These Bright Lights Have Always Blinded Me

Chappy Twenty-Two

Chelsea was completely depressed. Don't get me wrong I was too. but, being around all the guys made everything better.I mean I loved them they were my brothers and I cared for them extremely.

"Don't you think your outfit is a little," Craig began, "Under dressed?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are in basket ball shorts and an Iron Maiden shirt. What if a crazed fan wants a pic with me?"

"So, I am comfy and thats all that matters," I said facing him.

"Blah blah blah," he said lacing our hands together. All I did was smile he was about to kiss me when a whole bunch of girls came up to him.

"Can we have a picture with you?" one of them asked.

"Yeah sure," he grinned before looking over at me, "Just give me one second," he walked over to me, "I got to go to sound check right after this," I shook my head and began to walk away, "meet me on stage?" he said turning me to him.

"No I think I am going to talk to Chelsea for a bit then I will watch you guys preform later okay?"

"Whatever you want to do," he grinned moving the hair out of my face.

"Who was that?" I heard on of the girls say.

"Somebody important to me," Craig said to them as I walked away.

As I was walking I ran into Max, "hey," he said gasping for breath.

"Hey," I laughed as he doubled over, holding himself up on my shoulder.

"Yeah, um take care of Chelsuh she seems really depressed."

"I'm on my way too," I laughed helping him stand up straight.

"Thanks and okay," he said before hugging and kissing me.

I walked off to the bus Chelsea was sitting right there on the couch with the laptop.

"Hey girl what you doing?" I asked sitting by her.

"E-mailing people," she sighed.


"Just people," she said before closing the laptop and walking towards the bunk area.

"Chelzers," I whined following her.

"I just want to be alone right now," she said turning to me.

"Okay," I said picking up Craig's laptop and opening it.

It was signing onto his myspace. his status read,going on a walk with Chelsea and Ali<3. he had like fifty billion comments and a whole bunch of messages. I laughed and just when I was getting ready to long out of it I got an Idea. I went to 'edit profile' and at the very bottom of his 'Who I Would Like To Meet' I typed this:

you are the most amazing friend I could ask for. Today me and you walked around the venue and talked about stupid things,Like how you hate how I spell everything out when I text you to the random stripped moves you do. I love you and the guys can't wait to hang with you guys after the show. Oh and next time remember to sign off of your computer.

I hit save changes and logged out of his Myspace and onto mine. A pop up came up and I just clicked 'yes'. the homepage came up and the little 'alerts' box said'new photo comments', 'new messages', and 'new comments'. Iu clicked the comments and it was from Ronnie.

'Hey this is Ronnies friend he told me to tell you he loves you and misses you alot'

I ignored it and went to the photo comments.

'I miss that smile:) Robert had said.

I quickly signed out when I heard footsteps on the outside stairs of the bus.

"Ali! Chelsea! Show is starting!" Craig yelled running on the bus. the cold air made me shiver alot, "Are you cold?" he laughed.

"Just alittle," I smiled putting his laptop down, "I will go get my sweat shirt," I said standing up.

"No here," he said taking of his leather jacket, "Wear this," he said draping it over my shoulders.

"Okay," I said as Chelsea walked into the main area.

"You ready to go Ali?" she asked looking down.

"Yeah let me change pants," I said walking to the bunk area,"You okay?" I whispered to her.

"Ali, don't worry about it," she said hugging me.

"I am though you just are being different," I said changing into my skinny jeans.

"Ali," she sighed, "Don't."

I wanted to tell her that i am talking to Tom but she would get pissed, "Okay," was all I said and we left for the stage. Craig laced his hand with mine and Chelsea gloom-a-ly followed.

"Kiss me for good luck?" Craig said when we go tto the stage.

"Of course," I said as he leaned down to me.

"Craig come on," Max said pulling him on to the stage.

"Next time," he yelled at me from the stage.

After the song Craig began on of his little stories, "So last night, well first off, Monte has a little seventeen year old sister and her friend with us on the tour, but anyways Ali was on the phone with her friend and he said something that made her mad and she threw her phone," he laughed, "hitting Max."

"It hurt like hell," Max said while twirling his wrist.

"She got all concern and was asking Max 'You want me to kiss it? Where did I hit you?' Monte was laughing at her and Robert was to busy playing Halo 3," Craig continued, "And what do you say back Max?"

"Yes I want you to kiss it, and my dick," the whole crowd laughed I looked away till I was dragged onto the stage, "this is Monte's sister," Craig siad standing me by Monte.


"You are an asshole," I laughed punching Craig in the arm.

"You love him though," Max said laughing,

"Yeah," I laughed.

We all walked on the bus and I walked to the bunk area and was looking for my basketball shorts. I found them in the trash bag by Monte's bed, uh i thought and i walked into the bathroom and changed. I grabbed my phone out of the jeans and slid it open, "Five New Messages," I read out loud.

Tom: hey?

Tom:Fucking talk to me!

Tom:Fine then be a bitch

Tom:I'm sorry please talk to me?

Right when I got done reading it another text message came in.

Mikey:Wat the fuck is up w/ ur myspace?!

Me:I don't know?

Mikey:Well u are online rite now.

Me: No I am not I am in the bathroom on the bus.

I sent before laying down on the floor in the bunk area.

Mikey: okay but it says u are.

I walked into the main area and Craig was sitting on the couch typing on his laptop. I sat by him and glanced over at the screen, "What are you doing on my Myspace?" I asked seeing my display picture.

"Nothing," he said hitting sign out and signing into his.

"How did you get my stuff?"

"I have my ways," He said smirking, "but next time you are on read your who I would like to meet. I read mine."


"I liked it," he laughed getting really close to my face.

"Alikina!" Chelsea yelled from the bunk area.

"What?" I said walking back there

"I miss him," she said not crying.

"Come hang with the guys they will make it better," I said pulling her out there.

I sat by Craig and she was by Max and Monte, and like always didn't say anything,