us, kay?” Craig asked.

“Got it,” I said when they stopped hugging me and I started back towards the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
here! now type quick woman!!
